GEN 105 UOP Assignment,GEN 105 UOP Entire Assignments,GEN 105 UOP Entire Class,GEN 105 UOP Week Assignments,GEN 105 UOP Tutorials Flashcards
GEN 105 Week 9 Final Project Student Survival Guide
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GEN 105 Week 9 CheckPoint Capstone
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GEN 105 Week 9 CheckPoint Capstone
Complete the Make Responsible Choices activity on p. 447 of the text. Choose two of the three questions about which to write a summary response of 200 to 300 words.
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GEN 105 Week 8 DQ 2
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GEN 105 Week 8 DQ 2
What learning similarities and differences are apparent in the different CheckPoint responses?
What is the importance of knowing your personal learning strengths in addition to those of your classmates?
How can this knowledge be beneficial to collaborative work completed in an online learning environment?
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GEN 105 Week 8 DQ 1
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GEN 105 Week 8 DQ 1
Complete the Multiple Pathways to Learning assessment (pp. 41-44) and the Personality Spectrum assessment (pp. 45-48) in Ch. 2 of Keys to College Studying: Becoming an Active Thinker, and relate the results to your personal study habits.
Post your response to the following: How can you use the study techniques recommended for your personality type and strongest intelligence(s) to function best in a
distance learning environment? Which techniques can you use to improve lessdeveloped personality areas or intelligences?
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GEN 105 Week 8 Checkpoint Multiple Intelligence
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GEN 105 Week 8 Checkpoint Multiple Intelligence
Conduct research online regarding the strongest of your multiple intelligences. Find three Web sites which accurately describe that intelligence. If you identified more than one dominant intelligence, choose only one for your research. Note that your classmates will be reviewing your responses in Discussion Question 2, so make sure that your answers are complete.
Post the following information:
Links to the three Web sites that describe the intelligence
A 50-word description, written by you, of your strongest intelligence
A 50-word summary describing how each site either reinforced or contradicted something
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GEN 105 Week 7 Individual Assignment Reading And Retention
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GEN 105 Week 7 Individual Assignment Reading and Retention
Resources: pp. 155-167 & 175-182 of Keys to College Studying: Becoming an Active Thinker, and Appendix G
Select a chapter reading from the previous week.
Apply the SQ3R reading technique to your selected reading.
Use Appendix G to describe the actions you took during each step of the process and to answer the wrap-up question.
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GEN 105 Week 7 Checkpoint Reading And Comprehension
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GEN 105 Week 7 Checkpoint Reading and Comprehension
Resources: Ch. 4 of Keys to College Studying, 8 Secrets to a Knockout Business Presentation
Use the reading 8 Secrets to a Knockout Business Presentation to carefully time yourself as you read the article. When finished, calculate your words-per-minute reading rate using the instructions from p. 140 of the text.
Summarize main points from the reading into a short, bulleted list. Then provide your answers to the following questions in a 200-to 300-word response:
What was your approach to reading the selection?
What was your reading setting?
How did you minimize distractions?
Did you become emotionally involved?
Which of the four reading purposes did you employ? You can list more than one.
List new vocabulary terms, and provide their definitions.
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GEN 105 Week 6 DQ 2
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GEN 105 Week 6 DQ 2
How do you decide which items on your schedule to prioritize on a daily and weekly basis? Which goal from the Setting Goals CheckPoint could you map to daily and weekly deliverables, and what timeframes would you assign to ensure you meet the goal deadline?
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GEN 105 Week 6 Checkpoint Time Management Activity
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GEN 105 Week 6 Checkpoint Time Management Activity
Time-management skills are critical to your academic and personal success. Conducting an informal observation and evaluation of your own time management skills can provide insight into how and when you most effectively use your time. When you have identified your priorities, you can use this knowledge to make appropriate changes to be a more effective time manager.
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GEN 105 Week 6 DQ 1
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GEN 105 Week 6 DQ 1
How do you spend most of your time? Do you think that your time is managed effectively? Explain your reasons.
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GEN 105 Week 5 Individual Assignment Mastering A Skill
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GEN 105 Week 5 Individual Assignment Mastering a Skill
Write 750 words There are some skills that virtually all people use every day. There are some skills that only a few people have, but all people should master.
Think about a skill that most people do not have but could benefit from mastering. Why would people benefit from having this skill? What are the consequences of not having this skill?
Write an essay to persuade your instructor that all people should master this certain skill.
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GEN 105 Week 5 CheckPoint Setting Goals
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GEN 105 Week 5 CheckPoint Setting Goals
· Identify two of your long-term education or career goals. Your goals may be careeroriented, academic, or personal in nature. (“I will become the head of my company’s graphics department” is an example of a long-term goal.)
Break these two long-term goals into several short-term goals that you hope to accomplish within a relatively short time. (“I will learn how to use my company’s new graphics software” is one short-term goal that would need to be accomplished before someone could become the head of a graphics department.)
· For each of your short-term goals, list a specific deadline you wish to accomplish the goal by (for example, “I will accomplish this goal by the end of ext month”). Describe how you will accomplish the goal (for example, “I will enroll in a professional development course”).
· Prioritize all goals in order of importance.
· Describe how each goal is specific, is moderately difficult but not impossible to achieve, and aligns to your values.
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GEN 105 Week 4 DQ 2
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GEN 105 Week 4 DQ 1
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GEN 105 Week 4 DQ 1
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GEN 105 Week 4 Checkpoint Detecting Plagiarism
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GEN 105 Week 4 Checkpoint Detecting Plagiarism
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GEN 105 Week 3 Individual Assignment University Library Article Search
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GEN 105 Week 3 Individual Assignment University Library Article Search
Resources: Appendix E, University Library
Review Appendix E to recognize article characteristics.
