knee special tests Flashcards
collateral lig instability test (LCL and MCL)
purpose: id ligament laxity or restriction
description: knee in 20-30deg of flexion. valgus force to test mcl and varus force to test lcl
result: laxity and possible pain
lachman’s stress test
purpose: integrity of ACL
description: supine. hold knee btw full ext and 30deg of flexion. stabilize femur with outside hand. move proximal tibia forward with inside hand
result: positive - mushy/soft end feel when tibia is moved forward on femur (increased ant translation with IR of tibia)
pivot shift test
purpose: ACL integrity
description: supine. PT stands to side of involved knee.
reduction test - stabilize lower leg and flex knee to 90deg. use other hand to IR tibia.
result: sudden reduction of ant subluxed lateral tibia plateau seen as pivot shift
subluxation test - begin with pt one flexed. PT IR tibia and apply valgus stress test to knee with other hand. PT slowly extends knee, maintaining full knee ext.
result: tib plateau will be felt to relocate
posterior sag sign
purpose: PCL integrity
description: supine. hip flexed to 45deg, and knee flexed to 90deg
result: tibia drops back/sags because of gravity if pcl is torn
sclocum test
purpose: assess anteromedial and anterolateral instability
description: supine with hips in 45deg, knee flexed to 80-90deg.
ALRI (rotaty instability) - place foot in 30deg IR. PT sits on foot and draws tibia forward.
result: positive - movement occurs mostly on lat side of knee, excessive relative to unaffected side and indicated ALRI
AMRI - place foot in 15deg of ER and draw tibia forward.
results: if excessive movement them it occurs primarily on medial side of knee=AMRI
posterior drawer test
purpose: integrity of PCL
description: supine. hip flexed to 45deg and knee flexed to 90deg. passively glide tib posteriorly
result:excess post glide is pos finding
reverse lachman test
purpose: test pcl integrity
description: prone. knee flexed to 30deg. stabilize femur with one hand and pull tibia upward with other
result: excess posterior glide
McMurray’s test
purpose: id meniscal tears
description: supine with knee completely flexed.
lateral meniscus: PT IR tibia and extends knee
medial meniscus: PT ER tibia and extends knee
result: cause snap/click that is often accompanied by pain if there is loose fragment
apley test
purpose: differentiate btw meniscal tears and ligamentous lesion
description: prone. knee flexed to 90deg. anchor thigh to table with PT knee. First IR and ER tibia while distracting tib from femur. IR and ER tibia while compressing tibia.
ligamentous - if rotation +distraction is more painful or shows increased ritation
meniscus - if rotation+compression is more painful or shows decreased rotation relative to normal side
bounce home test
purpose: meniscal lesion
description: supine with knee fully flexed. cup patients heel. passively allow knee to fully ext.
result: if extension isnt complete or has springy block then torn meniscus can be blocking full extension
thessaly test
purpose: meniscal lesion
description: stand flat on one leg while PT gives hands for balance. pt flex knee to 5deg and rotates femur on tib 3x IR and 3x ER. Repeat at 20deg flexion
result: + for meniscal tear if pt has med/lat joint line discomfort. can also have lock/catch
hughston’s plica test
purpose: plica dysfunction
description: supine. PT flex and IR tibia with 1 arm. with other arm, press patlla medially with heel of hand and palpate medial femoral condyle with same fingers. passively flex/ext.
result: + if feel popping at medial femoral condyle
patellar apprehension test
purpose: hx of patella dysfunction
description: supine. patella passively glided laterally
result: pt doesnt allow patella to move laterally
clarke’s sign
purpose: id patellofemoral dysfunction
description: pt supine with knee ext. press down slightly proximal to base of patella with web of hand. ask pt to contract quads while pushing down.
result: positive if causes retropatellar knee pain and cant hold contraction
ballotable patella/ patella tap test
purpose: id infrapatellar effusion
description: push down from top and bottom of patella toward it to push any fluid there. with one finger, push down on patella lightly
result: if positive, there will be floating patella aka dancing patella sign
fluctuation test
purpose: knee joint effusion
description: place 1 hand over suprapatellar pouch, and 1 hand ant to joint with thumb and index fingers just beyond margins of patella
result: press down with 1 hand and then the other, examiner may feel synovial fluid fluctuate under hands and move from 1 hand to another
Q angle measurement
description: draw line from asis to midpoint of patella. and line from tibial tubercle to midpoint of patella. angle formed is called q-angle
result: normally q-angle is 13deg for males and 18deg for females
increased q angle=femoral neck anteversion, external tibial torsion, flat feet
decreased q angle=femoral neck retroversion, internal tibial torsion
noble compression test
purpose: id distal IT band friction syndrome
description: supine. PT flex pt knee to 90, accompanied by hip flexion. Apply pressure to lateral femoral epicondyle or 1-2cm prox to it with thumb. Maintain pressure and passively extend knee
result: positive if at 30deg of flexion pt experiences severe pain over lateral femoral condyle
tinel’s sign
purpose: id dysfunction of common fibular nerve posterior to fibular head
description: tap region where common fibular nerve passes posterior to fibular head
result: pos= tingling/paresthesia in leg