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BSHS 322 Week 5 Learning Team Report On A Technique For Creating Behavior Change In A Client
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Submit Learning Team Report on a Technique for Creating Behavior Change in a Client or Staff Person to the Learning Team Forum on Day 7/Monday.
The final paper which should be between 4 – 7 pages would include a thorough description of the technique, a review of research addressing the technique, how you would use the technique, it’s pros and cons, and how you apply this technique in a real situation.
This report needs to include at least 3 references and be in APA format.
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BSHS 322 Week 5 Individual Assignment Text Exercises And Journal Entries
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BSHS 322 Week 5 Individual Assignment Text Exercises and Journal Entries
Complete the following exercises in Interviewing in Action, using your journal: 10.1, 10.3.
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BSHS 322 Week 5 Individual Assignment Human Service Manager Exercise Paper Reinforce, Refer, Release
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BSHS 322 Week 5 Individual Assignment Human Service Manager Exercise Paper Reinforce, Refer, Release
Review Chapters 10, 11, and 12.
Many of the communication and interviewing skills that we have been studying for clients are applicable for Human Service Managers. Clinicians have to determine when clients might need further treatment and support, when they may need an outside referral for other expertise to achieve the treatment goals, or when they have reached the end of their relationship with a clinician. Similarly, human service staff sometimes need help from a human service manager to continue to grow and have their skills reinforced, they may need outside referrals to address areas of concern or for professional development, or situations may arise that require the staff member to resign or be released/terminated.
Consider how this ‘client based’ information may have relevance to working as a human service manager with staff who may have interpersonal and work related issues that a manager might have to address.
Review the UOP Material ‘Human Service Manager Exercise Reinforce, Refer, and Release’ Paper and the three hypothetical staff histories/situations from the fictitious ‘Family Support Services Center’. These are located at the end of the syllabus.
Determine which recommendation and strategies for each staff Case Study situation:
1) ‘Reinforce’, which may include additional supervisory support, staff development, and increased responsibilities;
2) ‘Refer’, which may include additional supervisory support and monitoring, re-training, a corrective plan of assistance, and/or a referral for outside assistance; or
3) ‘Release’, which may include legal and ethical considerations, instituting a corrective plan of assistance, possible probation, or termination. Include which of these actions you would recommend for each of the cases and why.
Describe some of the communication and interviewing skills that would be important in each of these situations. What issues and dynamics are present? What self-disclosure will be necessary to elicit from the staff person, and what boundary issues need to be addressed? What behaviors need to be discussed, assessed, and changed? What goal setting, contracting, and evaluation needs to occur? What ending and transition issues are present in each of these case studies?
Write a 4-7 page APA format paper that would hypothetically provide a rationale and explanation for your decisions based on your readings and other information and address any of the seven tasks of endings and transitions found on pages 282-289 of the text that are relevant to your decision for each case. Include at least three citations other then the text to support your conclusions.
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BSHS 322 Week 5 DQ 2
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BSHS 322 Week 5 DQ 2
What do you find hard about endings? What do you like about them?
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BSHS 322 Week 5 DQ 1
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BSHS 322 Week 5 DQ 1
How do you deal with unwanted personal questions in a professional relationship? In a personal relationship?
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BSHS 322 Week 4 Individual Assignment Text Exercises And Journal Entries
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BSHS 322 Week 4 Individual Assignment Text Exercises and Journal Entries
Complete the following exercises in Interviewing in Action, using your journal: 10.1, 10.3.
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BSHS 322 Week 4 DQ 2
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BSHS 322 Week 4 DQ 2
What are your self-care strategies in times of stress?
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BSHS 322 Week 4 DQ 1
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BSHS 322 Week 4 DQ 1
Does changing one’s perceptions change one’s behaviors, or vice versa?
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BSHS 322 Week 3 Individual Assignment Text Exercises Journal Entries
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BSHS 322 Week 3 Individual Assignment Text Exercises Journal Entries
Complete the following exercises in Interviewing in Action, using your Journal for all exercises: 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3. Think about how the readings and text exercises might have applicability not only to working directly with clients but also in a human services management capacity.
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BSHS 322 Week 3 DQ 2
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BSHS 322 Week 3 DQ 2
What kinds of guidelines does an interviewer need to conduct a competent staff assessment?
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BSHS 322 Week 3 Individual Assignment Hypothetical Working Agreement Paper
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BSHS 322 Week 3 Individual Assignment Hypothetical Working Agreement Paper
Refer to Chapter 6, Exercise 6.2: ‘Partializing’ (pages 144-145) Chose one of the scenarios: Freydia, Thomas, or Rad.
Using the scenario you chose, create a hypothetical working agreement using as reference materials in Chapter 6, Box 6.1 Sample Assessment Outline, Exercise 6.3 Prioritizing, Exercise 6.4 Contracting, and Exercise 6.5 Evaluation. State the purpose and key elements of each part of the working agreement (Assessment, Goal Setting, Contracting, and Evaluation). Describe how you would utilize these elements in your chosen scenario.
