LEVEL: 2 - Junior [CATEGORY: Mary, Jesus, & God] Flashcards
Our Lady’s image was imprinted on this article of clothing belonging to Juan Diego.
What is: On his mantle?
This is a place in Ireland where Mary, Joseph, and John the Apostle appeared.
Where is Knock?
Our Lady took this into her hand when she appeared before Bernadette.
What is the rosary?
Lucia was this age when Our Lady first appeared to her at Fatima.
What is age 10?
These are the number of months the Blessed Virgin asked Lucia to come to the site of the apparittion in Fatima.
What are six?
This Person transforms us through grace, the virtues, His gifts and actual graces.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
In Hebrew, this is one of the proper names of God, often rendered in English as Jehovah.
What is WHWH? (Yahweh).
This word describes words or actions dishonoring God or displaying irreverence toward God.
What is blasphemy?
The existence of God, Creator and Preserver of the universe can be known by this faculty of the human soul.
What is human reason?
This is what we mean by Mary being a virgin.
What is; We mean that Our Lady remained a virgin before, during, and after the birth of Christ?
Jesus did this to make up for the sins of our first parents, and for our own personal sins, so that we may receive God’s life; called grace, and have a chance of attaining to eternal happiness in heaven.
Why did Jesus choose to suffer, be crucified and die?
These are three ways Jesus is present in the world today.
What are:
1. In the Eucharist and in the other sacraments
2. In Holy Scripture, and
3. In the Church He founded?
This monogram or christogram is formed of the Greek letters Ch and R, which are an abbreviation of the Greek word for Christ. They resemble the Roman letters X and P, and are usually represented as one imposed upon the other.
What is Chi-Rho?
This is the upper room where Christ and his apostles ate the Last Supper.
What is the cenacle?
This saint is symbolized by the dove, by a book and by pen.· She reformed the Carmelite Nuns
Who is Saint Teresa of Avila?
This saint worried that this, her Confirmation name, was given to her because of her beauty. She lived in Peru.
Who is Saint Rose of Lima?
This type of vow is made directly to God by a person.
What is a private vow?
This first public miracle performed by Christ took place at the marriage feast in Cana.
What was He changed water into wine?
Jesus Christ, as shown by the Hypostatic Union, has two of these.
What are natures?
By this singular event in the life of Christ, we learn of His love for us and the evil of sin.
What are the Passion and death of Christ?