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PHL 458 Week 5 Team Assignment Persuasive Communication Presentation
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PHL 458 Week 5 Team Assignment Persuasive Communication Presentation
Use the issue addressed in your previous Learning Team Activity and Assignment.
Select the most appropriate format to persuade your intended audience of the resolution to your issue. Possible formats include a political campaign, a city council proposal, an editorial article, a commercial, a radio-style podcast, a comprehensive political pamphlet, an interactive game, a website, and so forth.
Explain why you chose your format for your intended audience.
Create a presentation of your message as you would present it to your intended audience. Include the following in your presentation:
Consider possible reasons your audience might reject your ideas. Address anticipated audience objections to your proposal.
Devise strategies for persuading your audience to accept your proposal and incorporate that persuasion in your presentation of the message.
Strategically organize your material to deliver your message with the ultimate effect.
Post your Persuasive Communication Presentation in the Main forum to allow your classmates to review it.
Review the Persuasive Communication Presentation posted by your classmates.
Discuss how you and your classmates respond to different messages and how you think the intended audiences might receive each of the Learning Teams’ messages.
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PHL 458 Week 4 Individual Assignment Famous Thinkers Paper
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PHL 458 Week 4 Individual Assignment Famous Thinkers Paper
Select and read the articles about two famous thinkers in the Week Four Electronic Reserve Readings. Find additional articles in the University Library or on the Internet.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper. Include the following: Information about the thinkers’ contributions to society Each thinkers’ personal/ social/ political environments and how you think these factors contributed to their creativity The problems or issues that their ideas sought to solve A description of the solutions, and how their ideas were implemented The creative process of each thinker and a comparison of the two creative processes A critique of their ideas and what could they have done differently
Include at least four references.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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PHL 458 Week 3 Team Assignment Evaluating And Refining Resolutions Presentation
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PHL 458 Week 3 Team Assignment Evaluating and Refining Resolutions Presentation
Create an 8- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation.
Use detailed speaker notes to describe your team’s experience at each stage, and post Presentation as instructed.
Include one or two slides on each of the following:
Original issue
Initial resolutions
Critical examination of best resolution
Evaluation of the argument
Revised argument
Refined resolution with implementation plan
Final resolution
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PHL 458 Week 3 Individual Assignment Refining Solutions Visual Organizer Documents And Presentation 1 To 5
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PHL 458 Week 3 Individual Assignment Refining Solutions Visual Organizer Documents and Presentation 1 to 5
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper. Include the following: Original issue Initial solutions Critical examination of best solution Evaluation of the argument Revised argument Refined solution with implementation plan Final solution
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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PHL 458 Week 2 Individual Assignment Solve A Problem Journal
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PHL 458 Week 2 Individual Assignment Solve a Problem Journal
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you use the creative process to solve a problem with which you have experience. Include the following:
Describe each stage in the creative process using Ch. 5 of your text (Entry 1).
Search for a personal challenge. Explain how you used the techniques to develop curiosity in your search (see Ch. 6) (Entry 2).
Express the problem created by this personal challenge (see Ch. 7). Refine your expression of the problem by considering multiple perspectives and deciding which expression is best. Include both the initial and the refined version. Justify your revision (Entry 3).
Investigate the problem by obtaining necessary information (see Ch. 8). List the questions must answer to understand the problem. Identify a source of information to answer each question (Entry 4).
Conclude your investigation with a thorough explanation of the problem, including answers to each of the questions you identified (Entry 5).
Produce ideas toward solution of this problem (see Ch. 9). List all of your ideas—whether they are ridiculous or serious is not important (Entry 6).
Discuss the two ideas that you think are the most imaginative, original, and positive potential solutions to the problem.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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PHL 458 Week 1 Individual Assignment Critical Thinking And Society Presentation
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PHL 458 Week 1 Individual Assignment Critical Thinking and Society Presentation
Write 150- to 200 words on each of the following topics:
Present on each of the following topics with a slide or two/bullet:
Describe a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. This could be a personal or societal problem or issue. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations (2 slides).
Define free will, truth, knowledge, and opinion. Explain how we use them to form thoughts, and how they may bear on your problem or issue (4 slides).
Identify three hindrances to the critical/creative thinking process. Determine methods for overcoming these hindrances. Identify a hindrance in critical or creative thinking that affected you’re solution or approach to the problem or issue here. Describe a method you could use to overcome the hindrances (3 or 4 slides).
Identify a message in advertising, or a perception related to your problem/issue. Describe how you perceive the message of the advertisement (or problem/issue). Try to determine the reality. Distinguish between your perception and the reality of the message/problem (2 or 3 slides).
Format PowerPoint Presentation is preferred, with Slides & Speaker Notes, a Title/Introduction Slide, and Conclusion Slide. Be sure to use a variety of illustrations, and try to be creative!
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PHL 458 Week 5 IQ
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PHL 458 Week 5 IQ
Most of us do not think about our legacy in our twenties or thirties or forties. Somewhere in our fifties, or at midlife, we begin to wonder what our legacy will be to our kids, our family, our community and workers, and our world. Legacy can be defined as “”.
