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COM 150 Week 9 Final Project Expository Essay Cosmetic Surgery
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Resources: Appendix A and Appendix I
Use Appendix I to proofread your final draft. If you cannot answer yes to an item in the Proofreading Checklist, revise your paper accordingly.
Construct an expository essay, 1,500 to 1,750 words in length, formatted according to Axia style guidelines.
Include the following elements:
· A title page
· An introduction and a thesis statement
· A body with supporting evidence and in-text citations
· A conclusion
· A reference list with at least two online sources
· A completed peer-review form
Review Appendix A to ensure you have completed every step required for the final project.
Post your final paper and the Peer Review Checklist a classmate completed for your essay as attachments.
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COM 150 Week 9 Checkpoint Capstone DQs
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Which part of the writing process was easiest for you? Which part was the most difficult? What did you learn from your writing experience during this class? In what ways have you learned to write more critically? How will this knowledge assist you with your education or in your workplace?
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COM 150 Week 9 CheckPoint Appendix H Comprehensive Grammar
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Resources: Appendix H, A Pocket Style Manual,
Grammar Exercise and Grammar Exercise
Use Appendix H to record your answers to the Comprehensive Grammar CheckPoint, located on your aXcess page.
Post Appendix H as an attachment.
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COM 150 Week 8 Peer Review For Stephanie
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COM 150 Week 8 Individual Assignment Incorporating Feedback
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Resources: Revising, Peer Reviewing, and Proofreading, the Constructive Feedback
Tutorial, and the Axia College Writing Resources Web Site
Review One Student’s Revising and Editing Process at at the Axia College Writing Resources Web site.
Address the following: What feedback did you receive from your instructor? From the peer reviewer? From the Center for Writing Excellence? Explain how you will incorporate the feedback into your paper. How will this feedback improve your expository essay?
What feedback did you choose not to include? Explain your answers.
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COM 150 Week 8 Formatting Academic Papers Crossword Puzzle
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Resources: Axia College’s Writing Style Handbook and the Axia College Writing Resources Web Site
Review the Ch. 1 of Axia College’s Writing Style Handbook and Documenting Sources at or at the Axia College Writing Resources Web site.
Access the Formatting Academic Papers Crossword Puzzle at
Complete the puzzle using the clues provided.
Send a screenshot of the completed puzzle to your instructor.
Taking a screenshot on a computer using Windows
Press Alt + Print Screen on your computer keyboard to create a screenshot.
Some laptops may require Alt + Fn + Print Screen, as space is limited and multiple functions may be assigned to each key (key location varies based upon the manufacturer and model).
Open a blank Microsoft® Word document.
Press Ctrl + V on your computer keyboard to paste the screenshot into the Word document.
Save the Word document.
Taking a screenshot on a Macintosh-based computer
Press Command + Control + Shift + 3 on your computer keyboard to create a screenshot.
Open a blank Microsoft® Word document.
Press Command + V on your computer keyboard to paste the screenshot into the Word document.
Save the Word document.
Post the Word document to your Individual forum as an attachment.
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COM 150 Week 8 Checkpoint Appendix G Peer Review Of Expository Essay
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Resource: Appendix G, the Constructive Feedback Tutorial, Revising, Peer Reviewing, and Proofreading and One Student’s Revising and Editing Process
Review One Student’s Revising and Editing Process at at the Axia College Writing Resources Web Site.
Complete the Constructive Feedback Tutorial on the aXcess page.
Perform a peer review of a classmate’s expository essay, which your instructor will place in your Individual forum on Day 1. Fill in each block of the Peer Review Checklist.
Post the completed Peer Review Checklist in your Individual forum as an attachment.
Retain the Peer Review Checklist you receive from your reviewer to submit with your final paper.
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COM 150 Week 7 DQ 2
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Select one of the essays from the Examples of Effective Conclusions section in Effective Introductions and Conclusions. Which article did you choose? What kind of conclusion does the writer use? What is the impact of that kind of conclusion in this essay?
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COM 150 Week 7 DQ 1
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Select one of the essays from the Examples of Effective Introductions section in Effective Introductions and Conclusions. Which article did you choose? What type of introduction does the writer use? What is the impact of that kind of introduction in this essay?
