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ADJ 265 Week 3 Assignment Improving Nonverbal Communication
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ADJ 265 Week 3 Assignment Improving Nonverbal Communication
Resource: Ch. 4 of Effective Communication for Criminal Justice Professionals
Describe ways to improve nonverbal communication in 700 to 1,050 words. Use information and citations from Ch. 4 to discuss the following questions:
o How do you know that your perception of what is being communicated is accurate?
o Which nonverbal cues might potentially convey a misunderstanding or an understanding?
o How might criminal justice professionals build strong nonverbal communication skills?
Illustrate each point with personal or professional examples. Format your paper according to APA standards.
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ADJ 265 Complete Course
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ADJ 265 Complete Course
ADJ 265 Week 1 Individual Assignment Communication Styles
ADJ 265 Week 1 Checkpoint Communication Barriers
ADJ 265 Week 2 DQ 1
ADJ 265 Week 2 DQ 2
ADJ 265 Week 2 CheckPoint Press Releases
ADJ 265 Week 3 Individual Assignment Improving Nonverbal Communication
ADJ 265 Week 3 Checkpoint Benefits of Nonverbal Communication
ADJ 265 Week 4 DQ 1
ADJ 265 Week 4 DQ 2
ADJ 265 Week 4 CheckPoint Reports
ADJ 265 Week 5 Individual Assignment Testimony
ADJ 265 Week 5 CheckPoint Courtroom Participants
ADJ 265 Week 6 DQ 1
ADJ 265 Week 6 DQ 2
ADJ 265 Week 6 Exercise Miranda Law
ADJ 265 Week 7 Individual Assignment Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
ADJ 265 Week 7 CheckPoint Cybercrime
ADJ 265 Week 7 CheckPoint Technology
ADJ 265 Week 8 DQ 1
ADJ 265 Week 8 DQ 2
ADJ 265 Week 8 CheckPoint Conflict Resolution
ADJ 265 Week 9 Capstone Checkpoint
ADJ 265 Week 9 Final Project Scenario Project
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ADJ 265 Week 9 Final Project Scenario Project
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Final Project: Scenario Project
Resource: Appendix A
Complete your 1,750- to 2,100-word final paper.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
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ADJ 265 Week 9 Capstone Checkpoint
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Post your response to the following in 300 words: What parts of this course did you find most valuable? Describe two things that you learned and found most interesting. What will help you the most in your future studies and career?
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ADJ 265 Week 8 DQ 2
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Provide examples of how criminal justice professionals might best communicate with the following diverse groups: (Your response should be at least 200-300 words).o Persons with hearing impairmentso Gang memberso The elderly
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ADJ 265 Week 8 DQ 1
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Choose one paper from the cluster opposite your own in the Main forum, where you posted your assignment Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology. Read and post a review of that paper, noting how well you feel your peer defended and supported the issue. Rather than just saying “Good job,” or “Some mistakes,” provide specific examples to create a thorough and informative response. If you disagree with a particular point, cite examples or reasons. Your response should be at least 200-300 words.
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ADJ 265 Week 8 CheckPoint Conflict Resolution
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CheckPoint: Conflict Resolution
Resource: Ch. 12 of Effective Communication for Criminal Justice Professionals
Imagine you were an officer confronted with one of the following hostage situations:In the process of an armed robbery at a convenience store the clerk activates a silent alarm. You and the other officers arrive at the scene while the perpetrator is still inside. The perpetrator panics when he sees the police and immediately grabs a hostage. He is demanding you leave so he can escape.When responding to a domestic dispute call, you arrive on the scene of two young men arguing vehemently. The arguing appears as though it is about to turn physical. Adding to the tension of the situation, the two girlfriends of the men arguing are beginning to yell at each other.
Respond in 300 words; explain how you would use the 12 stages of conflict resolution and what effective strategies you would use to bring about a positive resolution. Before you address each situation, briefly describe the situation. You want to have a clear idea of the steps you might need to take, as well as the alternatives you might need to employ. Develop a plan or a decision tree towards resolving the chosen conflict.
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ADJ 265 Week 7 Individual Assignment Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
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Assignment: Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology
Go to the Main forum, where your instructor has assigned you to either a Pro or Con cluster: For police stun guns and patrol car video surveillance, or against police stun guns and patrol car video surveillance. When you receive the cluster you are in, write an individual, 700- to 1,050-word paper defending your side. Follow these additional instructions:o Cite at least two sources from the Axia Library. Additional outside sources may be used as well.o Discuss both stun guns and patrol car video surveillance in light of legal and ethical matters for the side you are on.o Discuss technological and societal effect.o Argue and defend your side clearly, but address opposing viewpoints.o Use specific examples from your sources to support your conclusions.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
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ADJ 265 Week 7 CheckPoint Technology
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CheckPoint: Technology
Resource: Ch. 9 of Effective Communication for Criminal Justice Professionals
Describe the functions of organizational networks and specialized criminal justice databases in 200 to 300 words, recognizing that technology is rapidly becoming more important in the field of criminal justice.
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ADJ 265 Week 7 CheckPoint Cybercrime
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CheckPoint: Cybercrime
Resource: Ch. 9 of Effective Communication for Criminal Justice Professionals
Focus on one form of cybercrime described in Ch. 9 and, in 200 to 300 words, discuss the following:
Effect on society
Legal implications for criminal justice professionals
Challenges for criminal justice professionals
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ADJ 265 Week 6 Exercise Miranda Law
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Exercise: Miranda Law
Resource: Judicial Notebook article at and Appendix C
After reading the article and Appendix C, answer the following questions:The Escobedo and Miranda Laws are landmark court decisions that affect the manner in which law enforcement interacts with crime suspects.o Briefly describe the relationship between the Escobedo and the Miranda laws.o What was the effect of both decisions in terms of interviews and interrogations of a suspect?o What statute did Congress pass 2 years after the Miranda ruling?o How did the statute change or affect the Miranda ruling?o Do these laws protect individual rights or do they simply provide a loophole for criminals?
