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ACC 400 Week 1 DQ 3
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ACC 400 Week 1 DQ 3
What are internal controls? Why do companies need them? What are some examples of internal controls? Who is responsible for developing internal controls? Have you had any experiences developing internal controls? Explain.
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ACC 400 Week 5 Individual Assignment from Readings
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Resources: Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis
Prepare responses to the following assignment from the e-text:
Ch. 13: Case 13-4 Application of SFAC No. 13 (4 points) & Case 13-5 Lease Classifications (3 points)
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ACC 400 Week 5 DQ 2
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Who are the users of financial statements? How would users differ in their views of the financial statements? Why would users rely on financial statements? What is an example of a financial measure that an external user might use? What is an example of a financial measure that an internal user might use?
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ACC 400 Week 5 DQ 1
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What are the components of a budget? Are the components the same for every organization? Why or why not? Should every organization forecast its operating budget? Why or why not?
Do you personally use a budget? If yes, how accurate is your budget?
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ACC 400 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment From the Readings
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Resources: Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making and Managerial Accounting: The Basis for Business Decisions
Prepare responses to the following assignment from the e-texts:
Ch. 13: Communication Activity: BYP 13-7 of Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making
Note: Include a 350- to 700-word memo addressing the problem in BYP 13-7. (3 points)
Ch. 23: Exercises 23.10 & 23.12 of Managerial Accounting: The Basis for Business Decisions ( 2 points each)
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ACC 400 Week 4 Learning Team Interpreting Financial Statements Presentation
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Prepare a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation evaluating the profitability of the organization to the CEO. The presentation must be no longer than 5 to 10 minutes. (4 points)
Remember this is the presentation for your oral report. Don’t forget to add notes to the presentation.
Resources: Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making
Prepare responses to the following assignment from the e-text.
Ch. 13: Interpreting Financial Statements BYP13-4
Make sure you calculate the ratios and make the comments.
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ACC 400 Week 4 Learning Team Interpreting Financial Statements Assignments from Readings – Problem BYP13-4
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The CEO of your organization has asked your Learning Team to analyze the companies listed in Problem BYP13-4 (above), of Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making.
Use the solution from above and incorporate it into your report.
Resources: Problem BYP13-4 (Ch. 13) of Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making; and Section 4.2 (Ch. 4) of Communication Skills Handbook for Accounting
Provide an oral report to your CEO (please provide your oral report in written form). According to the report structure outlined in Section 4.2 of Communication Skills: Handbook for Accounting, address the following items: (5 points)
Provide your calculated ratios and the commentaries derived from the ratios.
What information outside the annual report may be useful to you as an investor? Why?
Which company is more profitable? Why?
Which company’s stock would you purchase? Why?
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ACC 400 Week 4 Individual Assignment Debt Versus Equity Financing Paper
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Prepare a 350- to 700-word paper comparing and contrasting lease verses purchase options. In your paper, discuss the following questions:
What is debt financing? Provide at least two examples.
What is equity financing? Provide at least two examples.
Which alternative capital structure is more advantageous? Why?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
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ACC 400 Week 4 DQ 3
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What are the components of the capital structure? What are the differences of these components? How do you determine the optimal mix of the components of the capital structure? What would your ideal capital structure look like? Why?
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ACC 400 Week 4 DQ 2
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Under which circumstances would you lease versus purchase? What are the criteria that you would use to make this decision? What is the financial influence of this decision? Do you prefer to lease or own your vehicle? Why?
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ACC 400 Week 4 DQ 1
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What are some of the various lease options? When would you use one option over the others? What could be the financial influence of this decision? What lease options have you used personally or for an organization your worked for?
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ACC 400 Week 3 Individual Assignments From the Readings
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Resource: Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making
Prepare responses to the following assignment from the e-text:
Ch. 10: Questions 1, 7, 8, & 19 (.5 points each); Brief Exercise BE10-1 (1 point); and Financial Reporting Problem BYP10-1 (1 point).
Ch. 11: Ethics Case: BYP11-10 (Case with Greenwood Corporation) (2 points)
Resources: Financial and Managerial Accounting: The Basis for Business Decisions
Prepare responses to the following assignment from the e-text:
Ch. 11: Internet Assignment 11-1 (1 point)
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ACC 400 Week 3 DQ 2
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What is horizontal analysis? What is the value in using horizontal analysis? Why would a company use this analysis? What does this analysis tell you? Have you ever used horizontal analysis? How?
