Novice Toss Up & Bonus Questions Flashcards
This is an offering or sacrifice which is entirely consumed.
What is a holocaust?
This is the most popular of the non liturgical Catholic devotions.
What is the rosary?
In October we have the feast day for this saint who showers roses and this saint who works impossible things.
Who are St. Theresa of the Little Flower and St. Jude?
The angel sang this song to the shepherds at the birth of Jesus.
What is “Glory to God on the highest, and on earth peace to men of goodwill”?
Referring to the beatitudes, These shall see God.
Who are the pure of heart?
At first the Lord said to spare Sodom if fifty righteous men could be found there, but Lot talked Him down to this number.
What is ten?
These are the first three calendar Holy Days of Obligation commemorated in the United States.
What is New Year’s day, the Ascension and the Assumption?
Those who rebelled against God in heaven.
Who are the bad angels?
This means “The word was made flesh.”
What is the incarnation?
This exposition of the Blessed Sacrament includes the singing of hymris, and the divine praises.
What is the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament?
These are the two commandments concerned with marriage.
What are the 6th and 9th commandments: Thou shalt not commit adultery , and Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife?
This nation received the ten Commandments.
Who are the Israelites?
The first Marian apparition approved in the 20th century.
What is Fatima?
Of the following two statements, this one Our Lord told us to do: To understand or to believe that He is in the Blessed Sacrament.
What is: to believe that He is in the Blessed Sacrament?
This is the other name for the communion of saints.
What is the mystical body of Christ?
This is hard heartedness to the poor.
What is covetousness?
She said, “Yes Lord, I believe that you are the Son of God who has come to redeem the world.”
Who is Martha?
If possible, this sacrament should proceed the anointing of the sick.
What is the sacrament of absolution?
These popular saints are often pictured with the infant Jesus.
Who are St. Christopher, St. Anthony of Padua and St. Joseph?
This saint is credited with making Ireland Catholic.
Who is St. Patrick?
It was in this Commandment that God said that He is a jealous God, and that He will punish sins against it to the 2nd and 3rd generation.
What is the first commandment: I am the Lord thy qod, thou shalt not have strange Gods before me?
An admonishment that God told to Adam and Eve which is repeated on Ash Wednesday when we are marked with ashes.
What is, “From dust you came and to dust you shall return”?
The Bible passage, “If any man is sick among you ….. …. “ James 5:14, establishes divine assignment of this sacrament.
What is the anointing of the sick?
The attribute of God by which He will always forgive our sins if we truly repent.
What is all merciful?
This is the patron of the universal church.
Who is St. Joseph?
We use this acquired virtue when we use moderation in the use of food and drink.
What is temperance?
This old testament king preceded a young boy who killed a giant with a stone.
Who was Saul?
This is used as a symbol of the ascent to God of prayer.
What is incense?
Jesus is not here, “He is risen as He said”, “Come and see the place where He lay” This being said these words.
Who is the angel?
We know him as the vicar of Christ.
Who is the pope?
This is the minister of the sacrament of Holy Orders.
Who is the bishop?
He proclaimed Jesus’ mission on earth.
Who is St. John the Baptist?
He was forced to help Christ carry His cross.
Who is Simon of Cyrene?
I love you with my whole heart strength, soul and above all things, is the beginning of this prayer.
What is the act of love?
The members of the Catholic church called “suffering” reside in this place.
What is purgatory?
The length of time it rained in the great flood.
What is 40 days and 40 nights?
The complete portion of the Hail Mary authorized by the Catholic Church.
What is, “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death”?
The supernatural gift of God which can be received by any baptized person.
What is sanctifying grace?
This New Testament figure was the first to baptize.
Who is St. John the Baptist?
Bill is driving along minding his own_business. George swerves his car and almost hits Bill. Bill gets out and beats George almost to death. This is the commandment that is violated.
What is the fifth commandment: Thou shalt not kill?
This is an angel of higher rank.
What is an archangel?
