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AED 222 Week 9 Final Project Student Profile
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AED 222 Week 9 Final Project Student Profile
Resources: Appendixes A, B, and C
Create a profile of a student for a mock-IEP meeting that will convene to help identify exceptionality in that student. In this scenario, you are an aide in the child’s homeroom class and will present the following information at the meeting:
A detailed description of the student, including observed conduct at school and reported conduct at home
The strengths, interests, needed areas of improvement, and special needs of the student
A definition of the perceived exceptionality and its prevalence
The specific reasons for this classification of the student
The best educational practices, including assistive technology, behavior management, and accommodations used in the classroom to address the needs of the student
Note: You may choose to combine more than one exceptionality in the student profile.
Compile the information into a 1,050- to 1,400-word report for presentation at an IEP meeting.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines, including in-text citations and a reference page.
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AED 222 Week 9 Capstone Checkpoint
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AED 222 Week 9 Capstone Checkpoint
Write a 200- to 300-word Use the information you gathered throughout the course to distinguish what you think is the greatest strength and the greatest weakness of the current special educational system in America.
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AED 222 Week 8 DQ 2
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AED 222 Week 8 DQ 2
Post your response to the following: In the following scenarios, determine which level of behavior management is addressed and describe the factors involved that led you to these conclusions
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AED 222 Week 8 DQ 1
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AED 222 Week 8 DQ 1
Post the highlighted portions of the Appendix C matrix. (Be sure you only post the highlighted portions to avoid revealing the exceptionality you are addressing in your profile to your classmates.)
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AED 222 Week 8 CheckPoint Blooms Taxonomy Within A Planning Pyramid
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AED 222 Week 8 CheckPoint Blooms Taxonomy Within a Planning Pyramid
Resource: Ch. 5 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction
Identify, using the planning pyramid on p. 115 of Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction, which goals in the boxes on the left side of the form (in Figure 5.1 on p. 113) contain a verb from Bloom’s taxonomy.
Assign a verb to each of the others to clarify each goal.
Locate additional resources as references, if needed.
Read pp. 115-121 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction.
Explain, in 200 to 300 words, how the adaptations included in the middle section on the right-hand side of the planning form (on p. 115) relate to any of the following systematic teaching strategies:
· Instructional grouping
· Content presentation
· Provided practice
· Progress monitoring
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AED 222 Week 7 Individual Assignment Channeling Students Into Special Services
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AED 222 Week 7 Individual Assignment Channeling Students into Special Services
Resource: Ch. 4 (pp. 93-105) in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction
Read pp. 93-105 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction before reading Can You Help Me with This Student? on p. 99. At the end of the initial evaluation, assume that Jeffrey will need special services when he enters school.
Describe in 350 to 700 words which processes and procedures would be followed after the identification and how services would be planned.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines, including in-text citations and a reference page if additional resources are used.
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AED 222 Week 7 Exercise Creating A Student Profile For A Mock Case Study Appendix C
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AED 222 Week 7 Exercise Creating a Student Profile for a Mock Case Study Appendix C
Resources: Appendix B, Appendix C, and the All Kinds of Minds Case Studies
Complete Appendix C to begin the first step of the Final Project, using the information you compiled in Appendix B. This exercise consists of creating a profile for a special needs student. Specific information requirements are listed in Appendix C.
Refer to the All Kinds of Minds Case Studies at for examples.
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AED 222 Week 7 CheckPoint IEP
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AED 222 Week 7 CheckPoint IEP
Resource: IEP video
Watch the IEP video at
Explain, in 200 to 300 words, who is present at Star’s IEP and the role each plays. Also, determine who else might be involved and why?
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AED 222 Week 6 DQ 2
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AED 222 Week 6 DQ 2
Post your response to the following: After completing Reflective Exercise 4 found on p. 415 of Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction, how much influence do you think IQ test scores should have in determining giftedness? What other factors should be part of the classification system?
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AED 222 Week 6 DQ 1
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AED 222 Week 6 DQ 1
Post your response to the following: After comparing Renzulli’s three ring conception of giftedness to the Marland definition on pp. 412-413 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction, which model do you think has greater significance for educators and why?
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AED 222 Week 6 CheckPoint Channeling Students Into A Gifted Program
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AED 222 Week 6 CheckPoint Channeling Students into a Gifted Program
Resources: Ch. 15 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction and Acceleration Program Options
Refer to Acceleration Program Options at and pp. 419-425 of Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction.
