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HCR 210 Week 9 Final Project Happy Health Medical Clinic Presentation
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HCR 210 Week 9 Final Project Happy Health Medical Clinic Presentation
Final Project: Records Management Presentation
You have been hired as the records manager for Happy Health Medical Clinic, a medium-sized, general practice about to start up business. Whereas this medical facility hopes to have everything computerized at some point in the future, that is not currently the case. Therefore basic patient information is located on the computer, but medical information is only found in paper files. Your facility stores, circulates and updates patient records internally for six doctors, and traffics them up one floor to an X-ray department—in other words, you loan records, but you do not borrow them. Because the X-ray facility is in partnership with Happy Health, you send actual patient files up to X-ray, not copies, and it is important to get the files back.
Resource: Appendix A, Presentation Guide
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum]
Create a 12-to-15-slide PowerPoint® presentation outlining standard records management procedures for the employees who work for Happy Health Medical Clinic. Your presentation should include introduction and conclusion slides, as well as detailed speaker’s notes. The speaker’s notes must describe the bulleted items on the slide and provide rationale for policy decisions. Include one or more complete paragraph of speaker’s notes per slide; cite outside references used, if any, according to APA format.
Include the following information in your presentation:
o The importance of getting new information into a patient’s record as timely as possible
o Not duplicating medical records for the same person
o Being able to know at all times where a record is located as you write practical, how-to procedures to cover the following aspects of records management:
Indexes for administering health care information
Centralized or decentralized records management
Creation of new records—record format
Type of filing system:
o Basic rules of the system
o Examples to clarify names or numbers that might be confusing in that system
Temporary and permanent insertion of loose forms and care reports:
o Handling clinical data that a doctor needs to see
o Handling administrative data that a doctor does not need to see
Storage for patient files:
o Short-term (patient returns in 2-3 days)
o Permanent (patient is not due back soon but is currently under care)
o Archive (patient record has not been used for some time)
The physical circulation of records within your facility, and between your facility and X-ray:
o Routing and tracking records within areas of your department and out to X-ray
o Storing lab reports that come in when a patient’s file is at X-ray
Retention schedule—destruction of records
File security Legal and ethical responsibilities
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HCR 210 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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HCR 210 Week 9 capstone DQ
Capstone CheckPoint: Records Systems Challenges
Resource: Interview Data Threads
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum]
Recall the Interview Data Threads from the Week Four assignment where you posted the information from your interviews.
Review the information for interview questions 1 and 13 from your assigned thread and from at least one other thread of your classmates, to answer the following in 250 to 300 words:
Can you assume that larger facilities necessarily handle more records, or might that be a misconception? What conclusions can you draw about the challenges for record management in small, medium-sized, and large facilities? Do these challenges seem to be more closely tied to the size of the facility or to the number of records typically handled in a day?
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HCR 210 Week 8 Individual Assignment Releasing Protected Health Information
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HCR 210 Week 8 Individual Assignment Releasing Protected Health Information
Resource: Ch. 8 of Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum]
Summarize when covered entities may release protected health information only with a patient’s consent and when they may release it without consent, for each category:
o Government agencies
o Legal agencies or representatives
o Research Groups
Discuss the principles that permit disclosure of protected health information without a patient’s consent, and state whether or not you feel privacy safeguards are adequate to support those principles.
Include at least two outside references.
Use APA formatting guidelines.
Post your paper of 750 to 1,050 words as a Microsoft® Word attachment
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HCR 210 Week 8 Exercise Career Self-Reflection II
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HCR 210 Week 8 CheckPoint Legal Terms
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HCR 210 Week 8 CheckPoint Legal Terms
Resource: Key Terms on pp. 253-254 of Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum]
Complete the Legal Terms CheckPoint. Select 15 terms from the list of Key Terms on pp. 253-254 of your textbook. In your own words, write a brief definition for each of the terms you selected.
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HCR 210 Week 7 DQ 1
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HCR 210 Week 7 DQ 1
People are sometimes shocked to realize how much personal data can be maintained in master patient indexes—such as marital status and problematic payment histories or cancellations. People are also surprised to realize how much medical information may be shared—for example, a doctor you are visiting for pneumonia may see that you are taking medications for mental illness.
