pediatrics Flashcards
APGAR table
go over it
apgar scoring
8-10 - normal
5-7 - need O2
<5 - may need resuscitation
does cephalic or caudal develop first?
cephalic - shoulder and head stability before hip
when is flexor vs extensor tone first
flexor tone - when first born
extensor tone - when first standing
pedes reflexes
go over quizlet
early gait position
high guard, hip abduction/ER, crouched, wide BOS, pronated feet, hips and knees flexed, no heel strike
reflexes integrated 1-2 months
flexor withdrawl and crossed extension
reflexes integrates 3 months
reflexes integrated 2-5 months
reflexes integrated 6 months
palmar, ATNR, MORO, sucking, TLR, positive support reflex
reflexes integrated at 9 months
plantar grasp
reflexes integrated by 12 months
babinski, STNR
ataxic CP
- always hypotonic
- from cerebellum
- decreased coordination, decreased balance, nystagmus
- wide BOS
spastic CP
- velocity dependent spasticity
- synergy patterns
- scissoring gait, crouched gait, toe walking
- contractures
hypotonic/dyskinetic CP
- fluctuating tone: start hypotonic - go into hypertonicity
- from basal ganglia
- intention tremor
- involuntary slow writhing movements
- poor stability