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FIS 260 Week 9 Final Project The Current Financial Environment
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FIS 260 Week 9 Final Project The Current Financial Environment
Research and compare the following services provided by three different commercial banks or other depository institutions: the current interest charged on a variable credit card account, the current annual percentage rate for a new car, and the current interest rate on a year fixed mortgage.
List the depository institutions and each separate rate.
Research and answer the following questions: What is the current prime rate? What is the current federal funds rate? What is the current Fed discount rate? What is the current GDP?
Discuss, in a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis of your findings, the current financial situation, and explain in detail how the federal funds rate and discount rate are related to the prime rate, and how the prime rate in turn is related to the services provided by the banks you researched. Address the following points in particular:
a. The date of the last federal funds rate increase or decrease
b. The amount of the increase or decrease
c. The rational behind the latest increase or decrease
d. The effect of the increase or decrease on the overall economy and upon you as an individual. Do not include any specific personal financial data.
Cite your sources. Post your analysis to the Assignment section as an attachment.
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FIS 260 Week 9 Capstone Checkpoint
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FIS 260 Week 9 Capstone Checkpoint
Resource: Career profiles and career opportunities in finance sections in Introduction to Institutions
Post your response to the Assignment section of the following: Each chapter of the text includes career profiles of men and women in finance, and most chapters include sections on career opportunities in finance. Using these sections, answer the following questions:
a. Of the various jobs and skill sets discussed, which to you seemed the most appealing as a possible future career? Why?
b. What level of education or training does this job require?
c. Do you think you want to pursue this career in particular?
d. Are there any other careers that seemed appealing? Why?
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FIS 260 Week 8 DQ 2
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FIS 260 Week 8 DQ 2
Why do you think it is important for a firm to choose an optimum debt to equity mix? What happens if a firm chooses a nonoptimal capital structure? Why do you think it is necessary to find the weighted average cost of capital? Explain your answers.
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FIS 260 Week 8 DQ 1
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FIS 260 Week 8 DQ 1
Why do you think capital budgeting is important for firms? What happens if a firm’s capital is not budgeted wisely? Of the four capital budgeting techniques, which do you believe is most preferable? Explain your answer.
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FIS 260 Week 8 Checkpoint Capital Budgeting
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FIS 260 Week 8 Checkpoint Capital Budgeting
What is capital budgeting? Where must firms look for beneficial capital budgeting projects? What must firms avoid when seeking capital budgeting projects? Briefly describe the five stages of the capital budgeting process. What are some capital budgeting considerations unique to multinational corporations?
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FIS 260 Week 7 Individual Assignment Risk And Diversification Appendix C
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FIS 260 Week 7 Individual Assignment Risk and Diversification Appendix C
Assignment: Risk and Diversification
Complete Appendix C.
Post your calculations and summary to the Assignments section as an attachment
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FIS 260 Week 7 Checkpoint Rates Of Return
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FIS 260 Week 7 Checkpoint Rates of Return
Answer the following questions: Explain the differences between historical and expected rates of return. What is variance and standard deviation? How are they used as measures of risk? What are states of nature and how are they used for expected measures of risk and return? What are some characteristics of an efficient market?
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FIS 260 Week 6 DQ 2
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FIS 260 Week 6 DQ 2
There is a fairly predictable chronology of stages for individual savers, which in turn influences economic cycles. Do you believe these listed stages accurately reflect your own savings timeline? What do you think would occur if the majority of the population entered a conservative savings period at the same time? A spending period at the same time? When overall savings decrease, what do you think happens to investments and the lending abilities of financial institutions?
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FIS 260 Week 6 DQ 1
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FIS 260 Week 6 DQ 1
Budgetary deficits, whether on an individual or national scale, occur when expenditures surpass revenues. Currently and for many years now, the federal government has been operating with annual budgetary deficits; the US is currently a debtor nation. Explain why this is either good or bad. If bad, suggest some plausible solutions to eradicating the budgetary deficits. Finally, link this discussion of the federal budgetary deficit with an individual’s savings-to-debt ratio.
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FIS 260 Week 6 Checkpoint The Interest Rate
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FIS 260 Week 6 Checkpoint The Interest Rate
Answer the following questions regarding interest rates: What is the interest rate? Explain the loanable funds theory of interest rates. What are the two basic sources of loanable funds? What are some of the major factors affecting the supply of loanable funds? What are the determinants of market interest rates? Describe the three types of U.S. Treasury securities. How do interest rates affect your personal finances?
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FIS 260 Week 5 Individual Assignment International Trade
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FIS 260 Week 5 Individual Assignment International Trade
Assignment: International Trade
Resource: The Internet Activity on p. 130 of Introduction to Institutions
Imagine that you are a financial advisor for a multinational corporation, and that one of your duties is to compile current information on currency exchange rates and trade relationships.
Complete the Internet Activity located in the text at
Research the current trade relationship between the U.S. and Canada.
Prepare a five- to seven-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on your findings; Include in your presentation the following points:
a. The Internet Activity
b. A brief history of the trade relationship between the U.S. and Canada
c. The current size of this trade relationship
d. The percentages of imports and exports exchanged between the two countries
Post your presentation to the Assignments section as an attachment
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FIS 260 Week 5 Checkpoint Development Of The International Monetary System
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FIS 260 Week 5 Checkpoint Development of the International Monetary System
Define briefly each of the following terms, and arrange them in an appropriate chronological order:
a. Euro
b. Bretton Woods System
c. World Bank
d. Flexible Exchange Rates
e. International Monetary Fund
f. Special Drawing Rights
g. Gold Standard
h. European Monetary Union
i. International Monetary System
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FIS 260 Week 4 DQ 2
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FIS 260 Week 4 DQ 2
Why do you think it is important to control the money supply? Why do you think banks are required to keep a fraction of deposits in reserve? What would happen if there were no required reserves for depository or lending institutions? What are some of the factors affecting these bank reserves? Explain your answers.
