AET 541 UOP Tutorials,AET 541 UOP Assignments,AET 541 UOP Entire Class,AET 541 UOP Full Class Flashcards
AET 541 Week 6 DQ 2
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Which guidelines for developing e-learning courseware presented in E-Learning and the Science of Instruction are the most important? Which of these guidelines are the least important? Justify your responses.
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AET 541 Week 6 DQ 1
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How do e-learning principles promote critical thinking skills?
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AET 541 Week 6 Summary
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Please reflect on your “whole course experience” this week (week six).
Where are you now in your understanding of the 21st Century classroom in terms of technology? online? learner development? course development?
How will you apply the new knowledge?
What have you learned about graduate scholarship? How will you extend your new found knowledge of graduate scholarship to future courses?
What questions still remain?
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AET 541 Week 6 Storyboard Reflection
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For this assignment, you will choose from the following options:
Option 1: Multimedia Presentation
Option 2: Blog Posts
Option 3: Podcasts or Vodcasts
Read the instructions in the Storyboard Reflection located on the student website and select one option to complete the assignment.
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AET 541 Week 6 Individual Assignment Storyboard Final Draft
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Finalize your storyboard by incorporating instructor feedback provided to you in previous weeks and feedback provided to you by your peers. Your storyboard must include the following elements:
Pretraining, worked examples, segmentation, and personalization
Text and graphics to deliver effective instruction
Audio that enhances the instruction
At least one practice exercise that applies multimedia principles
Feedback during the practice exercise and the type of feedback provided
An appropriate level of learner control
Speaker notes providing rationale for your design decisions
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AET 541 Week 5 Summary
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AET 541 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Storyboard Final Review
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Write, as a Learning Team, a 700- to 1,050-word summary in which you answer the following questions:
In what ways did your team incorporate practice effectively? In what ways might your team improve its use of practice?
In what ways did your team incorporate feedback in the practice? What was done effectively? What changes might increase the effectiveness?
Which multimedia principles are implemented into the practice exercises? How were they applied?
Is there an appropriate level of learner control in each plan? Would you change the level of learner control? Why or why not?
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AET 541 Week 5 Individual Assignment Storyboard Part 4
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Incorporate a minimum of one practice exercise that applies multimedia principles in your storyboard.
Provide feedback for the user performing the practice exercise.
Incorporate a minimum of one collaborative activity into your storyboard that applies multimedia principles and enhances the instruction.
Write speaker notes that include
the amount of learner control your practice exercise provides.
how your collaborative activity enhances instruction.
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AET 541 Week 5 DQ 2
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What are the advantages of virtual communication versus face-to-face communication in group discussions? How might you use these advantages to create effective group experiences in an e-learning environment?
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AET 541 Week 5 DQ 1
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What is the purpose of explanatory feedback? Provide examples of when explanatory feedback should be provided in an e-learning environment. How might this feedback benefit the learner?
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AET 541 Week 4 Summary
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AET 541 Week 4 Individual Assignment Storyboard Part 3
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Determine the best type of audio to implement for your storyboard’s content.
Identify an audio-sharing technology to use in recording audio for the storyboard.
Use audio, such as an MP3 file, a soundtrack, or a podcast, for your storyboard.
Insert the link to the audio recording in your storyboard or submit the audio file as an attachment to your storyboard.
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AET 541 Week 4 DQ 2
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What file formats can audio be saved in? Explain the purposes for each file format.
Why must extraneous audio be avoided? Discuss the psychological reasons for avoiding extraneous audio.
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AET 541 Week 4 DQ 1
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Why are the coherence and redundancy principles important in an e-learning environment? Provide examples.
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AET 541 Week 3 Summary
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AET 541 Week 3 Individual Assignment Storyboard Peer Review Part 2
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Resources:Designing Storyboards and the Microsoft® PowerPoint® Storyboard template located on the student website.
Add at least one visual component to your storyboard that appropriately integrates text and graphics.
Include speaker notes that explain why you selected the visual component and how it appropriately integrates text and graphics
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AET 541 Week 3 DQ 2
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What is the contiguity principle and why is the principle important in an e-learning environment? Provide examples.
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AET 541 Week 3 DQ 1
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How do visuals make a difference in the message’s delivery in e-learning? When might visuals not enhance e-learning?
What are three types of graphics mentioned in E-Learning and the Science of Instruction? Explain how each might be used in lesson delivery?
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AET 541 Week 2 Summary
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AET 541 Week 2 Individual Assignment Storyboard Part 1
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Resources: Designing Storyboards and the Microsoft® PowerPoint® Storyboard template located on the student website.
Complete the following to begin your storyboard. You add information to your storyboard each week.
Select a topic and identify your audience.
Identify an important concept or skill within this topic to be the focus of the instruction.
Begin a storyboard using the Microsoft® PowerPoint® Storyboard template.
Consider the following:
o The functional details on each page, such as text, navigation, and possible links
o Images that might enhance the learning
Include a minimum of one original worked example and one original pretraining activity in your storyboard.
Demonstrate personalization and segmentation in your storyboard.
Identify the use of segmentation, personalization, and pretraining and include a worked example within the speaker notes of your storyboard. Address the following in your speaker notes:
Why you implemented those components
How each component benefits the learner
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AET 541 Week 2 DQ 1
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What are the principles for designing effective e-learning instruction? Which principle is the most important? Explain your response.
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AET 541 Week 1 Summary
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Please reflect on your week one learnings. What was the most surprising thing you learned? What was the most exciting?
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AET 541 Week 1 DQ 2
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What are the benefits and challenges of e-learning? Explain your response
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AET 541 Week 1 DQ 1
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How has e-learning evolved technologically in your lifetime?
How has this evolution affected adult education and training? Provide examples.
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AET 541 Week 1 Assignment Fundamentals of E-Learning
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Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper about the fundamentals of e-learning. Complete the following in your paper:
Describe the characteristics of e-learning.
Analyze the purposes, benefits, and challenges of e-learning.
Describe instructional methods that can be applied within the e-learning environment to help students learn more effectively.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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AET 541 Complete Course
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AET 541 Week 1 Assignment Fundamentals of E-Learning
AET 541 Week 1 DQ 1
AET 541 Week 1 DQ 2
AET 541 Week 1 Summary
AET 541 Week 2 DQ 1
AET 541 Week 2 Individual Assignment Storyboard Part 1
AET 541 Week 2 Summary
AET 541 Week 3 DQ 1
AET 541 Week 3 DQ 2
AET 541 Week 3 Individual Assignment Storyboard Peer Review Part 2
AET 541 Week 3 Summary
AET 541 Week 4 DQ 1
AET 541 Week 4 DQ 2
AET 541 Week 4 Individual Assignment Storyboard Part 3
AET 541 Week 4 Summary
AET 541 Week 5 DQ 1
AET 541 Week 5 DQ 2
AET 541 Week 5 Individual Assignment Storyboard Part 4
AET 541 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Storyboard Final Review
AET 541 Week 5 Summary
AET 541 Week 6 DQ 1
AET 541 Week 6 DQ 2
AET 541 Week 6 Individual Assignment Storyboard Final Draft
AET 541 Week 6 Storyboard Reflection
AET 541 Week 6 Summary
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