Develop a protocol for channeling students into a gifted program. In 200 to 300 words, include the following:
Early interventions that might be used
Information about how students can be referred to or identified for the program
Which interventions the program offers
What students will experience within those programs.
Cite any additional resources used in APA format.
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AED 222 Week 5 Individual Assignment Supports For TBI Physical Disabilities And Health Impairments
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AED 222 Week 5 Individual Assignment Supports for TBI Physical Disabilities and Health Impairments
Resources: Ch. 13 & 14 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction
Refer to Ch. 13 & 14 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction.
Research two devices and associated teaching practices that can aid students with sensory impairments in the classroom. One of the devices should assist with hearing impairments and one with visual impairments. Some examples include the following: hearing aids, computer assisted real-time transcription (CART), video magnifiers/closed-circuit televisions (CCTV), Braille embossers, and alternate format materials.
Explain the following for each device in a total of 350 to 500 words:
How is the assistive device used in the classroom to help students with sensory impairments reach their full academic potential?
What type of student benefits from using the device? Include information about the characteristics and classification of the student.
How much additional information absorption can be expected with use of the device?
How can effective practices, used in conjunction with the device, provide added benefits? Be specific.
Cite any additional resources used in APA format.
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AED 222 Week 4 DQ 2
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AED 222 Week 4 DQ 2
Post your response to the following: After watching both the Who Is George? and the Communication Disorders—George’s Support video clips at do you think that George’s communication disorder is a speech or language disorder, or a combination of both? Differentiate between them and support your answer with information from the text
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AED 222 Week 5 CheckPoint Devices And Practices For Sensory Impairments
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AED 222 Week 5 CheckPoint Devices and Practices for Sensory Impairments
Resource: Ch. 13 and 14 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction
Read about the special supports on pp. 401-403 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction that have been designed to help students with medical and physical conditions in the classroom.
Research several available supports.
Create a 5- to 7-slide PowerPoint® presentation that portrays information about three specific supports: one that might benefit a child with TBI, one for a physical disability, and one for health impairment. Be sure to include the following information:
A definition of each impairment
A detailed description of each support
A description of how each support could be used
At least one APA-formatted reference for each support
Post your assignment as an attachment. At the beginning of Week Six, your instructor will post a thread that will allow you to share your PowerPoint® presentation as an attachment with your classmates.
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AED 222 Week 4 DQ 1
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AED 222 Week 4 DQ 1
Post your response to the following: After watching both the Reading and Writing and the Social Skills video clips at what characteristics of ASD do Ayah and Ally display? Under which classifications of ASD might the girls be identified? How do the teachers respond to each child? Why?
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AED 222 Week 4 CheckPoint The Life Of A Special Education Teacher
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AED 222 Week 4 CheckPoint The Life of a Special Education Teacher
Resources: pp. 321-322 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction and the Students to Students: Classroom Application – Severe and Sensory video
Watch the Students to Students: Classroom Application Severe and Sensory video at and review My Profession, My Story: Pat Mims on pp. 321-322.
Explain in a 200 to 300 word response the different ways that the reading and video portrayed special education teachers interacting with severely disabled students and classify the types of intellectual disabilities that these teachers may encounter in their work.
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AED 222 Week 3 CheckPoint Classifying Emotional And Behavioral Disabilities And Attention Deficit Disorders
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AED 222 Week 3 CheckPoint Classifying Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorders
Resources: Ch. 7 & 9 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction, Does My Child Have an Emotional or Behavioral Disorder?, and Classifying EBD and ADHD at
Complete the multimedia activity, Classifying EBD and ADHD, which demonstrates the many considerations involved with identifying emotional and behavioral disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders.
Take a screen shot of your notes from the Classifying EBD and ADHD activity from your computer screen and paste it into the body of a new Microsoft® Word document.
To do this, complete the following instructions:
Press the Print Screen or Prt Scr key on the upper-right hand corner of your keyboard.
Open a new Word document.
Press Ctrl V. Your screen shot should paste directly into the body of your document.
Explain the following in a 200- to 300-word response, using Ch. 7 & 9 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction, Does My Child Have an Emotional or Behavioral Disorder? at, and the notes you made during the multimedia activity as references:
What difficulties did you experienced with classifying each of the students?
What thought processes allowed you to come to your conclusions?
Why do you feel that EBD and ADHD might be difficult to define and identify?
Cite any additional resources used in APA format.