Do you think the benefits of master patient indexes outweigh the disadvantages, or have medical records gone too far in documenting and sharing private information? Explain your reasons. Respond to classmates by suggesting the kind of policy for master patient indexes you feel would be appropriate for your concerns.
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HCR 210 Week 7 CheckPoint Internet Databases
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HCR 210 Week 7 CheckPoint Internet Databases
CheckPoint: Internet Databases
Resource: http://www.apollolibrary.com/ERR/goerr.aspx?frmCourse=1717&frmWeek=7
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum]
Read the articles in the Electronic Reserve Reading.
Discuss in 250 to 300 words the benefits and the concerns of having medical information electronically stored in an Internet database which does not limit the use of patient records to a doctor’s office.
Include your position for or against such a network.
HCR 210 Week 8 Exercise – Career Self-Reflection II
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Exercise: Career Self-Reflection II
Resource: Appendix F
Due Date: Day 5
Complete Appendix F.
Post your completed Appendix F as an attachment.
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HCR 210 Week 6 Individual Assignment Record Controls
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HCR 210 Week 6 Individual Assignment Record Controls
Resources: Interview Data Threads and Ch. 6 of Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum]
Recall the Interview Data Threads from the Week Four assignment where you posted the information from your interviews.
Review the information for interview questions 6-12 from your assigned thread and from at least one other thread of your classmates, to answer the following in a 750- to 1,050- word paper:
o What conclusions can you draw about similarities and differences in circulation, tracking and security measures for records handling and storage within small, medium, and large facilities? Discuss reasons for these differences,
o Consider how these differences affect other aspects of records management, and postulate consequences of staff not following those procedures properly.
Use APA formatting guidelines.
Post your paper as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
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HCR 210 Week 6 CheckPoint Record Organization
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HCR 210 Week 6 CheckPoint Record Organization
CheckPoint: Record Organization
Resources: Interview Data Threads, Ch. 6 of Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices, and Week Three CheckPoint
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum]
Recall the Interview Data Threads from the Week Four assignment where you posted the information from your interviews.
Review the information for interview questions 4-5 from your assigned thread and from at least one other thread of your classmates, to answer the following in 250 to 300 words:
What conclusions can you draw about similarities and differences in the organization of patient files and the handling of loose reports within small, medium, and large facilities? If applicable, you may want to review the information about record formats from the Week Three CheckPoint.
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HCR 210 Week 5 DQ 2
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HCR 210 Week 5 DQ 2
A common filing difficulty is the situation where newborns are given different names after they leave a hospital, and records management personnel must try to locate the correct paperwork when the baby returns for follow-up examinations. Respond to the question at the end of this scenario:
Maria Diaz delivers her baby girl at your hospital. After an uncomplicated stay, Ms. Diaz and her baby girl are discharged. The baby’s medical record is labeled with her medical record number and the name Diaz, Baby Girl (Maria) and filed according to your hospital’s procedure. Two weeks later, Ms. Diaz brings her baby back to the hospital’s emergency room where the baby is admitted to the pediatric ward under the name Angel Gonzales. This is the baby’s given name, and the name reflected on her birth certificate that Ms. Diaz completed and mailed in to the state. The Pediatrician on the ward calls your department. He states that the baby, Angel Gonzales, was born at your hospital 2 weeks ago and he would like to see the old record. You have difficulty finding a record for Angel Gonzales because it read, Diaz, when it was previously filed. What processes might you implement to make neonatal files easier to manage?
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HCR 210 Week 5 DQ 1
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HCR 210 Week 5 DQ 1
Recall the Interview Data Threads from the Week Four assignment where you posted the information from your interviews. Review the information for interview questions 2 & 3 from your assigned thread and from at least one other thread of your classmates, to answer the following:
Do most medical facilities seem to have transferred to electronic records, do they still maintain paper files, or do they use some combination of both?
Do small, medium, or large facilities seem most prone to use numeric versus alphabetic systems?
Do small, medium, or large facilities seem most prone to use a particular type of numeric system?