These are the number of persons in God and natures in Jesus.
What is 3 persons in God and 2 natures in Jesus
These are the 3 effects of mortal sin on our souls.
What are: takes away the right to heaven and the life of the soul, and cannot receive the sacraments?
This group of church leaders is responsible for electing a new Pope.
What is the college of cardinals?
This is the number of cardinal virtues and this is the number of chief wounds of Christ.
What is four cardinal virtues and what is five chief wounds of Christ?
In the sacrament of reconciliation, this is the time when we are released from our sins.
What is absolution?
Christ said that many are called but only these are chosen.
What is few?
These virtues are the opposites of the capital sins of lust and anger.
What are meekness and chastity?
When a car dealer does misleading advertising on T.V. and the radio, he violates these two commandments.
What is: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour, and what is: Thou shalt not steal?
Through these three sacraments, we can obtain the forgiveness of sins.
What are: Baptism, Penance and Extreme Unction?
This is another name for the nativity.
What is Christmas?
This liturgical season of the year is a time for preparation for Christmas.
What is Advent?
Your reaction to a skunk smell or a place to sit in church.
What is a pew?
This is the name for the mystery by which God became man.
What is the Incarnation?
Christ gave an example of this virtue during His life on earth.
What is charity?
A good or bad practice, or the exterior clothing worn by a member of a religious order.
What is a habit?
This prayer to Mary is usually said after the rosary.
What is the Hail Holy Queen?
This is an essential prayer of sorrow for our sins.
What is the Act of Contrition?
This is the only person conceived without original sin.
Who is Mary?
Judas was paid this amount to betray Our Lord.
What is 30 pieces of silver?
This Catholic Italian explorer begged Queen Elizabeth for money.
Who is Christopher Columbus?
An indelible mark left on the soul by the sacraments: Remains until death; Remains forever; Remains for a while.
What is: remains forever?
Although in early church history, cardinals were chosen form laymen and priests, these days they are chosen from these people.
Who are the bishops?
A whodunit story or a part of the Rosary.
What is a mystery?
When the introduction of the Gospel begins, we make signs of the cross on these 3 places.
What is the mouth, forehead and breast?
A table or stand on which a sacrifice is offered.
What is an altar?
In this place we can find God’s own word written down by men.
What is the Bible?
In this place Jesus was arrested by soldiers after being betrayed by Judas.
What is the Garden of Gethsemane?
A priestly invocation of God’s grace.
What is a blessing?
Other than disobedience, Adam and Eve committed this capital sin.
What is pride?
This is considered the most important of all prayers
What is the Our Father?
The offering of a victim by a priest to God alone.
What is a sacrifice?
The grace of the moment to strengthen our spirit and enlighten our minds.
What is actual grace?
He was truly God and truly man.
Who was Jesus?
A being whose name is a Greek word for messenger.
What is an angel?
After meeting Jesus, he returned to his brother and said, “We have found the Messiah.”
Who is St. Andrew?
Of the four last things?
What is judgement?
Of: Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt keep holy the Sabbath, and thou shalt not steal, this one is the first commandment.
What is: Thou shalt keep holy the Sabbath?
This commandment obliges us to obey our parents, teachers and lawful authorities.
What is the fourth commandment:Honour thy father and mother?
Though never spoken of by name in the Gospel of St. Luke, she is often alluded to.
Who is St. Mary Magdalen?
This is customary to do when passing in front to the Blessed Sacrament.
What is: to genuflect?
A child is not able to receive Holy Communion until seven or this age.
What is the age of reason?
I happen at first Holy Communion and at many Church ceremonies and I am a group of people moving in an orderly formation.
What is a procession?
Our Lady and the apostles waited for 9 days between the Ascension and Pentecost, starting this form of devotion.
What is a novena?
He has a name above all other names for which all heads should bow.
Who is Jesus?
In most churches, this is the organized group that sings or resides in this loft.
What is a choir?
He is called the treasurer of the apostles.
