MM of forearm and hand Flashcards
extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
O: common extensor origin - lateral epicondyle of humerus
ECRL - base of 2nd metacarpal
ECRB - base of 3rd metacarpal
A: wrist extension and radial deviation
I: radial
extensor digitorum
O: common extensor origin - lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: by 4 tendons, each to base of extensor mechanism, and to dorsal base of proximal phalanx of fingers
A: extends MCP joints, extends IP joints of 2-5 digits
I: radial
extensor digiti minimi
O: ulnar side of belly of extensor digitorum
I: tendon usually divides, joining ulnar side of tendon of extensor digitorum
A: extends MCP joints, extends IP joints of little finger
I: radial
extensor carpi ulnaris
O: common extensor origin- lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: base of 5th metacarpal
A: extension of wrist and ulnar deviation
I: radial
abductor pollicis longus
O: post surface of middle part of radius and ulna, and adjacent interosseous membrane
I: base of 1st metacarpal
A: 1st digit ABD and extension at CMC joint
I: radial
extensor pollicis brevis
O: post surface of middle to distal parts of radius and adj interosseous membrane
I: proximal phalanx of thumb
A: 1st digit extension at MCP, IP joints
I: radial
extensor pollicis longus
O: post surface of middle part of ulna and adj. interosseous membrane
I: distal phalanx of thumb
A: 1st digit extension at MCP, IP joints
I: radial
extensor indicis
O: post surface of middle to distal part of ulna and adj interosseous membrane
I: tendon blends with ulnar side of index tendon of extensor digitorum
A: 2nd digit extension and wrist extension
I: radial
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus and supinator crest of ulna
I: lateral surface of prox radius
A: forearm supination
I: radial
pronator teres
humeral head: medial epicondyle
ulnar head: medial to tuberosity of ulna
I: lateral surface of middle radius
A: forearm pronation, elbow flexion
I: median
flexor carpi radialis
O: common flexor origin- medial epicondyle of humerus
I: 2nd and 3rd metacarpals
A: wrist flexion, radial deviation
I: median
palmaris longus
O: common flexor origin- medial epicondyle of humerus
I: carpal ligament and palmar aponeurosis of hand
A: wrist flexion
I: median
flexor carpi ulnaris
Humeral head: Common
flexor origin- medial
epicondyle of the humerus
Ulnar head: posterior border
of the middle one third of
the ulna
I: Pisiform bone, pisohamate and
pisometacarpal ligaments, and
palmar base of the fifth metacarpal
A: wrist flexion, ulnar deviation
I: ulnar
flexor digitorum superficialis
Humeroulnar head:
common flexor origin, and
the medial side of coronoid
process of the ulna
Radial head: oblique line
just distal and lateral to the bicipital tuberosity
I: By four tendons, each to the sides
of the middle phalanges of the
A: flexion of PIP joint of fingers
I: median
flexor pollicis longus
O: Middle part of the anterior
surface of the radius and
adjacent interosseous
I: dist phalanx of thumb
A: flexion of distal phalanx of thumb
I: median
flexor digitorum profundus
O: Proximal 3/4 of the medial
side of the ulna and
adjacent interosseous
I: By four tendons, each to the palmar
base of the distal phalanges of the
A: wrist flexion, flex all joints to DIP in digits 2-5
medial half - ulnar
lateral hald - median
pronator quadratus
O: ant surface of dist ulnar
I: ant surface of dist radius
A: forearm pronation
I: median
abductor pollicis brevis
O: palmar tubercles of trapezium and scaphoid
I: base of proximal phalanx of thumb
A: abduction of thumb at MCP, and CMC
I: median
flexor pollicis brevis
O: transverse carpal ligament and palmar tubercle of trapezium
I: radial side of prox phalanx of thumb
A: thumb flexion
I: median
opponens pollicis
O: transverse carpal lig and palmar tubercle of trapezium
I: shaft of thumb metacarpal
A: opposition of thumb
I: median
adductor pollicis
Oblique head: capitate
bone& base of second and
third metacarpal
Transverse head: palmar
surface of 3rd metacarpal
I: ulnar side of base of prox phalanx of thumb
A: thumb adduction
I: ulnar
abductor digiti minimi
O: pisiform bone and tendon of FCU
I: base of prox phalanx of little finger
A: abd little finger at MCP
I: ulnar
flexor digiti minimi
O: hook of hamate
I: base of prox phalanx of little finger
A: flexion of little finger
I: ulnar
opponens digiti minimi
O: transverse carpal lig and hook of hamate
I: shaft of 5th metacarpal
A: flexion of 5th metacarpal, ER producing opposition
I: ulnar
lumbricals of hand
First and second: Radial
surface of the flexor
profundus tendons of the
index and middle fingers,
Third: Adjacent sides of the
flexor profundus tendons of
the middle and ring fingers.
Fourth: Adjacent sides of
the flexor profundus
tendons of the ring and little
I: Into the radial border of the extensor
expansion on the dorsum of the
respective digits
A: MCP flexion, IP extension
I: medial 2 - ulnar
lateral 2 - median
dorsal interossei
First: adjacent sides of the
first and second
Second: adjacent sides of
the second and third
Third: adjacent sides of the
third and fourth metacarpal
Fourth: adjacent sides of
the fourth and fifth
First: Radial side of the index
finger, chiefly to the base of the
proximal phalanx
Second: Radial side of the middle
Third: Ulnar side of the middle
finger, chiefly into extensor
Fourth: Ulnar side of the ring finger
A: abduct 2,3,4 digits away from middle finger
I: ulnar