Find two articles in the University Library about any one topic or combination of topics listed below. One of your articles must be a peer-reviewed article, which is an article that has been reviewed by a group of experts in a certain field.
Distance learning at college
Ensuring academic honesty
Effective personal goal setting
Time management skills for college students
Take time to choose the best database for your chosen topic(s), and use a different database (such as EBSCOhost or Thomson Gale PowerSearch) to find each article.
Whenever applicable, practice using the Boolean and wildcard search strategies you learned about in the University Library Interactive Tutorial.
Provide the following information for each article:
What keyword search did you use to find the article?
What is the title of the article?
Who is the author(s)?
When was the article published?
Was the article peer-reviewed?
In what database did you find the article?
Summarize what each article is about in 2 to 3 sentences per article. If there are specific opinions or facts in the articles, be sure to document them.
Post the article information and summaries for both articles to the Individual forum.
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GEN 105 Week 3 Checkpoint Technological Tools
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GEN 105 Week 3 Checkpoint Technological Tools
Resources: Course audio appendixes, tutorials, and the University Library
Take a moment to explore these technological resources by downloading an audio appendix to your computer or to a portable device, by perusing the library a little more, or by reviewing one of the tutorials. Audio appendixes are located in Week One (Appendix B: Audio) and Week Two (Appendix D: Audio) of your aXcess course page.
Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following:
Describe your opinion of the technological tools provided by Axia College, including the audio appendixes, the digital stories, and the tutorials. Explain why you feel the way you do.
Does the option to download appendixes in an audio format improve the quality of your educational experience? Does it make learning more convenient because of its portability? Does it help you to learn in different ways? Or is it something you will not use? Describe your attitude toward this option.
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GEN 105 Week 2 DQ 2
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GEN 105 Week 2 DQ 2
How is conducting research online different from conducting research in a traditional library? Based on suggestions presented by the University Library Tutorial and text recommendations concerning Web research strategies, what will be your personal approach to conducting academic Web searches?
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GEN 105 Week 2 DQ 1
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GEN 105 Week 2 DQ 1
Tone is very important when communicating online. How will your tone, or writing style, change based on the different types of people you will be communicating with online? Consider family, friends, classmates, and instructors in your response.
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GEN 105 Week 2 CheckPoint Communicating In Forums
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GEN 105 Week 2 CheckPoint Communicating in Forums
Resource: Anthony’s Dilemma digital story
View the digital story located on aXcess describes how he offended a classmate by not using the writing principle of inclusive language during discussion in his class forum.
Coach Anthony on why it is important to use inclusive language when communicating in his class forum. Suggest how he could have avoided his mistakes, and offer three pointers for how he can prevent repeating his mistakes in the future. Respond in 200 to 300 words.
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GEN 105 Week 1 Individual Assignment Elevator Speech
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GEN 105 Week 1 Individual Assignment Elevator Speech
Resources: Appendix C, and Elevator Speech digital story
View the digital story
Construct your own 350- to 400-word scenario in which you explain distance learning to a friend. Your response should explain how Axia courses work and should correctly use each of the following terms at least once:
Threaded Discussion
Asynchronous Communication
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GEN 105 Week 1 CheckPoint Distance Learning II
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GEN 105 Week 1 CheckPoint Distance Learning II
Recall a time when you gave constructive criticism to another student, a friend, or a family member. How would giving feedback to a classmate in a distance learning environment be different from giving face-to-face feedback? Compare and contrast the two processes in a 100- to 150-word response.
Submit a second 100- to 150-word response describing how, in your opinion, the “distance” element of learning either makes it easier or more difficult to communicate, and why.
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GEN 105 Week 1 CheckPoint Distance Learning I
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GEN 105 Week 1 CheckPoint Distance Learning I
Post a 100- to 150-word response to the following: What were your initial thoughts on distance learning before you started your program? Why did you choose distance learning over a traditional face-to-face learning environment? In what ways has your view of distance learning changed since you started your classes?
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GEN 105 Complete Course
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GEN 105 Complete Course
GEN 105 Week 1 CheckPoint Distance Learning I
GEN 105 Week 1 CheckPoint Distance Learning II
GEN 105 Week 2 DQ 1
GEN 105 Week 2 DQ 2
GEN 105 Week 2 CheckPoint Communicating in Forums
GEN 105 Week 3 Checkpoint Technological Tools
GEN 105 Week 3 Individual Assignment University Library Article Search
GEN 105 Week 4 DQ 1
GEN 105 Week 4 DQ 2
GEN 105 Week 4 Checkpoint Detecting Plagiarism
GEN 105 Week 5 CheckPoint Setting Goals
GEN 105 Week 5 Individual Assignment Mastering a Skill
GEN 105 Week 6 Checkpoint Time Management Activity
GEN 105 Week 6 DQ 1
GEN 105 Week 6 DQ 2
GEN 105 Week 7 Checkpoint Reading and Comprehension
GEN 105 Week 7 Individual Assignment Reading and Retention
GEN 105 Week 8 Checkpoint Multiple Intelligence
GEN 105 Week 8 DQ 1
GEN 105 Week 8 DQ 2
GEN 105 Week 9 CheckPoint Capstone
GEN 105 Week 9 Final Project Student Survival Guide
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