October Flashcards
nationality /ˌnæʃ.ənˈæl.ət̬i
At the time of his seizure, he was in the process of applying for British nationality .
trình độ học vấn
education background /ˌed.jʊˈkeɪ.ʃən ˈbæk.ɡraʊnd/
nghề nghiệp
occupation /ˌɑː.kjəˈpeɪ.ʃən/
ex: Don’t just get a job. Look for an occupation that suits your passion.
sự riêng tư
privacy /ˈpraɪ.vəsi/
ex: A person’s right of privacy is protected by law, even when the person is in public.
to go along
tiến triển
ex: Things are going along well.
to take note of
lưu ý đến, để ý đến
ex: I take note of what the professor said.
tình trạng hôn nhân
marital status
ex: They asked questions about the age, sex and marital status of all the people in the house.
sơ sinh, mới sinh
newborn /ˈnuː.bɔːrn/
ex: Newborn babies mostly want to suckle between eight and ten times a day.
trẻ nhỏ (chưa biết đi)
infant /ˈɪn.fənt/
ex: As we all know, infants and elderly people are at the greatest risk for food poisoning.
thiếu niên (13-19 tuổi)
ex: Being a teenager is a strange and yet exciting part of life
thanh niên
ex: In his youth , he travelled much around the world
trung niên (45-65 tuổi)
middle age
ex: He’s a handsome man in early middle age .
nghịch ngợm; hư đốn
naughty /ˈnɑː.t̬i/
ex: Mostly kids are naughty and they do not take care of themselves when they play.
hiếu động
active /ˈæk.tɪv/
ex: Boys are usually more active than girls
trưởng thành; chín chắn
mature /məˈtʊr/
ex: Being older than someone does not mean that you are more mature than them.
gầy giơ xương
skinny /ˈskɪn.i/ $
ex: When I was a kid, I was always really skinny .
to gorge oneself
= tống vào, nhét vào
ex: Don’t gorge yourself on the snacks. Dinner is in ten minutes.
khuyết tật; tàn tật
disabled /dɪˈseɪ.bl̩d
ex: The project is aimed at helping disabled children integrate with their communities.
blind /blaɪnd/
ex: The disease made her go blind in one
deaf /def/
ex: She’s been totally deaf since birth.
dumb /dʌm/
ex: My grandma who was deaf and dumb lived to be over 100
chậm phát triển
retarded /rɪˈtɑːr.dɪd/
ex: All three of their children are severely mentally retarded
năng động
dynamic /daɪˈnæm.ɪk/
ex: We’re looking for someone positive and dynamic .
nhiệt tình
enthusiastic /ɪnˌθuː.ziˈæs.tɪk/
ex: Business leaders gave an enthusiastic welcome to the proposal.
ngoại tệ
foreign currency
ex: You can exchange foreign currencies in airports, at some ATMs, and in banks.
tỉ giá hối đoái
exchange rate /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ reɪt/
ex: The exchange rate for dollar to pound is 1.8264.
to pay off
trả hết tiền
ex: He managed to pay off his debts in two years.
Anh ấy đã xoay sở trả hết nợ trong hai năm.
to save on st
chi ít tiền hơn cho cái gì
ex: I like to ride bicycle because it can save on fuel.
Tôi thích đi xe đạp vì có thể tiết kiệm được nhiên liệu.
to pave the way for
mở đường, chuẩn bị cho
ex: We hope that this transaction will pave the way for further development of business between us.
Chúng tôi hi vọng lần giao dịch này sẽ mở đường cho sự phát triển hơn nữa kinh doanh giữa hai chúng ta.
Never: chưa bao giờ
Seldom: hiếm khi/hầu như không
Not only … but also…: không những … mà còn…
Not until : mãi cho tới
No sooner … than: vừa mới…thì…
Hardly… when = Scarcely… when: vừa mới… rồi thì (lại)
Hardly ever : ít khi
Neither/nor: cũng không
Only then /Only when : chỉ lúc đó/chỉ khi
Only by : chỉ bằng cách
Nowhere: không nơi nào
So… (that): quá… đến nỗi mà
So: cũng vậy
In no circumstances : dù hoàn cảnh nào cũng không
On no account : trong bất cứ trường hợp nào/không vì lý do gì
Dao ngu
Ví dụ: No sooner had he opened the letter than the phone rang . ( đúng )
No sooner had he opened the letter than did the phone ring. (sai)
Anh ấy vừa mới mở lá thư ra thì chuông điện thoại reo.
2. Trường hợp sự đảo ngữ xảy ra ở mệnh đề sau khi câu có hai mệnh đề: Đối với “Not until” (Mãi cho đến khi..) ta có hai cấu trúc: a. Not until + noun +auxiliary V + S + main V… Not until January will I have a holiday . (Mãi cho đến tháng 1 tôi mới có một kỳ nghỉ.) b. Not until + clause 1 +auxiliary V + S + main V… Not until I got home did I realize that my shoes were untied . (đảo ngữ mệnh đề 2 =\> đúng) Not until did I get home I realized that my shoes were untied. (đảo ngữ mệnh đề 1 =\> sai) Not until did I get home did I realize that my shoes were untied. (đảo ngữ hai mệnh đề =\> sai)) (Mãi cho đến khi về đến nhà tôi mới nhận ra là giày chưa cột.)
thể tích; khối lượng
volume /ˈvɑːl.juːm/
ex: The volume of this bottle is 0.5 liters
đơn vị đo lường
measure /ˈmeʒ.ər/
ex: The standard measure of liquid capacity in this area is liter
chu vi
perimeter /pəˈrɪm.ɪ.tər/
ex: The perimeter of a square is the total length of the four sides
kilometer /ˈkɪl.ɑ:ˌmiː.tər/
ex: This car can run at an average speed of 100 kilometers per hour
milliliter /ˈmɪl.ɪˌliː.tər
ex: You should drink nearly 1200 milliliters of water every day to maintain a right amount of water inside the body.
thước dây, thước cuộn