Summarize the four parts of your ‘Hypothetical Working Agreement’ and their application to the chosen scenario in a 4-7 page paper written in APA format.
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BSHS 322 Week 3 DQ 1
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BSHS 322 Week 3 DQ 1
Describe an open question and a closed question and identify the uses of each.
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BSHS 322 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Report On A Technique For Creating Behavior Change In A Client
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BSHS 322 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Report on a Technique for Creating Behavior Change in a Client
The one page proposal due in Week 2, should propose the behavior change technique that you want to write about, a brief description of the technique and why you want to write about that technique. You could also include your teams plan for accomplishing the paper due in week five.
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BSHS 322 Week 2 Individual Assignment My Beliefs Values And Clinical Gestalt With Individual And Systems Paper
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BSHS 322 Week 2 Individual Assignment ‘My Beliefs, Values, and Clinical Gestalt with Individual’s and Systems’ Paper
Review your text exercises and journal entries from week one and two. In particular review Exercises 1.4 (‘Your Values and Beliefs’), 2.5 (‘Your Clinical Gestalt), 3.11 (‘Immediate and Larger Systems Contexts’), 4.3 (‘Clients I Might Find Hard to Accept’), and 4.4 (‘Clinical Repose’).
In your paper, revisit your responses and address the text exercises in 4.3 ‘Clients I Might Find Hard to Accept’, and 4.4 ‘Clinical Repose’ from a Human Services Management Perspective. What types of clients and/or human service staff might your find hard to accept? (4.3). What would be your ‘Human Service Management’ Repose? (4.4). Include some of these observations in your paper. This paper may be presented in first person voice.
The paper should address what you are learning about your personal and professional assumptions about clinical helping and their relationship to your own beliefs, values, past experiences, familiar and cultural background, the larger societal and systems contexts of your life, and the types of clients you may have to work with. Add any insights you have gained about the strengths you have and any areas that you have determined will need to be worked on further.
Write a paper of at least 1050-1400 words in APA format with at least three reference citations (one can be the text.) Submit this paper on Day 7/Monday of Week Two. This paper may be written in first person voice.
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BSHS 322 Week 2 Individual Assignment Text Exercises And Journal Entries
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BSHS 322 Week 2 Individual Assignment Text Exercises and Journal Entries
Complete the following exercises in Interviewing in Action, using your Journal for all exercises: 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3. Think about how the readings and text exercises might have applicability not only to working directly with clients but also in a human services management capacity.
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BSHS 322 Week 2 DQ 2
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BSHS 322 Week 2 DQ 2
What is unconditional positive regard? How is unconditional positive regard relevant and useful when working with others?
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BSHS 322 Week 2 DQ 1
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BSHS 322 Week 2 DQ 1
What constitutes effective nonverbal behavior? Ineffective behavior?
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BSHS 322 Week 1 Individual Assignment Text Exercises And Journal Entries
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BSHS 322 Week 1 Individual Assignment Text Exercises and Journal Entries
Complete the following Text exercises in Interviewing in Action, using your Journal for all exercises: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, and 2.10.
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BSHS 322 Week 1 DQ 2
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BSHS 322 Week 1 DQ 2
How do you create trust and respect in communication with clients and staff?
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BSHS 322 Week 1 DQ 1
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BSHS 322 Week 1 DQ 1
What is a person-centered approach to communication?
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BSHS 322 Complete Course
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BSHS 322 Complete Course
BSHS 322 Week 1 DQ 1
BSHS 322 Week 1 DQ 2
BSHS 322 Week 1 Individual Assignment Text Exercises and Journal Entries
BSHS 322 Week 2 DQ 1
BSHS 322 Week 2 DQ 2
BSHS 322 Week 2 Individual Assignment Text Exercises and Journal Entries
BSHS 322 Week 2 Individual Assignment ‘My Beliefs, Values, and Clinical Gestalt with Individual’s and Systems’ Paper
BSHS 322 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Report on a Technique for Creating Behavior Change in a Client
BSHS 322 Week 3 DQ 1
BSHS 322 Week 3 DQ 2
BSHS 322 Week 3 Individual Assignment Hypothetical Working Agreement Paper
BSHS 322 Week 3 Individual Assignment Text Exercises Journal Entries
BSHS 322 Week 4 DQ 1
BSHS 322 Week 4 DQ 2
BSHS 322 Week 4 Individual Assignment Text Exercises and Journal Entries
BSHS 322 Week 5 DQ 1
BSHS 322 Week 5 DQ 2
BSHS 322 Week 5 Individual Assignment Human Service Manager Exercise Paper Reinforce, Refer, Release
BSHS 322 Week 5 Individual Assignment Text Exercises and Journal Entries
BSHS 322 Week 5 Learning Team Report on a Technique for Creating Behavior Change in a Client
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