Diets Flashcards
Describe the mechanical soft diet.
Purpose: poor dentition, head/neck surgery, dysphagia
Diet: Ground meat to chewable form
Restricted: Raw fruits, veggies, nuts/seeds
Pureed diet
Purpose: minimal chewing & swallowing
Diet: Soft & consistent textures, blended foods, shaped foods
Low Bacteria diet
Purpose: immunocompromised / -suppressed pts
Diet: through washing & cooking
Cirrhosis diet
Purpose: regeneration & nutrition, prevent hepatic encephalopathy
Diet: hi-cal, hi-protein
Restricted: EtOH, fat (if jaundiced), Na + fluid (if ascites)
Hepatic encephalopathy diet
Purpose: promote regeneration, prevent tissue catabolism & NH3 production
Diet: hi-cal, hi protein
Restricted: Na+fluid if ascites
Fat restricted diet
purpose: disorders causing fat maldigestion & malabsorption, gallbladder dz, chylous ascites, chylothorax, heart-healthy, weight
Diet: medium-chain TGs for steatorrhea
Restricted: fat, coconut juice, meat w/ skin, dairy (if > 3 g fat), frozen (> 10 g fat), CHO (> 2 g fat)
TLC diet
Purpose: reduce LDL, improve lipids, reduce CV dz risk, reduce risk of DM Diet: -- sat. fat: < 200mg/d -- total fat: 25-35% cal -- s. fiber: 10 - 25 g/d -- calories: manage -- sodium: 2300 mg/d
Sodium-controlled diet
Purpose: HTN, edema/ascites, CV/renal dz
– 250-500 mg (acute) or 1-2g (long-term)
– processed foods
DASH diet
Diet: emphasize fruits, veggies, whole grain, fat-free dairy, lean meat, nuts
Restricted: 1500 or 2300 mg Na
High fiber diet
Purpose: diverticular dz, IBS, constipation, weight control
Diet: whole grain, fr/veg, legumes, 64oz liquid/day
Restricted: nuts/seeds if not tolerated in diverticular dz
Renal predialysis diet
Diet: Na, K, fluid as tolerated Restricted: -- Protein (0.6 - 0.8 g/kg) -- P (< 10 mg/kg/day) -- Ca (1-1.5 g/day)
Renal hemodialysis & peritoneal dialysis diet
Diet: -- Protein (1.2 - 1.8 g/kg) -- if HD, fluid (urine + 500mL) Restricted: -- Ca (< 2000 mg) -- P (< 17 mg/kg/day) -- K (2-4 g/day) -- Na (2 g/day)
For diabetes, how many servings per meal, and how many for snacks?
women: 3-4/meal
men: 4-5/meal
1-2 for snacks
How much is 1 serving of CHO for diabetics?
15g = 1 serving CHO
Diabetes diet
CHO counting
Avoid sweets
Limit fats
Regular meal times
High Protein, Hi Cal
Purpose: burn victims, malnourishment
Diet: meat, milk, cheese, snacks
Burn diet
Diet: vitamins, amino acids (arg, glu), hi-cal, hi-protein
Restricted: fat, if possible
what are sources of soluble fiber?
oat bran, nuts/seeds, beans, lentils, peas, cucumbers, psyllium
what are sources of insoluble fiber?
wheat bran, nuts/seeds, zucchini, broccoli, cabbage, green beans, dark green leafy veggies, grapes, raisins, whole grains
Gastric bypass diet
1) 3 slow meals per day
2) protein, lo-cal, MVI
3) separate solids & liquids
4) progress from thin pureed ( 2-3 oz) to calorie control (4-5oz)