tape measure /teɪp ˈˈmeʒ.ər/
ex: The most accurate way to measure something is using a tape measure .
nhiệt kế
thermometer /θəˈmɒm.ɪ.tər/
ex: Oh, look at the thermometer ! The temperature hits 39
cốc lường

measuring cup /ˈmeʒərɪŋ kʌp/
ex: You can take liquid medicine without a measuring cup
cái cân

scales /skeɪlz/
ex: When the scales show you’ve gained weight, your confidence and self-esteem take a knock.
sách hướng dẫn làm một việc gì đó
how-to /ˌhaʊ ˈtuː/
ex: He is reading a how-to on plumbing
sách người thật việc thật
non-fiction book /ˌnɒnˈfɪk.ʃərn bʊk/
ex: Reading non-fiction books has been a lifelong passion of mine
truyện ngắn
short story /ʃɔːrt ˈstɔːr.i/
ex: A writer must have a great vocabulary in order to write a short story
tự truyện
autobiography /ˌɔː.tə.baɪˈɒɡ.rə.fi
ex: In his autobiography , he offers the story of his life as a journey from rags to riches.
hồi ký
memoir /ˈmemwɑːr/
ex: In 1999 she published a short memoir of her father.
sách bán chạy nhất
bestseller /ˌbestˈsel.ər/
ex: Usually, I’m more likely to buy a bestseller unless someone recommends an unknown author to me.
It’s better do to st
= tốt hơn là nên làm gì
It’s better to take your time when doing tests than to hurry and make mistakes.
Bạn nên thong thả khi làm bài kiểm tra hơn là vội vã để rồi phạm lỗi
lối đi (giữa các dãy ghế)
aisle /aɪl/
ex: Narrow aisles make firefighting difficult
xe đẩy

trolley /ˈtrɑː.l/
ex: Hand washing is particularly important after using supermarket trolleys.
thức ăn đông lạnh

frozen food /ˈfroʊzən fuːd/
ex: Frozen and canned food is just as nutritious as fresh food but have a much longer shelf life.
dãy hàng thực phẩm

food aisle /fuːdaɪl/
ex: He walked through the food aisle , getting what he needed.
quầy rau quả

vegetable aisle /ˈvedʒ.tə.bl̩ aɪl/
ex: You will find tofu in the vegetable aisle of the supermarket
quầy văn phòng phẩm

stationery counter
ex: I bought several pens and notebooks in the stationery counter at Walmart.
quầy mỹ phẩm

beauty counter /ˈbjuti ˈkaʊntər/
ex: When you buy cosmetics from the beauty counter , don’t forget to ask for samples!
to seem to do st = có vẻ như, dường như
All these artworks seem to have a charming sort of oriental mystery.
Dường như tất cả các tác phẩm nghệ thuật này đều có nét duyên dáng bí ẩn phương Đông.
to feel free to do st = cảm thấy tự nhiên khi làm gì
During my presentation, please feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions.
Trong khi tôi thuyết trình, các bạn có thể đặt câu hỏi bất kỳ lúc nào.
máy bán hàng tự động
vending machine /ˈven.dɪŋ məˈʃiːn/
ex: I never buy anything from a vending machine
tủ giữ đồ
cloakroom /ˈkloʊkˌruːm/
ex: Valuable articles or cash should not be kept in the cloakroom
nhãn giá
price tag /praɪs tæɡ/
ex: Price tags tell you everything about the product, including the price.
mã vạch
bar code /bɑːr koʊd/
ex: The bar code helps reduce data entry errors by the clerk
to try st out/ to try out st
I have never tried spinach soup, but your recipe makes me try it out.
Tôi chưa bao giờ thử món súp bina nhưng công thức của cậu làm cho tôi muốn thử.
try on + N
dưa hấu
watermelon /ˈwɑː.təˌmel.ən/
ex: Watermelon can be used as a low calorie, refreshing snack on a hot day.
Dưa hấu có thể dùng như đồ ăn vặt không chứ nhiều năng lượng và thật tươi ngon vào ngày nóng nực.
quả bơ
avocado /ˌæv.ə.ˈkɑː.doʊ/
ex: The oil extracted from the seed of avocados is used to treat and reduce wrinkles.
Dầu chiết xuất ra từ hạt của trái bơ được dùng để điều trị và làm giảm các nếp nhăn.
sầu riêng

durian /ˈdʊr.i.ən/
ex: Durians have a strong smell and a unique taste.

pineapple /ˈpaɪnˌæp.l̩/

coconut /ˈkoʊ.kə.nʌt/
ex: There’s evidence that eating a diet rich in coconut can aid weight loss.
bóc vỏ
peel off
ex: The paint is starting to peel off.
Lớp sơn bắt đầu bị tróc.