Our use of what we have learned in this course, critical and creative thinking skills and methods, does have something to do with our legacy.
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PHL 458 WEEK 4 DQ 2
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PHL 458 WEEK 4 DQ 2
What is the nature of the strategy you selected (define and describe it)?
Give one good example of the application of this strategy to a problem or issue you have selected for this exercise…
Comment on when and in what kinds of situations, this strategy might be employed…
Analyze this strategy in terms of its “creative or critical power”…
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PHL 458 WEEK 4 DQ 1
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PHL 458 WEEK 4 DQ 1
How did your person refine his or her solution?
How did he or she recognize and overcome difficulties and opposition to this solution?
Respond to one of the following: How did the discovery or revolution your person brought into being relate to the creative process; how was his or her contribution communicated to society? Or what strategies of persuasion were used?
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PHL 458 Week 3 DQ 3
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PHL 458 Week 3 DQ 3
Share the Application you selected. If you think it is a complex argument, identify the parts, and state whether you think there is a hidden premise implied.
Evaluate the argument and decide whether you think it is sound or not. Explain…
Select ONE of the errors discussed in this chapter that you observe most in persuasive situations. How do you react to it when you confront it?
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PHL 458 Week 3 DQ 2
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PHL 458 Week 3 DQ 2
State the problem concisely, using enough detail as you feel is needed, but changing names or places if necessary to keep confidences.
Apply the three major problem solving steps covered in this chapter, aiming to propose a solution to you problem, that logically follows the steps used.
How would you evaluate the effectiveness of the solution you are proposing?
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PHL 458 Week 3 DQ 1
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PHL 458 Week 3 DQ 1
Was it easy or difficult to come up with your list? What in your opinion are the most important items on that list?
Which on the list of Duke Rohe’s “Ten Assumptions” (or Snipets) did you think was most significant and why (American Creativity Association, 2011)?
What suggestions are made in our text that would be in keeping with Marshall McLuhan’s warning (feel free to add your own ideas here)?
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PHL 458 Week 2 DQ 3
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PHL 458 Week 2 DQ 3
Describe the brainstorm strategy that you used to generate possible approaches or solutions to the problem.
Which of the investigative means do you think would be most effective in examining this issue (eyewitness testimony, unpublished or published report, expert opinion, experiment, statistics, a survey, observational study, research review, or personal experience- see the text for a discussion of each of these)? Select at least two in your response.
Share what you believe is your most original approach on the issue, and how you came to your conclusion…
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PHL 458 Week 2 DQ 2
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PHL 458 Week 2 DQ 2
Describe some strategies employed by your famous thinker to activate his or her imagination, such as uncommon responses, free association, analogy, unusual combinations, visualization, pro and con arguments, and relevant scenarios.
Analyze the effect that this famous thinker’s creativity has had on society and culture.
How might this be used or implemented in your problem-solving?
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PHL 458 Week 2 DQ 1
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PHL 458 Week 2 DQ 1
What do you learn about the Creative Process, generalizing from these three inventions? And how might this observation motivate you as a creative thinker?
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PHL 458 WEEK 1 DQ 3
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PHL 458 WEEK 1 DQ 3
Which of these habits do you observe most in other people in your daily life, and how does it impact you?
If you had to identify and deal with one of these habits in yourself, which would you target? How do you think this affects other people?
How might perception differ from reality in either case?
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PHL 458 WEEK 1 DQ 2
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PHL 458 WEEK 1 DQ 2
Identify the important moral questions in your case.
Judge the morality or ethics of the action that was taken, or proposed (explain your thinking or reasoning carefully).
React to our author’s view of truth.
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PHL 458 WEEK 1 DQ 1
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PHL 458 WEEK 1 DQ 1
Describe the production and judgment phases that you discern in Carlson’s invention.
What obstacles or hindrances did Carlson encounter as he creatively and critically worked on his new idea?
Citing a recent problem you have solved (or issue you tackled), briefly describe these two phases of thinking in your problem-solving.
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PHL 458 Complete Course
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PHL 458 Complete Course
PHL 458 WEEK 1 DQ 1
PHL 458 WEEK 1 DQ 2
PHL 458 WEEK 1 DQ 3
PHL 458 Week 1 Individual Assignment Critical Thinking and Society Presentation
PHL 458 Week 2 DQ 1
PHL 458 Week 2 DQ 2
PHL 458 Week 2 DQ 3
PHL 458 Week 2 Individual Assignment Solve a Problem Journal
PHL 458 Week 3 DQ 1
PHL 458 Week 3 DQ 2
PHL 458 Week 3 DQ 3
PHL 458 Week 3 Individual Assignment Refining Solutions Visual Organizer Documents and Presentation 1 to 5
PHL 458 Week 3 Team Assignment Evaluating and Refining Resolutions Presentation
PHL 458 Week 4 Individual Assignment Famous Thinkers Paper
PHL 458 WEEK 4 DQ 1
PHL 458 WEEK 4 DQ 2
PHL 458 Week 5 IQ
PHL 458 Week 5 Team Assignment Persuasive Communication Presentation
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