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AED 222 Week 3 Individual Assignment The Controversy Of Medication
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AED 222 Week 3 Individual Assignment The Controversy of Medication
Resources: Ch. 7 & 9 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction and Medicating Kids videos Watch the Medicating Kids videos at
Determine the benefits of the medications and the concerns associated with treating EBD and ADHD with medication using the Medicating Kids videos and Ch. 7 & 9 of Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction as references.
Write a 350- to 700-word paper that includes the following:
· Your personal opinion about the highly controversial topic of medicating children for EBD or ADHD
· Supporting facts and data
· Possible alternate treatments
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
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AED 222 Week 2 DQ 2
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AED 222 Week 2 DQ 2
Post your response to the following: After reading Can You Help Me with This Student? on p. 222, why do you think Ms. Hodges is apprehensive about Ernest being in her classroom? Which educational practices that she is already implementing in her classroom do you recognize as effective, and how would they benefit students like Ernest? Why?
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AED 222 Week 2 DQ 1
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AED 222 Week 2 DQ 1
Post your response to the following: After reading Can You Help Me with This Student? on pp. 156-157, how could you, as Juan’s teacher, provide him emotional and instructional support?
Consider the following before responding: Have you ever experienced a lack of success despite how much effort you put into succeeding? Do you think you would have benefited from receiving emotional support during the ordeal? Do you remember seeking comfort or help?
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AED 222 Week 2 CheckPoint Final Project Matrix Appendix B
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AED 222 Week 2 CheckPoint Final Project Matrix Appendix B
Resources: Ch. 6 & 8 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction and Appendix B
Refer to Ch. 6 and 8 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction.
Record the following information regarding learning disabilities and mild intellectual disabilities in the appropriate sections of the matrix in Appendix B:
· Definition of the exceptionality
· Classification criteria and characteristics
· Prevalence
· Associated educational practices
· Any additional relevant information
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AED 222 Week 1 Checkpoint IDEA 2004
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AED 222 Week 1 Individual Assignment Special Education and the Principles of NCLB
Resource: Ch. 2 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction
Refer to Ch. 2 (pp. 42-45) in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction.
Identify how each of the five core principles of NCLB strong accountability, expanded flexibility and control, methods based on scientific research, expanded options for parents, and highly qualified teachers might affect diverse learners, both positively and negatively.
Write a 350- to 700-word paper, addressing the potential pros and cons of each principle.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines, including in-text citations and a reference page if additional resources are used.
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AED 222 Week 1 Individual Assignment Special Education And The Principles Of NCLB
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AED 222 Week 1 Checkpoint IDEA 2004
Resources: Ms. Green Elementary: Professionalism—IDEA video and Ch. 2 (pp. 34-42 and 45-46) in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction
Watch the Ms. Green Elementary: Professionalism—IDEA video at Please note: The video may take a few moments to download.
Refer to pp. 34-42 and 45-46 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction.
Think about what IDEA 2004 has accomplished since it was enacted in 1975.
Determine the following, explaining your answers in 200 to 300 words and citing any additional resources used in APA format:
· Has the law satisfied its purpose?
· In what ways does it affect diverse learners?
· How does Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act contrast with IDEA 2004?
· Is there room for improvement?
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AED 222 Complete Course
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AED 222 Complete Course
AED 222 Week 1 Checkpoint IDEA 2004
AED 222 Week 1 Individual Assignment Special Education and the Principles of NCLB
AED 222 Week 2 DQ 1
AED 222 Week 2 DQ 2
AED 222 Week 2 CheckPoint Final Project Matrix Appendix B
AED 222 Week 3 CheckPoint Classifying Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorders
AED 222 Week 3 Individual Assignment The Controversy of Medication
AED 222 Week 4 DQ 1
AED 222 Week 4 DQ 2
AED 222 Week 4 CheckPoint The Life of a Special Education Teacher
AED 222 Week 5 CheckPoint Devices and Practices for Sensory Impairments
AED 222 Week 5 Individual Assignment Supports for TBI Physical Disabilities and Health Impairments
AED 222 Week 6 DQ 1
AED 222 Week 6 DQ 2
AED 222 Week 6 CheckPoint Channeling Students into a Gifted Program
AED 222 Week 7 CheckPoint IEP
AED 222 Week 7 Exercise Creating a Student Profile for a Mock Case Study Appendix C
AED 222 Week 7 Individual Assignment Channeling Students into Special Services
AED 222 Week 8 DQ 1
AED 222 Week 8 DQ 2
AED 222 Week 8 CheckPoint Blooms Taxonomy Within a Planning Pyramid
AED 222 Week 9 Capstone Checkpoint
AED 222 Week 9 Final Project Student Profile
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