Who is Judas Iscariot?
A Roman emperor, he wanted a census at the time of Jesus’ birth
Who is Caesar Augustus?
This is the what and the where of Jesus’ first miracle.
What is the wedding at Cana and the turning of water into wine?
Because of a mistranslation of canon law, it was thought you could receive Holy Communion at all Masses. Now it has been clarified to this many times per day.
What is two?
This is required to be on, near or over the altar where Mass is said.
What is a crucifix?
Complete, “whatever a man sows, he shall_ _”
What is reap?
As a baby he was put in a basket and put in the Nile River.
Who is Moses?
According to Genesis, this is the substance from which God created man.
What is dust?
Specifically, we sin against this person of the Blessed Trinity when we despair.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
The name given the mystery of God being made man.
What is the Incarnation?
An act of sorrow is recited during this sacrament.
What is the sacrament of reconciliation?
They were chosen to be the first bishops of the church.
Who were the apostles?
Those attending Mass mention their petition at this part of Mass.
What is the prayers of the faithful or the general intercession?
This season of the church year shows Christ as an example of self denial and penance.
What is Lent?
To remind ourselves of the waters of Baptism we put this sacramental at the doors of our churches and our homes.
What is Holy water?
Arise and take the child and His mother, was said to Joseph by one of these.
What is an angel?
A broken consecrated host contains this : all of Christ or none of Christ.
What is: all of Christ?
Another name for a demon, these entities have their abode in hell.
What is a devil?
Jesus languished on the cross this many hours.
What is three?
During the latter part of his life this Franciscan received the stigmata.
Who is St. Francis of Assisi?
These are the two sources from which we learn the truths about God.
What are the Bible and Divine Revelation?
Of heaven, hell and purgatory, this one is not one of the four last things.
What is purgatory?
This sacrifice we offer today is the same as the one Christ offered on the cross.
What is the Mass?
Defacing property of others is a sin against this commandment.
What is the seventh commandment: Thou shalt not steal?
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are persons of this.
What is the Blessed Trinity?
During Jesus’ journey to Calvary, she wiped the sweat off His face.
Who is Veronica?
This is a bishop who according to legend gave gifts to young girls for their dowry.
Who is St. Nicholas?
This is a Feast day on which the church obliges us to attend Mass and refrain from servile work.
What is a Holy day of obligation?
This title is given to Mary and her Heart.
What is the Immaculate Heart of Mary?
This is eating less in order to do penance and grow in self control.
What is fasting?
They are co-eternal, co-substantial?
Who are God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit?
This is having sorrow for sin for reasons that are good but not best, more out of fear than love.
What is imperfect contrition?
Jesus established Baptism by these words.
What is, “I Baptize the in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost”?
Moses’ flight was divided into these three periods.
What is in the mountains, in the desert, and in the _____?
Joseph was given a coat of many colours by this person.
Who is Jacob?
He is regarded by some as the author of ____ and is often confused with he who betrayed Jesus.
Who is St. Jude?
The members of this whole family were either Blessed or saints.
What is the family of St. Bernard of Clairveaux?
This was a priest of God who gave one tenth of everything he owned.
Who is Melchisadech?
Before our first parents sinned, they possessed many gifts. This is the name we give these gifts.
What are prepernatural gifts?
This is “the going of Christ down to limbo in the Apostles’ Creed
What is: Descend into hell?
A sacramental to invoke God’s blessing on all who use it.
What is Holy water?
This is known as the “Angelic salutation”
What is the Hail Mary?
Burned at the stake, she was accused of being a heretic.
Who is St. Joan of Arc?
The way of Our Lord was prepared by this man.
Who is St. John the Baptist?
When we put up with a difficult situation, we use this virtue, or gift of the Holy Spirit.
What is patience?
These are the four last things.
What are: death, judgement heaven, and hell?
I will put enmity between her seed and your seed, was spoken about this creature.
What is the serpent?
