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BSHS 312 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Stages Of Change Theory And Model
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Present the Learning Team Presentation on a Model or Theory of Helping in the main forum
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BSHS 312 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Report On Family Systems Tools
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BSHS 312 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Report on Family Systems Tools
Create a report on the tools based on systems theory that you believe will be helpful for yourselves and for your classmates.
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BSHS 312 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Annotated Bibliography
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BSHS 312 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Annotated Bibliography
Review the Center for Writing Excellence information on Annotated Bibliographies.
Conduct a library search for two (2) professional articles on theories of helping. Key terms could be the different theories already discussed in the class as well as those theories in weeks 3, 4, and 5.
Choose three (3) professional, peer-reviewed articles from the electronic articles from week 1 and week 2 to review.
Complete the annotated bibliographies for these five articles.
Submit a 2-3 page (700 to 1000 word) paper that discusses the following questions:
What is the purpose of an annotated bibliography? (This can be part of your introduction of the paper)
How do they help in research? (This can be part of your introduction portion of the paper)
For each article, write an annotated bibliography. Reminder that these should be in your own words and should not be the abstract from the article.
In your opinion, what are the benefits and draw-backs from using annotated bibliographies? (This could be part of your conclusion).
APA format and citations must be used. Review grading rubric before turning in the assignment.
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BSHS 312 Week 5 Individual Assignment Paper Personal Model of Helping
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Write a 1,500- to 2,400-page paper on your personal model of helping. Incorporate learning from this course and discuss how and why you have, at this point in your development, formed your viewpoints. Include:
How and why you formed this viewpoint
Your view of helping
The relationship between the clinician and the participant
Techniques or approaches to change
A coherent model that is consistent, shows adequate understanding of the material presented, and reflects the ability to integrate and synthesize the course material
The kinds of problems that can be addressed with your model
Multicultural issues
Limitations and strengths of the model
The populations this model can help
Original thinking
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BSHS 312 Week 5 DQ 2
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How might your cultural biases interfere with your effectiveness as a counselor?
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BSHS 312 Week 5 DQ 1
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How does Maslow’s hierarchy of needs relate to effective counseling?
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BSHS 312 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Paper Cognitive Interventions and Tool paper
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BSHS 312 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Paper Cognitive Interventions
Submit a 1,400- to 2,100-page paper of your findings from the Discussion on Cognitive Interventions from Week Three.
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BSHS 312 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Major Systems Theories
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Learning Team Assignment: Learning Team should prepare a PowerPoint presentation outlining the major system theories Identify systems approaches, skills and techniques used by human services workers. Post the presentation to the main forum
Presentation on a Model or Theory of Helping
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BSHS 312 Week 4 DQ 2
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Explain the positive and negative roles that rules can play in the family system.
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BSHS 312 Week 4 DQ 1
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Describe what is meant by a genogram?
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BSHS 312 Week 3 Learning Team Behavioral Cognitive Tools Beck Depression Inventory
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Submit a 1,200- to 1500-page paper of your findings on Cognitive Intervention
Choose a model or theory of helping which is not addressed in the class and get approval for the topic from the faculty member. Make sure that you have chosen a topic on which adequate research and writing is available to support your presentation.
Each Learning Team member must be involved and contribute to the development of the presentations, and each student’s part must be documented.
Include the following information in your presentation:
The history of the development of the theory;
the beliefs on which it is based;
the important contributors or practitioners of the theory;
the theory of helping;
the relationship between the helper and the client;
some techniques or approaches developed;
the kinds of problems addressed;
the populations on which the techniques are used;
multicultural issues in using these approaches; and
research findings on the model or theory.
Paper on Cognitive Interventions
Systems Theory
Begin to prepare your Systems Theory Paper.
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BSHS 312 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Presentation On Model Or Theory Of Helping
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BSHS 312 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Presentation on Model or Theory of Helping
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BSHS 312 Week 3 Individual Assignment Site Visit Report
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Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word report on your visit, detailing the information you gathered and briefly describing your reactions and feelings about the program.
Visit a site such as a women’s shelter, a halfway house, a hospital, an agency, or the human services department of a company, where behavioral or cognitive-behavioral techniques or programs are used.
Talk with human services workers or the contact person about their programs that employ behavioral or cognitive interventions or models. Some areas to explore:
What population participates in the program?
Who presents the program or interventions?
How is the effectiveness of their interventions measured?
How did they determine a need for the program?
Do they have plans for other programs or interventions which use behavioral or cognitive models and techniques?
What other models and theories are represented in their programs?
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BSHS 312 Week 3 DQ 2
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What kinds of all-or-nothing thinking have you detected in yourself? How will you stop it?
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BSHS 312 Week 3 DQ 1
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Do you agree with the necessity for autonomy as defined by the cognitive theorists? Why?
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BSHS 312 Week 2 Individual Assignment Self Management Behavior Contract
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Select a goal: something that you would like to change about yourself. Perhaps you would like to stop smoking, or to control drinking, improve study habits, manage time better or change eating or exercise habits. It is critical that your goal be measurable, attainable, positive, and significant to you.
Describe the goal as target behaviors. What specific behaviors do you want to increase or decrease?
Choose a means of monitoring your progress, such as a chart or a behavioral diary.
Write a contract that states all of the above points and specifies both internal and external consequences for actions in a realistic time frame, such as short-term rewards for adhering to the contract and a long-term reward for meeting the goals.
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BSHS 312 Week 2 DQ 2
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What is the difference between positive and negative reinforcement? In your opinion, is either effective? Why or why not?
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BSHS 312 Week 2 DQ 1
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Do you think that a therapist should be an active participant in the treatment of his or her clients? Why or why not?
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BSHS 312 Week 1 DQ 2
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How might transference and counter-transference issues manifest themselves in your work with participants? How about unconscious defenses?
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BSHS 312 Week 1 DQ 1
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Why is it important for human services workers, and the professionals they assist, to have a theoretical framework for helping and creating change?
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BSHS 312 Complete Course
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BSHS 312 Week 1 DQ 1
BSHS 312 Week 1 DQ 2
BSHS 312 Week 2 DQ 1
BSHS 312 Week 2 DQ 2
BSHS 312 Week 2 Individual Assignment Self Management Behavior Contract
BSHS 312 Week 3 DQ 1
BSHS 312 Week 3 DQ 2
BSHS 312 Week 3 Individual Assignment Site Visit Report
BSHS 312 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Presentation on Model or Theory of Helping
BSHS 312 Week 3 Learning Team Behavioral Cognitive Tools Beck Depression Inventory
BSHS 312 Week 4 DQ 1
BSHS 312 Week 4 DQ 2
BSHS 312 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Major Systems Theories
BSHS 312 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Paper Cognitive Interventions
BSHS 312 Week 5 DQ 1
BSHS 312 Week 5 DQ 2
BSHS 312 Week 5 Individual Assignment Paper Personal Model of Helping
BSHS 312 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Annotated Bibliography
BSHS 312 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Report on Family Systems Tools
BSHS 312 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Stages of Change Theory and Model
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