November Flashcards
ex: What are the symptoms of eating a poisonous mushroom
đậu nành
soybean ˈsɔɪˌbin/
ex: Soybean contains a large number of nutrients and health-care effects.
ngũ cốc
cereal /ˈsɪr.i.əl/
ex: Various traditional and modern techniques are used to grow cereals in India.
sugar cane /ˈʃʊɡər keɪn/
ex: If you have mouth sores or urinary problems, try eating sugar cane or drinking chrysanthemum tea.
đậu phộng
peanut /ˈpiː.nʌt/
ex: You heard it right; peanuts can be a cause of an allergy.
bắp cải
cabbage /ˈkæb.ɪdʒ/
ex: Cabbage can be eaten raw, cooked or fermented.
carrot /ˈker.ət/
ex: Carrots are grown on farms and in family gardens throughout the world.
quả ớt
chili /ˈtʃɪl.i/
ex: People who eat chili have a much lower rate of heart attack and stroke.
dưa chuột / dưa leo
cucumber /ˈkjuː.kʌm.bər/
ex: If you want healthy skin, then cucumber is the answer
củ hành
onion /ˈʌn.jən/
ex: I read somewhere that chewing gum helps prevent cry when chopping onions .
garlic /ˈgɑːr.lɪk/
ex: The smell of fresh garlic makes me feel hungry
ginger /ˈdʒɪn.dʒər
ex: This fish is steamed with ginger .
jet stream
a strong current of fast winds high above the Earth’s surface
deplete (v)
rút hết ra, xả hết ra, làm suy yếu
ex: to deplete a base of troops
ex: we completely depleted our life savings when we bought our new house
frostbite (n)
a condition caused by extreme cold, that makes your fingers and toes swell, become darker, and sometimes fall off (cóng)
ex: I nearly got frostbite
fairy light
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