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ACC 400 Week 3 DQ 1
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What are examples of irregular items? How does a change in accounting principles affect the financial statements? Who in the organization is responsible for the application of a change in an accounting principle? Why? How is this reported on the financial statements?
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ACC 400 Week 2 Learning Team Assignments From the Readings
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Resources: Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making
Prepare responses to the following assignment from the e-text:
Ch. 7: Exercise E7-2 (3 points) and Problem Set B: P7-2B (4 points)
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ACC 400 Week 2 Individual Assignments From the Readings
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Resources: Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making
Prepare responses to the following assignment from the e-text:
Ch. 8: Questions 3 & 4 (1 point each)
Ch. 8: Exercise E8-5 (3 points)
Resources: Financial and Managerial Accounting: The Basis for Business Decisions
Prepare responses to the following assignment from the e-text Ch. 9: Exercise E9-9 (2 points)
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ACC 400 Week 2 DQ 3
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Many people look at accounting and accountants and think that it all has to deal with math and counting but it is so much more. I’d like each of you to tell us why you are taking this class and what you hope to learn from this class. As you can see below I have both a CPA and a CGMA, what different types of accountants are there? Also, if anyone has any “exciting stories” about accounting, please add that to you post.
Did you know the CIA and FBI actively recruit accountants? Why would they do that?
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ACC 400 Week 2 DQ 2
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Equity can mean different things depending on the situation but we want to look at equity on the balance sheet. What are the types of equity accounts? What is the role of equity accounts in raising capital? Is stock considered an equity account? If yes, what kind of stock?
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ACC 400 Week 2 DQ 1
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What is a current liability? What is a noncurrent liability? What is the difference between the two types of liabilities? In which financial statement would you find these liabilities? Can you have a liability that is both current and noncurrent? Explain.
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ACC 400 Week 1 Individual Assignment Current and Noncurrent Assets Paper
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Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper comparing and contrasting current and noncurrent assets. In your paper, address the following:
What are current assets?, What are noncurrent assets?, What differs between current and noncurrent assets?, What is the order of liquidity?, How does the order of liquidity apply to the balance sheet?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. You must cite all references. If you used an electronic source, include the URL. If you used a printed source or reference pages from the virtual organizations, attach a copy of the data to your paper.
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ACC 400 Week 1 DQ 2
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What is an example of a significant accounting estimate? What is the importance of these estimates? How do ethics play into the decision-making process with regards to estimates? Which financial statements include significant accounting estimates? Why?
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ACC 400 Week 1 DQ 1
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What is a current asset? What is a noncurrent asset? What is the difference between the two types of assets? In which financial statement would you find these assets? Can you have a company with only current or noncurrent assets? Give an example.
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ACC 400 Complete Course
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ACC 400 Week 1 DQ 1
ACC 400 Week 1 DQ 2
ACC 400 Week 1 DQ 3
ACC 400 Week 1 Individual Assignment Current and Noncurrent Assets Paper
ACC 400 Week 2 DQ 1
ACC 400 Week 2 DQ 2
ACC 400 Week 2 DQ 3
ACC 400 Week 2 Individual Assignments From the Readings
ACC 400 Week 2 Learning Team Assignments From the Readings
ACC 400 Week 3 DQ 1
ACC 400 Week 3 DQ 2
ACC 400 Week 3 DQ 3
ACC 400 Week 3 Individual Assignments From the Readings
ACC 400 Week 4 DQ 1
ACC 400 Week 4 DQ 2
ACC 400 Week 4 DQ 3
ACC 400 Week 4 Individual Assignment Debt Versus Equity Financing Paper
ACC 400 Week 4 Learning Team Interpreting Financial Statements Assignments from Readings – Problem BYP13-4
ACC 400 Week 4 Learning Team Interpreting Financial Statements Presentation
ACC 400 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment From the Readings
ACC 400 Week 5 DQ 1
ACC 400 Week 5 DQ 2
ACC 400 Week 5 Individual Assignment from Readings
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ACC 400 Week 3 DQ 3
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Another method of analyzing financial statements is the use of ratios. What are the three most common types of ratios? Why are they important? Which ratios would you use to determine the long-term viability of an organization? Why? Have any of you had experience using ratios with a organization you worked for?
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