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HCR 210 Week 5 CheckPoint Alphabetic Filing
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HCR 210 Week 5 CheckPoint Alphabetic Filing
Resource: Ch. 6 of Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum]
Complete Appendix E.
Post your completed Appendix E as an attachment.
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HCR 210 Week 4 Individual Assignment Interview Data Appendix B
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HCR 210 Week 4 Individual Assignment Interview Data Appendix B
Assignment: Interviews
Your instructor will post a roster in the Main forum that assigns students in groups of up to four for this assignment. Follow the instructions below carefully because the interview data must be inserted cumulatively, meaning that information will be misplaced if you are not careful to use the correct post. To receive full credit, follow directions carefully.
Resources: Appendix B; Interview Data Thread Roster and Interview Data Threads posted by your instructor in the Main forum
Due Date: Day 7 [Main forum]
Locate the Interview Data Thread Roster to find the Interview Data Thread in which you are assigned for this assignment, in the Main forum. Your Interview Data Thread contains a chart with the same interview questions you investigated in Appendix B.
Open the most recent post in your assigned thread by checking the day and time. This is extremely important because:
o If your classmates have already entered their interview data and you select the instructor’s original post, then you will not see what your threadmates have posted.
o If you are unable to post all of your data at one sitting and decide to return to finish later, using the most recent post in the thread ensures that your and everyone else’s data are preserved each time the chart is accessed.
Click Reply.
Click Quote Original and scroll down to the quoted section of the message. You will be adding information to the table in the quoted section.
Notice that every interview question has four colored response areas.
Select a colored response area that none of your threadmates has used.
Insert your interview information as concisely as possible, using the same color for each interview question. In this manner, your classmates can clearly connect the information about each facility you interviewed.
Ensure that you do not change or delete the information contributed by the other members of your thread. (If you accidentally change or delete something that another member of your thread inserted, immediately click Cancel.)
Post the chart as soon as you have finished inserting your information so that your threadmates can access the most current version of it.
Verify, when you can see that someone else has accessed the chart in your thread, that all of your data are in the most recent post. There is a small chance that two students may insert data at the same time, and then one or the other may have to go back and reinsert information. If this occurs, you can show your instructor that your data were simply in a previous post—as long as you reinsert them, there is no penalty.
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HCR 210 Week 4 Exercise Career Self-Reflection
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HCR 210 Week 4 Exercise Career Self-Reflection
Exercise: Career Self-Reflection
Resource: Appendix D
Due Date: Day 5
Complete Appendix D.
Post your completed Appendix D as an attachment.
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HCR 210 Week 4 CheckPoint Patient Reports Appendix C
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HCR 210 Week 4 CheckPoint Patient Reports Appendix C
CheckPoint: Patient Reports
Resources: Appendix C and Ch. 5 of Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum]
Complete Appendix C.
Post your completed Appendix C as an attachment.
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HCR 210 Week 3 DQ 2
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HCR 210 Week 3 DQ 2
What do you think is the reasoning for not filing incident reports in medical records? Provide examples of three incidents and explain why they could be problematic in patients’ files. Respond to classmates by elaborating the consequences that could occur if the incident examples they discuss were kept in patients’ records.
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HCR 210 Week 3 DQ 1
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HCR 210 Week 3 DQ 1
How might a novice confuse the following advance directives within the Patient Self-Determination Act when distinguishing information as administrative or clinical?
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HCR 210 Week 3 CheckPoint Record Formats
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HCR 210 Week 3 CheckPoint Record Formats
Resource: Ch. 4 of Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum]
Summarize, in 250 to 300 words, the differences among source oriented records, problem oriented records, and integrated records.
Include how you think the advantages and disadvantages of each record format affect everyday work—remember to think about retrieving records as well as filing them.
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HCR 210 Week 2 Individual Assignment U.S. Health Care Settings Presentation
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HCR 210 Week 2 Individual Assignment U.S. Health Care Settings Presentation
Assignment: U.S. Health Care Settings
Resources: Ch. 3 of Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices; Presentation Guide
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum]
Review presentation guidelines given in your Presentation Guide, located on your student website.