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COM 150 Week 7 Checkpoint Introductions And Conclusions Rough Draft
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Resources: Appendix B, Effective Introductions and Conclusions, Appendix F, and the Center for Writing Excellence
Generate an introduction and conclusion for your expository essay.
Add the introduction and conclusion to the body paragraphs of your essay. (Although the instructor will provide feedback on only your introduction and conclusion, he or she needs to see how all the parts of your essay fit together.)
Review Appendix F for instructions for submitting a paper to the Center for Writing Excellence and the Plagiarism Checker.
Submit a copy of your essay to the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) for a review.
Use the Plagiarism Checker at the CWE to verify that you have used appropriate documentation in your essay.
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COM 150 Week 6 Individual Assignment Body Paragraphs
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COM 150 Week 6 Appendix E To Create A Working References List
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COM 150 Week 6 Appendix D To Create A Topic Outline For Your Expository Essay
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COM 150 Week 5 DQ 2
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What is your thesis? How do you plan to support this thesis? Review the concept of fallacies you learned in a previous course. Suggest ways to avoid fallacies in your thesis for your expository essay.
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COM 150 Week 5 DQ 1
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Select one of the following topics:
- America’s top corporations are successful for a variety of reasons.
- Scientists have discovered human remains thought to be more than 2 million years older than Lucy, a skeleton found in Ethiopia.
- A healthful diet and regular exercise will not only improve health but also lower health care costs.
Answer the following regarding the topic you chose: What kinds of supporting paragraphs (examples, details, definitions, analysis, division and classification, process analysis, comparison-contrast, cause-effect, argument) are appropriate to support this topic? Explain your answer.
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COM 150 Week 5 Checkpoint Thesis Statement
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CheckPoint: Thesis Statement
You must create a thesis statement for every academic paper you write. Often appearing at the end of the introduction, the thesis statement informs readers in a concise manner of your intention in writing the paper. The thesis consists of one declarative sentence that summarizes the main idea of your essay in 25 words or fewer.
Resources: Thesis Statements, the Axia College Writing Resources Web Site, and the Thesis Generator
Use the Thesis Generator at to help you draft and refine your thesis statement.
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COM 150 Week 4 Individual Assignment Documenting Sources
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Resources: Appendix B, Appendix C, A Pocket Style Manual and the Center for Writing Excellence
Identify the topic and three subtopics for your expository essay.
Provide three credible sources from the Internet for your expository essay and cite the sources in APA format.
Address the following question: Which sub point or sub points on your mind map do these sources support? Explain your answer.
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COM 150 Week 4 Checkpoint Brainstorming Questions
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CheckPoint: Brainstorming Questions
In traditional brainstorming, individuals or groups of people compile ideas on a topic but do not evaluate or organize the ideas presented. In contrast, mind-mapping—also called concept mapping—visually places thoughts into categories.
Resources: Appendix C, Steps in the Writing Process, and Brainstorming Techniques
Use either the circular or linear map template in Appendix C to organize your ideas for your expository essay topic.
Address the following questions: Are you able to narrow your topic to a single spoke or to a sub header of a spoke on the map? How does mind-mapping prepare you for outlining?
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COM 150 Week 4 Appendix Brainstorming Technologies
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COM 150 Week 3 DQ 2
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What Web sites do you normally frequent? Are these Web sites credible? When is credibility more important, and when is it less important? Support your answers with specific examples. What questions might you ask in order to determine the credibility of online sources?
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COM 150 Week 3 DQ 1
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What is your expository essay topic? Why did you select this topic? Why is this topic important for your audience?
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COM 150 Week 3 Checkpoint Appendix B Evaluating Sources
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CheckPoint: Evaluating Sources The Internet contains a wealth of information on every imaginable topic. Some Web sites, however, contain information that is not reliable. Other sites may be reliable but contain information that is not appropriate for college-level research. Before you use a source for college papers, perform an evaluation regarding the site’s purpose, affiliations, author’s credentials, and so on.
Resources: Appendix B, the Axia College Writing Resources Web Site, and A Pocket Style Manual
Read pp. 108-111 in the Research section of A Pocket Style Manual.