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FIS 260 Week 4 DQ 1
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FIS 260 Week 4 DQ 1
Recall from Ch. 1 that policy makers are one of the key components of the financial system. The objectives of these policy makers include economic growth, high employment and price stability. How do you think you are personally affected when one or more of these objectives are not met? What do you think would happen if there was a downturn in the GDP? What would happen to the economy if unemployment increased? What would be the effects of rising inflation on the overall financial system and on you as an individual?
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FIS 260 Week 3 Individual Assignment The Federal Reserve System
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FIS 260 Week 3 Individual Assignment The Federal Reserve System
Assignment: The Federal Reserve System
The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States and, as such, plays an important role in our financial system. The monetary policy implemented by the Federal Reserve System can affect individual financial matters as well as the economy as a whole.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word research paper explaining the structure and functions of the Federal Reserve System. Include in your paper a discussion of the basic structure of the Fed, the primary responsibility of the Fed, and a thorough explanation of the basic policy instruments of the Fed:
a. Reserve requirements
i. Bank reserves
ii. Fractional reserve system
iii. Required reserves ratio
b. The discount rate
i. The discount rate’s relation to banks’ prime rate
c. Open market operations
i. The federal funds rate
ii. Federal reserve notes
Cite at least three sources.
Post your paper to the Assignments section as an attachment.
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FIS 260 Week 3 Checkpoint The Fed Discount Rate And Federal Funds Rate
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FIS 260 Week 3 Checkpoint The Fed Discount Rate and Federal Funds Rate
CheckPoint: The Fed Discount Rate and Federal Funds Rate
Complete the Internet Activity on p. 86 in Introduction to Institutions.
Research, at, the historical changes in the federal funds rate, and answer the following questions: What are the changes in basis points and the targeted level on September 17, 2001? June 25, 2003? June 29, 2006?
Post the activity and your answers to the Assignments section as an attachment
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FIS 260 Week 2 DQ 2
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FIS 260 Week 2 DQ 2
Why do you think international banking is important? What are some of the differences between banks in the United States and those in other countries? Why did the United States pass the International Banking Act in 1978, and then the Foreign Bank Supervision Enhancement Act in 1991? Do you think these laws are a good idea, or do you think that the banking system in this country should more closely resemble the banking systems of other countries? Explain your answer.
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FIS 260 Week 2 DQ 1
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FIS 260 Week 2 DQ 1
Financial institutions serve various functions and roles. You are probably familiar with the services and functions of commercial banks and other depository institutions, but what about contractual savings organizations, securities firms and finance companies? Why do you think these institutions are important to the financial system? Why are insurance companies and pension funds necessary? How do investment companies and brokerage firms operate? What do you think would happen if there were no finance companies?
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FIS 260 Week 2 Checkpoint Functions Of The Banking System
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FIS 260 Week 2 Checkpoint Functions of the Banking System
CheckPoint: Functions of the Banking System
Answer each of the following questions: What are the differences between commercial and investment banking? What types of services and products do commercial banks provide? What types of services and products do investment banks provide? What are the five functions that the banking system performs? What is universal banking? What types of charters can U.S. banks obtain? What types of depository protection exist for U.S. banks? What are two ways banks can fail?
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FIS 260 Week 1 Individual Assignment The Monetary System
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FIS 260 Week 1 Individual Assignment The Monetary System
Assignment: The Monetary System
Resource: Ch. 2 in the text
Write a 500- to 700-word paper on the monetary system, focusing on the relationship between the money supply and economic activity. Include in your paper the following points:
The three ways money is transferred from savers to businesses
Why depository institutions are important
The functions of money
M1, M2 and M3 definitions
Links between money supply and economic activity
A definition of the GDP
What monetarists believe
An explanation of the velocity of money
A definition of inflation
What Keynesians believe
How other monetary systems can affect the U.S. monetary system
Post your paper to the Assignments section as an attachment
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FIS 260 Week 1 CheckPoint The Four Pillars And The Components Of Finance Appendix B
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FIS 260 Week 1 CheckPoint The Four Pillars and the Components of Finance Appendix B
CheckPoint: The Four Pillars and the Components of Finance · Complete Appendix B, Parts I and II.
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FIS 260 Complete Course
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FIS 260 Complete Course
FIS 260 Week 1 CheckPoint The Four Pillars and the Components of Finance Appendix B
FIS 260 Week 1 Individual Assignment The Monetary System
FIS 260 Week 2 DQ 1
FIS 260 Week 2 DQ 2
FIS 260 Week 2 Checkpoint Functions of the Banking System
FIS 260 Week 3 Checkpoint The Fed Discount Rate and Federal Funds Rate
FIS 260 Week 3 Individual Assignment The Federal Reserve System
FIS 260 Week 4 DQ 1
FIS 260 Week 4 DQ 2
FIS 260 Week 5 Checkpoint Development of the International Monetary System
FIS 260 Week 5 Individual Assignment International Trade
FIS 260 Week 6 DQ 1
FIS 260 Week 6 DQ 2
FIS 260 Week 6 Checkpoint The Interest Rate
FIS 260 Week 7 Checkpoint Rates of Return
FIS 260 Week 7 Individual Assignment Risk and Diversification Appendix C
FIS 260 Week 8 DQ 1
FIS 260 Week 8 DQ 2
FIS 260 Week 8 Checkpoint Capital Budgeting
FIS 260 Week 9 Capstone Checkpoint
FIS 260 Week 9 Final Project The Current Financial Environment
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