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ADJ 265 Week 6 DQ 2
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Discuss the similarities and differences between an interview and an interrogation. Explain how you would prepare differently for each. Your response should be at least 200-300 words.
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ADJ 265 Week 6 DQ 1
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Discuss question 10 on p. 154 of Effective Communication for Criminal Justice Professionals in terms of both ethical and legal perspectives. What are the ethical issues involved in the situation? How do the ethical issues compare to the legal issues? Your response should be at least 200-300 words
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ADJ 265 Week 5 CheckPoint Courtroom Participants
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CheckPoint: Courtroom Participants
Resources: Appendix B; Ch. 7 of Effective Communication for Criminal Justice Professionals
Use the table in Appendix B to identify the key participants in both a criminal and civil courtroom. There is a separate column for Criminal and Civil courts to define and describe each participant’s role for each court where they appear. Use the Remarks column to compare and contrast roles only when a role appears in both courtroom processes. Some participants may only appear in one of the two processes.
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ADJ 265 Week 5 Assignment Testimony
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Assignment: Testimony
Resources: Ch. 7 of Effective Communication for Criminal Justice Professionals
Find a current or past court trial (via Internet or television) where an investigator or officer is called to testify. Evaluate the officer’s role and if he or she follows the guidelines on pp. 129–134 of the text. Then evaluate one-fourth to one-half of the officer’s court testimony.
In 700 to 1,050 words, identify and summarize the trial you observed and evaluated. Explain:
o The courtroom role of the investigator or officer.
o How well the investigator or officer adhered to guidelines recommended in the text.
o If the outcome of the case was affected positively or negatively by the testimony.
o Methods or techniques that may have improved the investigator or police officer’s testimony.
o Where and how you found the court case, including a Web site link for an online source or an APA formatted citation for a television source
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ADJ 265 Week 4 DQ 2
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If you were an investigator writing a report on a suspect whom you believe to be guilty but for whom the evidence is too weak to go to trial, would you exaggerate or add to the facts in your report? Explain why or why not. Your response should be at least 200-300 words.
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ADJ 265 Week 4 DQ 1
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Is it appropriate for an officer to use personal or neighborhood slang or jargon in a report? Explain your reasoning. Your response should be at least 200-300 words
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ADJ 265 Week 4 CheckPoint Reports
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CheckPoint: Reports
Resource: Ch. 6 of Effective Communication for Criminal Justice Professionals
Create an incident report about a bank hold-up using well-constructed paragraphs, logical transitions, consistency, and professional tone. Only two tellers were in the bank at the time of the robbery. Develop your own details to answer the questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how. See pp. 117–118 in the text for help
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ADJ 265 Week 3 Checkpoint Benefits of Nonverbal Communication
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CheckPoint: Benefits of Nonverbal Communication
Resource: Ch. 4 of Effective Communication for Criminal Justice Professionals
Review the list of specific functions of nonverbal communication provided on pp. 68–69.
Explain in 200 to 300 words how a probation officer or parole officer benefits from an understanding of nonverbal communications when interviewing an offender or parolee
Include in your explanation a description of certain signs of behaviors that could tip off an officer and indicate how the interviewer might respond and why.
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ADJ 265 Week 2 DQ 2
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Should an officer withhold information in a press release if that information might later affect the prosecution of a suspect? Is setting the stage for a press release professional or deceitful? Your response should be at least 200 300 words.
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ADJ 265 Week 2 DQ 1
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What does it mean to be an effective listener? Describe a professional or work related experience when you were an ineffective listener. How did your behaviors exhibit this effect? What might you do to be a more effective listener? Explain why it is so important. Your response should be at least 200 300 words.
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ADJ 265 Week 2 CheckPoint Press Releases
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CheckPoint: Press Releases
Resource: FBI Press Releases Web site:
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum Review a few sample press releases from the FBI Web site. Select and identify one that is well written and discuss what makes it effective. In addition, identify one that is poorly written and rewrite it to make it more effective. Include either the Web site links to the press releases you chose, or copy and paste them directly into your document.
Day 5 [Individual] forum Review a few sample press releases from the FBI Web site. Select and identify one that is well written and discuss what makes it effective. In addition, identify one that is poorly written and rewrite it to make it more effective. Include either the Web site links to the press releases you chose, or copy and paste them directly into your document.
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ADJ 265 Week 1 Checkpoint Communication Barriers
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The communication barriers these professionals may face when communicating with one another or with their clients. Some possible strategies to overcome these barriers.
Communication Barriers Due Date: Day 4 [post to the Individual forum]
Choose two types of criminal justice professionals of interest to you (e.g., police officer, hostage negotiator, forensics examiner, probation officer, parole officer, prosecutor, defense attorney, correctional officer, etc.), and write a 200 to 300 word description.
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ADJ 265 Week 1 Assignment Communication Styles
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Ch. 1 in Effective Communication for Criminal Justice Professionals Due Date: Day 7 [post to the Individual forum]
Recognize the importance of communication in the field of criminal justice.
Write a 350 to 700 word paper describing the following: The communication process model Differences between the four major communication styles Benefits of using particular communication styles The importance of the communication process in law enforcement
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