cardiopulm interventions Flashcards
rate product pressure
treatment for respiratory alkalosis
breath into paper bag/rebreather mask
treatment for respiratory acidosis
give O2, bronchodilator
treatment for metabolic acidosis
bicarbonate infusion
treatment for metabilic alkalosis
give meds to reduce
how long to hold postural drainage for
5-10 mins
where is lingula of lung
Left middle, medial
postural drainage position for basal/lower lungs
trendelenburg raised 18in
postural drainage position for middle lobes
trendelenburg raised 12 in
postural drainage position for superior segments of lower lobe
prone lying with 2 pillows under pelvis
postural drainage position for posterior apical segments of upper lobes
sitting in chair, leaning forward over folded pillow
postural drainage position for anterior segments of upper lobes
supine lying on bed with pillows under knees
postural drainage position for upper lobe, anterior apical segment
reclined, leaning slightly back
hemoptysis=discharge of blood/bloody mucus coming from bronchi, larynx, trachea, and lungs
- relative contra for postural drainage
precautions for postural drainage
- hemoptysis
- massive obesity
- massive ascites
- pulm edema
- large pleural effusion