Nutrition for the Chronically Ill Adult Flashcards
'’What are the 5 parts of a nutrition assessment?’’
'’1) Anthropometric, 2) Biochemical, 3) Clinical, 4) Dietary Methods, 5) Environment’’
'’What is anthropometry?’’
'’the measurement of physical dimensions and body composition’’
'’What is measured in the anthropometric portion of the nutrition assessment?’’
'’Height, weight, and head circumference (babies)’’
'’What is measured in the biochemical portion of the nutrition assessment?’’
'’serum proteins, Hgb, lipids’’
'’What is measured in the clinical portion of the nutrition assessment?’’
'’Signs and symptoms of malnutrition during examination’’
'’What is measured during the dietary methods portion of the nutrition assessment?’’
'’the quantity of food consumed over a time period’’
'’What are the 3 types of dietary recalls used in the nutrition assessment?’’
'’1) 24-hour dietary recall, food diary, food frequency questionnaire’’
'’What is measured during the environment portion of the nutrition assessment?’’
'’Access to food, income, home environment (cooking equipment & running water), etc’’
'’How is dysphagia diagnosed?’’
'’via bedside evaluation & modified Barium swallow’’
'’Describe esophageal dysphagia?’’
'’Food/liquid stops in the esophagus’’
'’What are the 2 types of dysphagia?’’
'’Esophageal and oropharyngeal’’
'’Describe oropharyngeal dysphagia?’’
'’The pt has difficulty forming bolus and initiating swallow’’
'’What causes esophageal dysphagia?’’
'’Cancer, esophageal stricture, muscle disorders’’
'’What causes oropharyngeal dysphagia?’’
'’Brain and nerve disorders’’
'’What are symptoms of oropharyngeal dysphagia?’’
'’drooling, coughing ,choking, food pocketing, gurgly voice’’
'’Which, liquids or solids, are more problematic in each type of dysphagia?’’
'’Esophageal: solids are problematic, Oropharyngeal: liquids are problematic’’
'’Describe the various thicknesses of liquids.’’
'’1) thin, 2) syrup/nectar, 3) honey, 4) pudding’’
'’Describe the various levels of dysphagia diets.’’
'’1) pureed, 2) minced, 3) ground, 4) chopped, 5) regular’’
'’How is obesity measured?’’
'’BMI, waist circumference’’
'’What is considered an obese waist circumference for men and women?’’
'’40” for men, 35” for women’’
'’Describe the 2 types of fat deposition.’’
’‘“Apple” shape and “pear” shape’’
'’How do the apple and pear shapes compare?’’
'’Apple is more dangerous due to internal organs and location-dependent adipocyte characteristics’’
'’Which are the most obese and most lean states?’’
'’MS/WV are most obese, CO most lean’’
'’What are the treatment goals for obesity?’’
'’1) prevent further gain, 2) reduce weight, 3) maintain lower weight, 4) establish short-term goals’’
'’What are strategies to manage weight?’’
'’1) diet, 2) behavior, 3) physical activity, 4) pharmacotherapy, 5) surgery’’
'’What are the recommended weight loss per week goals based on BMI?’’
'’1) BMI > 35, 1-2 lb/wk; 2) BMI 27-35, .5-1 lb/wk’’
'’How are burns characterized?’’
'’1) % Total BSA, 2) Thickness (full or partial) & Location, 3) inhalation injury’’
'’What sources of soluble fiber?’’
'’oat bran, barley, nuts/seeds, beans, lentils, peas, cucumbers, celery, carrots, psyllium’’
'’What are sources of insoluble fiber?’’
'’wheat bran, nuts/seeds, zucchini, broccoli, cabbage, green beans, dark leafy veggies, grapes, raising, whole grains’’
'’What factors of a burn injury contribute to poor food intake?’’
'’location, hands, depression, inhalation injury’’