A man receives minimum wage and runs special errands for which he is not paid. He takes pens from work as he feels it is owed to him. This is a sin against this commandment.
What is: Thou shalt not steal?
This is an object connected with a saint.
What is a relic?
Although each book of the Bible was written by a different person, He is considered to be the one author.
Who is God?
Father forgive them for they know not what they do addresses this mystery of the rosary.
What is the crucifixion?
People on earth can expel devils in His name.
Who is Jesus?
The place where a priest usually stands to give his homily.
What is the pulpit?
These are the last five words of the Our Father.
What are: Deliver us from evil. Amen?
This is the French village in which St. Bernadette had a vision.
What is Lourdes?
The three powers of the soul.
What are memory, understanding and will?
A creature with a body and soul made in the image and likeness of God.
What is man?
It is an incomplete substance of itself since it is ordered by God to be joined to a body.
What is a soul?
St. Matthew refers to false prophets by saying, “By this you shall know them.”
What are: their fruits?
After consecration, the chalice contains this.
What is the blood of Christ?
He said to his father, “I am no longer worthy to be called your son. “
Who is the Prodigal Son?
This capital sin causes jealousy, joy at another’s bad fortune, and sorrow at another’s good fortune.
What is envy?
Pray and work was the motto of the society founded by this saint.
Who is St. Benedict?
According to the law of Moses, they brought Him to the Temple is about this mystery of the rosary.
What is the Presentation?
Through these sacraments, sins can be forgiven.
What are Baptism, Penance, and Extreme Unction?
These are the first three Stations of the Cross.
What are: Jesus is condemned to death, Jesus takes up His cross, and Jesus falls the first time.
These are the four cardinal virtues.
What are justice, temperance, fortitude, and prudence?
To show our belief, we sign ourselves on our forehead, mouth, and heart at this part of the Mass.
What is the gospel?
This Old Testament person went to live with her mother when her husband died.
Who was Ruth?
Because of this the Israelites were taken into captivity.
What are their sins?
In Latin, “Dominus Vobiscum” means this.
What is, “The Lord be with you”?
This is the response to, “Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord”.
What is, “Let perpetual life shine upon them”?
This Catholic scientist proved that disease is caused by bacteria.
Who was Louis Pasteur?
These are special duties and laws for the members of the Church, instituted by the Church.
What are the Precepts of the Church?
This is the miracle of the bread and wine changing into the Body and Blood of Christ.
What is transubstantiation?
On November 2nd we celebrate this feast.
What is All Souls’ Day?
They are the three theological virtues.
What are Faith, Hope, and Charity?
This Divine person offers Himself up in the Mass and is a perfect sacrifice.
Who is Jesus?
Known for gift giving and celebration, it is often forgotten that it is the birthday of Jesus.
What is Christmas?
These were originally shaped by monks as foldedhands and arms, but are now eaten as a snack food.
What are pretzels?
Since 1505, these were the official policemen and bodyguards of the pope.
Who are the Swiss guards?
People who teach CCD perform this spiritual work of mercy.
What is to instruct the ignorant?
At the time of Jesus’ Passion, this woman said to her husband, “have nothing to do with this just man.”
Who is the wife of Pontius Pilate?
The Lord is my strength and my this.
What is My salivation (& my shield)
He said, “I am one of the seven angels who stand before the throne of God.
Who is St. Raphael?
Fransisco could only see our Blessed Mother on 13th after reciting this.
What is the rosary?
A gospel writer, he stressed the importance of the Old Testament thirteen times.
Who is St. Mark?
The Lateron treaty established the Vatican state as an independent state under the sovereignty of the Holy See by this pope.
Who is St. Pius XI?
A collection of wise sayings and a book in the Bible.
What are proverbs?
Moses was this age when his mother put him in a basket of reeds.
What is three months?
When Moses saw the people dancing and shouting, he did this to the tablets with the ten commandments.
What is: And then he broke them?
Traditionally, this is the first hymn sung at Benediction.
What is O Salutaris?