Points Flashcards
What are the purpose of points?
To divert or transfer a rail vehicle from one track to another
Explain the meaning of FACING?
2 options for track directions
Explain the meaning of TRAILING?
One of option of track direction
What is the purpose of track being set as NORMAL or REVERSE
To identify the directions the points are set for
Explain a set of NORMAL points?
Where the switchblade touches the running rail nearest the point plate number
Explain a set of REVERSE points?
Where there is a gap between the switchblade and the running rail nearest to the point number plate
How can you identify a direction of travel?
Follow the running rail where the gap is
Where the points are out of correspondence and cannot be detected by CCC if they are set in Normal or Reverse
Where do you find the following points?
1) Depot
2) Depot
3) Depot and Mainline
4) Mainline (heavily used areas)
What is the function of HONLYPs?
They allow the train to pass the wrong direction without damage to the wheel or points
1) What happens after a train passes a set of HONLYPs
2) what should you never do on this set points?
1) switchblade closes, returning to its original position
2) Never reverse over set a of trailing point
1) Where are WILLIAMS points found?
2) How do they function?
1) They are only found in the depot
2) points must be scotched and clipped before movement can take place. Points are moved manually with a spring loaded handle
- How do CLAMPLOCKS function?
- What happens with the following:
A) FACING (not set)
B) Trailing (not set)
Allow trains to pass in the wrong direction without damage to the wheel or points, but lock into place once swung.
They will not move if the points are not in the correct position
IF FACING (NOT SET), wrong direction and collision
IF TRAILING (NOT SET), derailment
Where are CLAMPLOCKS found?
Mainline and Depot
BED - TVA 1, 2, 3
Between Wash siding and NTVA
All Saints siding and NTVA
What are the function of SWINGNOSE? And where can you find them?
They allow the trains have a smooth ride, in heavily used areas between WIQ and HEQ
What are SCISSORS/CROSSOVER points and how do they function?
They are made of CLAMPLOCKS points and they allow trains to be routed in different directions
Where can you find Scissor/Crossover points?
Woolwich Arsenal
Custom House and Prince Regent
When crossing another set of tracks, what should (scissor/crossover)
1st set of points be?
2nd set of points be?
What are TRAP/RUN OFF points? What are their purpose?
To protect the mainline/TVA from runaway depot trains
Where are TRAP/RUN OFF points founds?
What happens if they are set in NORMAL?
How should they be set to go to the MAINLINE?
Only in the depot
The train will DERAIL
They must be set to FACING REVERSE
Specify where you can find TRAP/RUN OFF points?
What do they do at each location?
At BED at TVA 1,2,3
And here they protect the mainline by stopping the train passing the TVA
At Poplar - between the Wash sidings and NTVA and All Saints Sidings and NTVA
Here the protect the TVA
Where you can find DEPOT SIGNALS?
- At the end of berthing roads
- At intermediary points in the depots
3, on TVA facing towards the depot
Why should you have enough space near a DEPOT SIGNAL?
1) pre-service checks (BRAKE TESTS)
2) Uncoupling
What can DOT MATRIX signal show?
What do the things they show refer to?
1) They can show letters and numbers
2) They can refer to the NEXT SECTION TRACK, next SIGNAL NUMBER, the BERTHING ROAD routed to
What do PPIs do?
And what are they governed by?
They identify the status of the points
They are govern by the plate point number which can govern more than one set of points
Where you can find PPIs and depot signal in the same place?
Found at POD
Where PPIs and DEPOT SIGNALs are in the same place:
1) what indications will you see to go the depot?
2) what indications will you see to go the mainline?
1) green depot signal and red bar in PPI
2) no aspect for depot signal and arrow for PPI