Junior Questions from Oregon 2000 Flashcards
John Paul II made his 2nd visit to this Latin American country where the majority of people are Catholic.
What is Mexico?
He fled to the land of Midean.
Who is Moses?
The province in Israel where Nazareth is found.
What is Galilee?
This name refers to the cult worship of Satan.
What is Satanism?
This many sponsors are required for baptism:
What is one?
Lot escaped destruction of Sodom with his wife (who later turned to salt) and these people.
Who are his daughters?
This statement of belief utilizes the infallibility of the Pope.
What is a dogma?
Juan Diego showed the bishop this article of clothing.
What is his mantle?
This pope summoned the last Vatican council.
Who is John XXIII?
A requiem mass is said for the intention of these people.
Who are the dead?
A red bird or one who elects the pope.
What is a cardinal?
The Holy Spirit is described as a dove descending from heaven during this event.
What is the baptism of Christ?
This English King declared himself head of the Catholic Church in England.
Who is Henry VIII?
Before being run out of town, Jesus said a prophet can be accepted anywhere but here.
What is his own country?
This was thirty cubits high.
What is Noah’ s arc?
When shown in art, she is holding 2 eyes.
Who is St. Lucy?
Usually used in ceremonies such as marriages, it is a single kneeling bench.
What is a prie-dieu?
The apostles were here when Jesus appeared to them on Easter Sunday night.
Where is the upper room?
He asked, “What are you willing to give me.”
Who is ___?
A secular priest.
What is a dioecian priest?
These two world famous holy people of the 20th century, both appeared on T.V.
Who are Mother Theresa and Pope John Paul II? (Possibly Mother Angelica)
A dalmatic is this.
What is a deacon’s vestment?
This ancient saint is the founder of monasticism and founded a religious order.
Who is St. Pachonius?
In art, this lady is always shown with a cross.
Who is St. Helen?
As the Mass rituals developed, many articles were used to signify various virtues. The alb, a long white tunic, stands for this virtue.
What is purity?
He said, “For unto you is born this day …. “
Who is an angel?
St. Titus was the leader of a Christian community on this island.
What is Crete?
This is the greatest cause of pain while suffering in hell.
What is that they will not see God?
The seventh decade of the rosary of servites is said to commemorate this.
What are the seven sorrows of Mary?
A priest sometimes makes this sign of reverence when he puts on his stole.
What is, he kisses it?
There were I00, 250 or more than 500 who saw Jesus in the days after the resurrection.
What is more than 500?
This state was started by Catholics so they could have freedom of religion.
What is Maryland?
In 1945 this collection of manuscripts was found in Palestine.
What are the dead sea scrolls?
This sound immediately preceded the tumbling of the walls of Jericho.
What was the shout of the people?
After the high priest was unable to convict Jesus, this person stated the fact needed to convict Him.
Who is Jesus?
About I 000 AD this name was first given to priests attached to cathedrals and acting as mediators between priests and the pope?
Who are cardinals?
Jesus said, “All things you shall ask in my name in prayer you will receive,” and then He caused this tree to wither.
What is a fig tree?
Originally, Sixtus V set __ to correspond to the number of _ _
What is 70?
It starts with, “Hail thou star upon the ocean.”
What is, “Ave Stella Maris,” or “Star of the sea.,”
In 1306, Jacopain Depode composed this short, sad musical piece sung during the stations of the cross.
What is the Stabat Mater, or ‘at the cross her station keeping’.
Traditionally these angels moved the stars and planets.
What are the Dominations?
Sts. Anthony of Lisbon and of Padua belong to this religious order.
What are the Franciscans?
Cursed be those who make these walk out of the way.
What are the blind?
In 1263 Fr. Peter of Craig prayed to _ _ and it began to do this.
What is ?
The wife of this old testament man said, “Bless God and die.”
Who is Job?
Your body as it will be when resurrected from the world with the soul.
What is united and glorified?
When Jesus referred to Peter’s whole name he gave this as his last name.
What is Bar Jonah?
A 20th century man with the 5 wounds of Christ.
Who is Padre Pio?
A baldachino is this.
What is a roof over an altar?
Women who have vowed their chastity to Gd for the purpose of being closer united to Jesus.
What is a nun?
He was the father of King David.
Who was Jesse?
These were the first four apostles Jesus called to follow Him.
Who were Peter, Andrew, James and John?
Humour was the trademark of this saint.
Who was St. Philip Neri?
An Old Testament book predicts, “For unto us a child is born …”
What is the book of Isiah?
Of the Benedictines, Dominicans and Franciscans, this order was entrusted to the care of the Holy Land.
What are the Franciscans?
A person who claims to have an extraordinary power to heal by laying on of hands, prayer and faith in God.
Who is a faith healer?
These laws should not be obeyed when they conflict with those of the church.
What are civil laws?
Every parish has a set of permanent record books including the death record. These are the names of the other three.
What are the marriage record, baptismal record and confirmation record?
This tyrant, after marrying the daughter of the Emperor, declared himself the true Byzantine emperor.
Who is Evan III?
A visible agreement between the Pope and a visible authority of the state.
What is a concordant?
During this ___ this saint had stones heaped upon her for harboring persecuted priests.
Who is mother , Elizabeth?
St. Timothy was the leader of the Christian community in this place.
What is Ephesus?
The patron Saint of policemen.
Who is St. Michael?
The Latin name for the ritual of sprinkling Holy water on people at high mass.
What is the asperges?
A sacramental which is a small piece of wax consecrated by the pope with the stamp of a lamb
What is Angus Dei?
Other that the patten, these are the containers used to hold the body and blood after the consecration.
What are the chalice and ciborium?
This is the name of the Pope’s signature ring used to seal official documents and destroyed upon the death of the pope.
What is the Fisherman’s ring?
In 1900, Leo XIII reached this agreement with _ __ against cults.
Who is Bismark?
Residing in Baltimore, he was installed as ordinary in 1790.
Who is Bishop John Caroll?
A prayer or hymn of praise to God.
What is a doxology?
In sacred art, two names to identify the holiness of Jesus, Mary and the saints.
What is a halo and erigoli?
The section of rooms in a convent set aside where laymen are not allowed to enter is given this name.
What is a cloister?
An Easter anthem, “O Queen of heaven rejoice, Alleluia.”
What is the Regina Coeli?
Shem is to Noah as David is to this person.
Who is Jesse?
As a bishop of a diocese has his chair, so a pope has this church as his cathedral.
What is St. John Lateran?
The term for the ten commandments comes from the Latin word deca and the Latin word logo.
What is a decalogue?
Shown in art with a dove, this Pope saint started the rule of celibacy for the clergy.
Who is St. Gregory the great?
Complete this quote from Job, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb … “
What is, “Naked I shall return.”?
Genesis is to Malechi as is to this.
What is Revelations?
Give 4 out of the 7 books which are in the Catholic bible but not in the Protestant bible.
What are Maccabees 1 & 2, Judith, Wisdom.