Create a PowerPoint® presentation of at least 9 slides outlining the major functions that distinguish the following U.S. health care settings, with an appropriate introduction and conclusion:
o Hospital categories
o Ambulatory care settings
o Behavioral health care facilities
o Types of long-term care
o Managed-care models
o Home-care service
o Government health care facilities (federal, state, and local)
Include speaker notes on main talking points.
Follow APA guidelines for any citations and references that you include.
Post your presentation as an attachment.
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HCR 210 Week 2 CheckPoint Records Administrators And Technicians
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HCR 210 Week 2 CheckPoint Records Administrators and Technicians
CheckPoint: Records Administrators and Technicians
Resources: American Health Information Management Association Web sites:
Records Administrator competencies: http://www.ahima.org/certification/competency.rhit.asp#comp
Records Technician competencies: http://www.ahima.org/certification/documents/2006/2006_RHIAcomp_statements.pdf
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum]
Review the information at the Web sites above.
Explain in 250 to 300 words how the general duties for handling patient records differ between a records administrator (RHIA) and a records technician (RHIT).
Discuss three specific examples of competency differences between the RHIA and RHIT exams.
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HCR 210 Week 1 DQ 2
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HCR 210 Week 1 DQ 2
Select an accreditation agency and name an area of records management that is affected by its guidelines. How does accreditation affect the practical activities of record management in hospitals? Respond to classmates by discussing how the handling of medical records may differ in a hospital that follows accredited procedures from a hospital that adopts its own policies.
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HCR 210 Week 1 DQ 1
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HCR 210 Week 1 DQ 1
Using the Internet for information about medical records standards, what are three ways you can ensure that you maintain standard measures of performance when you work in records management? You may use Web sites of your own choosing or consider any of the links below:
o (search: medical records standards) http://www.jointcommission.org/
o The American Specialty Health Web site at: http://www.ashcompanies.com/Providers/CQM/MedicalRecords.aspx
o Medical Records Documentation Standards Web site at: http://www.mplan.com/pdf/medical_record.pdf
o The Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Georgia Web site at: https://provider.bcbsga.com/provider/credentialing/medical_records.html
o The Occupational Information Network Web site at: http://online.onetcenter.org/link/summary/29-2071.00
Respond to classmates by noting what consequences patients might suffer if their records were not maintained according to standards.
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HCR 210 Week 1 CheckPoint Patient Self-Determination Act
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HCR 210 Week 1 CheckPoint Patient Self-Determination Act
CheckPoint: Patient Self-Determination Act
Resource: P. 10 of Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices
Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum]
Discuss, in 250 to 300 words, the effect of the Patient Self-Determination Act on health care delivery. Consider how you think records management procedures have had to respond to this piece of legislation.
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HCR 210 Complete Course
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HCR 210 Complete Course
HCR 210 Week 1 DQ 1
HCR 210 Week 1 DQ 2
HCR 210 Week 1 CheckPoint Patient Self-Determination Act
HCR 210 Week 2 CheckPoint Records Administrators and Technicians
HCR 210 Week 2 Individual Assignment U.S. Health Care Settings Presentation
HCR 210 Week 3 DQ 1
HCR 210 Week 3 DQ 2
HCR 210 Week 3 CheckPoint Record Formats
HCR 210 Week 4 CheckPoint Patient Reports Appendix C
HCR 210 Week 4 Exercise Career Self-Reflection
HCR 210 Week 4 Individual Assignment Interview Data Appendix B
HCR 210 Week 5 DQ 1
HCR 210 Week 5 DQ 2
HCR 210 Week 5 CheckPoint Alphabetic Filing
HCR 210 Week 6 CheckPoint Record Organization
HCR 210 Week 6 Individual Assignment Record Controls
HCR 210 Week 7 DQ 1
HCR 210 Week 7 CheckPoint Internet Databases
HCR 210 Week 8 CheckPoint Legal Terms
HCR 210 Week 8 Exercise Career Self-Reflection II
HCR 210 Week 8 Individual Assignment Releasing Protected Health Information
HCR 210 Week 9 capstone DQ
HCR 210 Week 9 Final Project Happy Health Medical Clinic Presentation
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