drug of choice for iron def. anemia
ferrous sulfate
optimal levels of Hb in males
13 - 16.5
optimal levels of Hb in females
11.6 - 15
Content of ferrous iron in ferrous sulfate
65 mg
Absorption of iron is enhanced by
- vitamin c
- taken on empty stomach
Medications that reduce iron absorption
PPI , H2 blockers , antacids
food that reduces iron absorption
tea , bran , cereals , dairy products
Parenteral iron therapy is used for
-Postgastrectomy conditions
-chronic renal disease
-Intolerance to oral iron therapy
Parenteral iron preparations
- dextran
- iron sucrose complex
- iron sodium gluconate complex
route of administration of iron dextran
route of administration of iron sucrose / iron Na complex
incase of anaphylactic shock due to iron dextran you will treat with
Epinephrine IM
iron toxicity is treated with
- GI decontamination
- Deferoxamine
Preferred route of administration for deferoxamine
Chronic iron overload is treated with
intermittent phlebotomy
Thalassemia major patients are treated with
iron chelating agent
Patients on long term treatment with metformin , PPIs , H2 blockers are at risk of developing
B12 deficiency
drugs to treat B12 def.
Dosage for acute therapy for B12
1 mg IM daily for 7 days then once weekly for 4 weeks
dosage for chronic therapy
1 mg monthly or 2 mg orally daily or 500mcg intranasally
Preparations for folic acid def.
-folic acid
- folinic aci
dosages for megaloblastic anemia due to B9 de.
1-5 mg po daily till complete hematological recovery
prophylaxis of folic acid def. in Pregnant women
Fefol / 1 mg daily
mention some GI side effects that you will inform your Pt about
constipation / diarrhoea
epigastric pain