Review How to Search the Web at
htt:// and How to Evaluate
Sources at at the Writing
Resources Web Site
Locate a Web site that contains information you might be able to use for your expository essay.
Evaluate the Web site by answering the questions in Appendix B.
Post Appendix B as an attachment.
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COM 150 Week 2 Individual Assignment Characteristics Of Expository Essays
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Assignment: Characteristics of Expository Essays
Resources: Characteristics of Expository Essays, The Art of Cookery Web site, About Web site, and the Fishing Florida Online Magazine Web site
Read two of the following essays:
Address the following points about the two essays you read:
- What characteristics make these essays expository?
- Identify the type of organization each author used to develop the essay (topic, time order, space order, or informative process).
- Why do you think each author chose that type of organization for his or her essay? In what ways does this organizational choice make the essay effective? What effect could the author have achieved with another type of organization or another type of expository essay?
- In what ways are these expository essays alike? In what ways are they different?
Explain your answers.
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COM 150 Week 2 Checkpoint The Writing Process
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CheckPoint: The Writing Process
Resource: Steps in the Writing Process
Address the following in 200 to 300 words:
- How does the writing process you read about in this class differ from the process you have used in the past?
- Which step in the writing process is easiest for you to complete? Which step is the most difficult?
- How can you overcome this obstacle to become a more effective writer?
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COM 150 Week 1 DQ 2
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In what ways are expository essays similar to business communication? In what ways are they different? What part do facts play in the expository essay? What part does opinion play? Explain your answers.
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COM 150 Week 1 DQ 1
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Fact refers to information verifiable through evidence. Opinion refers to an impression open to dispute. Go to the History Channel
Web site at Click Video at the top of the Web page; then, type Speeches into the Search All Videos bar; or copy and paste the following link into a web browser Select a speech, briefly describe the speech, and explain whether the speech is fact or opinion.
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COM 150 Week 1 Checkpoint Expository Essay Topic Cosmetic Surgery
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CheckPoint: Expository Essay Topic
Before you begin the writing process, you must select a topic that is interesting to you and your readers. Inexperienced writers sometimes make the mistake of attempting to write about a topic that is too broad. You may want to start by doing some preliminary reading about your topic and then determining how you want to approach the subject. Ask yourself the following questions: Which aspect of this topic is most interesting to me? What do I want to know more about? Chances are your readers will feel the same way.
- Resources: Appendix A and the Axia College Writing Resources Web Site
- Select a topic from Appendix A or from
- Explain how you plan to narrow your topic for the expository essay.
- Post both your topic and explanation.
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COM 150 Complete Course
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COM 150 Week 1 DQ 1
COM 150 Week 1 DQ 2
COM 150 Week 1 Checkpoint Expository Essay Topic Cosmetic Surgery
COM 150 Week 2 Checkpoint The Writing Process
COM 150 Week 2 Individual Assignment Characteristics of Expository Essays
COM 150 Week 3 DQ 1
COM 150 Week 3 DQ 2
COM 150 Week 3 Checkpoint Appendix B Evaluating Sources
COM 150 Week 4 Appendix Brainstorming Technologies
COM 150 Week 4 Checkpoint Brainstorming Questions
COM 150 Week 4 Individual Assignment Documenting Sources
COM 150 Week 5 DQ 1
COM 150 Week 5 DQ 2
COM 150 Week 5 Checkpoint Thesis Statement
COM 150 Week 6 Appendix D to Create a Topic Outline For Your Expository Essay
COM 150 Week 6 Appendix E to Create a Working References List
COM 150 Week 6 Individual Assignment Body Paragraphs
COM 150 Week 7 DQ 1
COM 150 Week 7 DQ 2
COM 150 Week 7 Checkpoint Introductions and Conclusions Rough Draft
COM 150 Week 8 Checkpoint Appendix G Peer Review of Expository Essay
COM 150 Week 8 Formatting Academic Papers Crossword Puzzle
COM 150 Week 8 Individual Assignment Incorporating Feedback
COM 150 Week 8 Peer Review for Stephanie
COM 150 Week 9 CheckPoint Appendix H Comprehensive Grammar
COM 150 Week 9 Checkpoint Capstone DQs
COM 150 Week 9 Final Project Expository Essay Cosmetic Surgery
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