Paediatric haematology Flashcards
What type of haemoglobin makes up 55-65% of blood at birth?
What chromosome codes for alpha globin chains?
chromosome 16
What chromosome codes for beta globin chains?
chromosome 11
How do IgG antibodies develop in children?
IgG crosses placenta
What coagulation factors are normal at birth?
- fibrinogen
- FV
What coagulation/anti coag factors are Vit K dependant?
- FX
- Protein C
- Protein S
What are the congenital causes anaemia in childhood?
1) Haemoglobinopathy
2) Bone marrow failure syndrome
3) Bone marrow infiltration
4) Peripheral destruction
5) Blood loss
What are the most common haemoglobinopathies?
- thalassaemia
- sickle cell
What are the causes of peripheral destruction?
1) Rh / ABO incompatibility
2) Membrane defect e.g. hereditary spherocytosis
3) Enzyme defect : G^PD deficiency, PK deficiency
4) Infection
What is Hereditary spherocytosis?
a membran defect of RBCs
What are the acquired caused of anaemia in childhood?
1) Iron / B12 / folate deficiency
2) bone marrow failure
3) Bone marrow infiltration
4) Peripheral destruction e.g. haemolysis
5 Blood loss
What are the congenital causes of bleeding and bruising?
- Platelet problem
- clotting factor problem
- connective tissue disorder
What are the acquired causes of bleeding and bruising in children?
- trauma
- tumour
- infection e.g. meningococcus
- Immune disorder, primary (immune thrombocytopenia), secondary (SLE)
- bone marrow failure
- drug