HCS 446 UOP Assignment,HCS 446 UOP Entire Assignments,HCS 446 UOP Entire Class,HCS 446 UOP Week Assignments,HCS 446 UOP Tutorials Flashcards
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HCS 446 Week 1 DQ 1
HCS 446 Week 1 DQ 2
HCS 446 Week 1 Individual Assignment Facility Planning Part I
HCS 446 Week 2 DQ 1
HCS 446 Week 2 DQ 2
HCS 446 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Security Management Outline
HCS 446 Week 3 DQ 1
HCS 446 Week 3 DQ 2
HCS 446 Week 3 Individual Assignment Facility Planning Part II
HCS 446 Week 3 Summary
HCS 446 Week 4 DQ 1
HCS 446 Week 4 DQ 2
HCS 446 Week 4 Individual Assignment Facility Planning Part III
HCS 446 Week 4 Summary
HCS 446 Week 5 DQ 1
HCS 446 Week 5 DQ 2
HCS 446 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Security Management Presentation
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HCS 446 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Security Management Presentation
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Develop a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with 12 to15 slides and detailed speaker’s notes.
Include the following information in your presentation:
Overview of the environmental impact issue
The current issues with your environmental impact situation
Ways to improve the environmental impact and possible suggestions or solutions
Format your slides consistent with APA guidelines.
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HCS 446 Week 5 DQ 2
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How might you incorporate the principles of green design when developing a new health care facility?
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HCS 446 Week 5 DQ 1
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How is new technology affecting the health care organization where you now work?
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HCS 446 Week 4 Summary
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HCS 446 Week 4 Individual Assignment Facility Planning Part III
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Read the following information:
Health care facilities are unique and have clearly defined characteristics based on the needs of the facility or population being served. Poor design may lead to staff, visitor, or patient stress. In large facilities, inability to find a department may lead to frustrations and disorientation for older patients. Poor layout may also lead to staff inefficiencies or fines because of failure to meet regulatory requirements.
Complete a floor plan of the facility that you selected in Week One. Indicate if this will be a new facility or the renovation of an existing structure. If it is a new or existing structure, also explain why the renovation or new facility is needed.
Open the template you chose from week one in MedSpace Designer. From that point, you will be able to modify the template and add the information listed below.
Using your MedSpace Designer template, focus on the following environmental design elements:
· The health care structure such as walls, doors, hallways, waiting areas, and related structural components
· Diagnostic and treatment space equipment and location
· Customer service and amenities, such as the reception desk, bathroom, shower, vending machine, and so forth
· Clinical support areas, such as nurse’s station, charting areas, and so forth
· Physician or dentist office space for patient consultation
· Administrative offices
· Building support, such as laundry, generator facilities, housekeeping, and so forth
· Mechanical equipment, such as space for laboratory equipment, radiology equipment, gases such as oxygen, and suctions
· Color and noise elements
· Regulatory elements such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration and ADA guidelines
· Other elements such as IT or creative healing environmental ideas
Save your design once it is completed.
Copy the URL by clicking on Share > Copy URL > Copy URL.
Write a 350- to 700-word summary that includes the following information:
· Reason you selected the floor plan you designed
· Any recommendations or suggestions for completing your floor plan differently—what would you do differently next time?
· Something that you learned from doing this process and completing your own floor plan
· URL for your completed floor plan
Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines.
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HCS 446 Week 4 DQ 2
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How may the design of the facility affect both construction and long-term operating costs?
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HCS 446 Week 4 DQ 1
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What is the health care manager’s role in assuring the successful completion and opening of the new facility?
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HCS 446 Week 3 Summary
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HCS 446 Week 3 Individual Assignment Facility Planning Part II
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Reference: Week One MedSpace Designer template you chose
Write a 1,050- to 1,450-word paper that includes the following elements:
· Regulatory requirements and their effect on the design and equipment
· Color selection implications and noise issues
· List of the type of equipment needed
· Electronic items needed
· Examination of budget planning and cost estimates
· Description of the role of stakeholders in facility planning and development
· Gantt chart that details an implementation plan (look up Gantt chart details and information if needed on the web or other resources).
