Nutrition and feeds-salt and minerals Flashcards
what will minerals and vitamins change depending on
-winter vs pasture feed
-plant species
-forage management
-stage of plant growth
-soil type
-water quality
what are minerals
-inorganic elements (contain no carbon)
what are the macrominerals
what is the functions of minerals
-structral materials
-maintain acid-base balance
-maintain osmotic presure
-digestive acids
-muscle contrations
what are the functions of calcium
-bone formation
-muscle contractions
-nerve functioning
-blood clotting
-egg shell formation
what are some sources of calcium
-dicalcium phosphate
-meat and bone meal
what are calcium deficiency symptoms
-milk fever
-cage layer fatigue
what are the functions of phosphorus
-bone formation
-metabolic (ATP, RNA, DNA)
what are some sources of phosphorus
-dicalcium phosphate
-meat and bone meal
-plant sources
what are P deficiency symptoms
-leg weakness
what are the functions of sulpur
-building blocks of amino acids
-detox reactions
-required by ruminal microorganisms
what are some sources of sulfur
sodium, ammonium, potassium, magnesium sulphate
what are some deficiencies of sulfur
-repo issues
-ties up cu
what are the functions of magnesium
-activator of metobolic enzymes
-breakdown of glucose for energy
-replication of DNA
what are some sources of magnesium
magnesium oxide
what are the functions of potassium
-ubiquitous in body
-required in large amounts: normal functioning
what are some sources of potassium
-found in many forages
what are some functions of sodium and chloride
-osmotic balance, pH of body fluids
-sodium- muscle/nerve function
-chlorine- gastric juice (HCl)
what are water soluble vitimans
c and b
how do ruminants get there vitiman B
microbes synthesis it
how do animals get there fat soluble vitimans
-A and E
required in diets of all animals
produced by effects of sun on skin
synthesis by rumen/cecum microbes
what are the functions of vitimans
-regulate body processes
-promote growth and development
-build and maintain tissue
-assist in using energy form carbohydrates, proteins and lipids
-maintenance of health
what are the fucntions of vit A
-epithelial tissue formation
-bone growth
-resistance to infection
what are some sources of vit a
-natural- grasses, alfalfa (green=carotene)
-synthetic (feed or injection)
what are some deficiency symptoms of vit a
-abnormal bone growth
-rough hair coat
-night blindness
-low concep rate/abortion
-reduced growth, poor feed efficiency
what are some fucntions of vit d
-regulation of Ca and P metabolism
-bone growth
-immune responce
what are some vit d deficency symptoms
-milk fever
what are some sources of vit D
-sun light
-commercial sources
what are some vit D deficiency symptoms
-milk fever
what are some functions of vit e
-glutathione peroxidase
what are some sources of vit e
tocopherols–green leafy forages, alfalfa, whole grains (vit e in oil seed)
what are some symptoms of vit e deficiency
-white muscle disease
what are some functions of vit K
blood clotting
what are some sources of vit K
-plant and bacteria sources
-synthetic sources
what are some vit K antagonists
-dicoumerol (moldy sweet clover hay)
-warfarin (rat poison)
-mycotoxins (mold)
how many B vitamins are there
what are the functions of vitiman B1 (thiamine)
-CO2 metabolism
-pyruvate decarboxylase
-ketoglutarate decarboxylase
what are the functions of water
-temp regulation
-chemical rxn
-lube of joints
-cushioning of organs
-transportation or vit and min
-sight and sound
what are some symptoms of water deprivation
-reduces feed intake
-increased heart rate
-increased body temp
-increased resporation
-tingling and numbness
-headach and nausea