(Part 2) 2.23.2 Mycobacterium Detection, tests, and culture Flashcards
Example of types of acid fast stains?
Ziehl Neelsen
Before a smear is reported as negative, it should be examined carefully by scanning at least ________ OIFs
a. 200
b. 250
c. 300
d. 350
Number of AFB seen: 0
a. No AFB seen
b. Indeterminate
c. 1+
d. 2+
e. 3+
f. 4+
Number of AFB seen: 1-9/10 fields
a. No AFB seen
b. Indeterminate
c. 1+
d. 2+
e. 3+
f. 4+
Number of AFB seen: 1-9/100 fields
a. No AFB seen
b. Indeterminate
c. 1+
d. 2+
e. 3+
f. 4+
Number of AFB seen: 1-9/ fields
a. No AFB seen
b. Indeterminate
c. 1+
d. 2+
e. 3+
f. 4+
Number of AFB seen: 1-2/300 fields
a. No AFB seen
b. Indeterminate
c. 1+
d. 2+
e. 3+
f. 4+
Number of AFB seen: 9+/fields
a. No AFB seen
b. Indeterminate
c. 1+
d. 2+
e. 3+
f. 4+
Cell wall component of MTB
a. Lipopolysaccharide
b. Peptidoglycan
c. Liparabinomannan
d. Mycolic acid
Lipoarabinomannan can be seen in ELISA or Lateral flow assays
T or F
Culture media for MTB Agar base?
a. MiddleBrook7H10 and 7H11
b. Lowenstein Jensen
c. Petragani
d. BAP
Agar-based media can grow MTB within 18-24 days
T or F
10-12 days
Culture media for MTB Egg base?
a. MiddleBrook7H10 and 7H11
b. Lowenstein Jensen
c. Petragani
d. BAP
b and c
Egg-based media can grow MTB within 18-24 days
T or F
Example of Liquid media for MTB are
BACTEC 12B medium
Middlebrook 7H9 broth
Dubos Tween albumin
Septi-Chek AFB
Which does not belong
Cultures for MTB are incubated at 35 C in the light in a atm of 5% to 10% CO2 and high humidity
T or F
In the Dark
Cultures of MTB should Examine weekly for growth; most isolated appear between 3 and 6 weeks
T or F
All mycobacterium spp produce niacin but M. tuberculosis accumulates the largest amount
T or F
Positive and Negative result for Niacin?
(+) Yellow
(-) No color change
Helpful in identifying M. tuberculosis, M. kansasii, M.szulgai, M. fortuitum
a. Niacin
b. Nitrate
c. Urease
d. Tween 80
Positive and Negative result for Nitrate
(+) Pink / Red
(-) No color change
Helpgul in identifying M. fortuitum, M. kansasii, M. szulgai, M. flavescens
a. Niacin
b. Nitrate
c. Urease
d. Tween 80
Positive and Negative result for Urease
(+) Pink or Red (Magenta)
(-) No color change (Yellow)
a. Niacin
b. Nitrate
c. Urease
d. Tween 80
End product of Tween 80
Helpful in identifying slow growing scotochromogens and nonphotochromogens
a. Niacin
b. Nitrate
c. Urease
d. Tween 80
Positive and Negative result for Tween 80
(+) Pink and Red
(-) No color change
What is the temp for heat stable catalase test?
a. 42C
b. 69C
c. 43C
d. 68C
68 C
Positive indicator for Catalse
based on relative activity of the enzyme as determine by the height of a column of bubbles of oxygen form
a. Heat stable Catalase
b. Semiqualitative catalase
c. Semiquantitative catalase
d. Quantitative catalase
Positive and negative for Semiquantitative catalase
(+) >45 mm
(-) <45mm
Spp of NTM that reduce potassium tellurite
M. avium complex
positive and negative result for Tellurite?
(+) Smooth, fine, black precipitate
(-) Gray clumps
This enzyme is present in most mycobacteria
a. Aminase
b. Sulfatase
c. Arysulfatase
d. Aminoladase
3 day test that is useful for identifying the potentially pathogenic rapid growers M. fortuitum, M. chelonae
a. Tellurite
b. 5% NaCl
c. Arysulfatase
d. Thiophene-2-Carboxylic acid hydrazide
Positive and negative for Arysulfatase?
(+) Pink and red
(-) No color change
Rapid grower that can tolerate 5% NaCl?
M. fortuitum
Positive and negative for 5% NaCl
(+) Substantial growth
(-) Little or no growth
It used to distinguish what M. bovis from M. tuberculosis
a. Tellurite
b. 5% NaCl
c. Arysulfatase
d. Thiophene-2-Carboxylic acid hydrazide
Thiophene-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide (10 mg/mL) Positive and Negative
(+) No growth
(-) Growth