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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HCS 446 Week 3 DQ 2
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How might disaster- or emergency-response planning be used to improve organizational processes?
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HCS 446 Week 3 DQ 1
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Where would you look to find the local, state, and federal regulations that might apply to a new health care facility you are planning?
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HCS 446 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Security Management Outline
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Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word outline for one of the following issues in renovation or new planning of a health care facility:
Hazardous waste management Fire and safety management Disaster management Security management ADA guidelines Note. Each Learning Team is assigned a different area so there is no duplication. The outline is used in the final presentation in Week Five.
Include the following information in your outline:
1 Write an overview of your assigned environmental impact issue.
2 Examine local, state, and federal legal and regulatory requirements. Consider the following agencies:
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Joint Commission of the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Your state’s health planning and development agency
Department of Health and Human Services
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments and other agencies as applicable to facility planning
· Is there a Certificate of Need (CON) program for your state? If so, explain the program. If there is not a CON for your state, was there one in the past and when was it eliminated?
· What are issues to consider when meeting the International Building Code for a facility?
· What measurements may be done in advance of the new plan or renovation?
· List the stakeholders that may play a role in your development..
Format your outline consistent with APA guidelines.
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HCS 446 Week 2 DQ 2
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How would you address both patient and staff needs when choosing lighting for the following facilities: a hospital inpatient room; a skilled nursing facility patient room; and a neonatal intensive care unit?
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HCS 446 Week 2 DQ 1
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What design and equipment modifications would you make when remodeling an inpatient unit for use by bariatric patients? How might equipment needs differ for this population?
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HCS 446 Week 1 Individual Assignment Facility Planning Part I
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Resources: ToolWire® MedSpace Designer and ToolWire® MedSpace Designer Instructions
Research health care facilities in your area that are either new or are being renovated. Your research will help you select your project focus. You will use this facility in future assignments throughout the course. Your selections are limited to
1 an ambulatory care clinic
2 a clinic within a hospital, such as an emergency room, surgical center, or an OB unit
3 a family clinic
4 an outpatient clinic
5 a long-term care facility
Choose one of the facilities from your research.
Access ToolWire® MedSpace Designer, through the link on your student website, and choose the corresponding facility template. This will be used for all of your facility planning assignments.
Click on File > Save, or click the Save icon and enter the required information.
Click on OK.
Click on Copy URL.
Write a 600- to 800-word paper in which you describe your selected facility. Include the following elements in your paper:
1 Description of the facility you have selected
2 Community or facility need for the building or renovation
3 Type of population you are serving
4 URL of your design (at this point, it will only show the template you have chosen)
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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HCS 446 Week 1 Individual Assignment Facility Planning Part I
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Resources: ToolWire® MedSpace Designer and ToolWire® MedSpace Designer Instructions
Research health care facilities in your area that are either new or are being renovated. Your research will help you select your project focus. You will use this facility in future assignments throughout the course. Your selections are limited to
1 an ambulatory care clinic
2 a clinic within a hospital, such as an emergency room, surgical center, or an OB unit
3 a family clinic
4 an outpatient clinic
5 a long-term care facility
Choose one of the facilities from your research.
Access ToolWire® MedSpace Designer, through the link on your student website, and choose the corresponding facility template. This will be used for all of your facility planning assignments.
Click on File > Save, or click the Save icon and enter the required information.
Click on OK.
Click on Copy URL.
Write a 600- to 800-word paper in which you describe your selected facility. Include the following elements in your paper:
1 Description of the facility you have selected
2 Community or facility need for the building or renovation
3 Type of population you are serving
4 URL of your design (at this point, it will only show the template you have chosen)
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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HCS 446 Week 1 DQ 2
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How might you use new facility planning to effect operational change?
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HCS 446 Week 1 DQ 1
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How have utilization and design of health care facilities changed over the last 150 years? What key factors led to these changes?
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