LEVEL: 1 - Novice [CATEGORY Saints & Angels] Flashcards
This is a representation in Christian art of a circle of gold or light surrounding the head of a saint.
What is a halo?
This son of the priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth was born a half year before Jesus Christ.
Who is Saint John the Baptist?
He is the patron saint of Russia.
Who is St. Nicholas?
She greeted Mary as “Mother of my Lord.”
Who is Saint Elizabeth?
This female saint was at the foot of the cross with Mary.
Who is Saint Mary Magdalene?
This saint’s father beheaded her for being secretly baptized. After her death fire came from heaven and consumed her father.
Who is Saint Barbara?
He is the patron saint of policemen.
Who is St. Michael?
He is the patron saint of firemen.
Who is St. Florian?
She is the patron saint of young girls.
Who is St. Agnes?
This is the patron saint of messengers.
Who is St. Gabriel the Archangel?
This man was called the precursor of Christ.
Who is St. John the Baptist?
These were the parents of Our Blessed Mother.
Who is St. Ann and St. Joachim?
These were the names of the parents of St. John the Baptist.
Who is St. Elizabeth and St. Zachary?
She helped establish the first parochial school in the United States
Who is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton?
This man said “Behold the Lamb of God.”
Who is St. John the Baptist?
She greeted Mary as “Mother of my Lord.”
Who is Saint Elizabeth?
He is the patron saint of desperate causes.
Who is Saint Jude?
This is the name of the person to whom Mary appeared at Lourdes.
Who is St. Bernadette Soubirous?
This saint’s feast day is February 14th.
Who is Saint Valentine?
Who are Sts. Cyril and Methodius? (also acceptable).
This inspired book has mentioned the angels over 300 times.
What is the Bible?
This man was excluded from the Promised Land because of his lack of confidence at the ‘Waters of Contradiction.’ (Num. 20:12-13).
Who is Moses?
This man led the Israelites into battle when they conquered the city of Jericho.
Who is Josue?
God promised this man that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars of heaven.
Who is Abraham?
Of Noah’s sons. this one’s descendants were the Israelites, God’s “chosen people.”
Who is Sem?
This man prophesied that the scepter would not disappear from the line of Juda until the expectation of the nations had come.
Who is Jacob?
This is the name of the man whose wife said to him: “Bless God and die.”
Who is Job?
Jacob passed on the rights of succession to this son.
Who is Juda?
This was the mountain upon which God spoke from the burning bush and commanded Moses to go lead the Israelites to freedom.
What is Mt. Sinai (or Horeb)?
This is what Christ said we must do if we are to be His disciples.
What is deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him?
This Jesuit is known for simplifying complicated doctrine of the Church, writing a Catechism.
Who is St. Robert Bellarmine?
This man from Czechoslovakia went to New York and became the 4th bishop of Philadelphia, and also the first male American to be canonized.
Who is St. John Neumann?
He devoted his life to caring for the poor and unfortunate of Lima, and he was known as the “Saint of Universal Brotherhood.” He was a Dominican lay brother.
Who is St. Martin de Porres?
This saint was imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, and was the founder of the Knights of the Immaculate One.
Who is St. Maximilian Kolbe?
This saint was the only bishop in England who would not agree to King Henry VIII’s divorce.
Who is St. John Fisher?
This teenager died in the 20th century defending her purity.
Who is St. Maria Goretti?
According to tradition, devotion to the rosary was revealed to this man?
Who is St. Dominic?
This is a title given to Mary after her appearance to Saint Juan Diego in what is known today as Mexico?
Who is Our Lady of Guadalupe?
Of these three totals, this most closely approximates the number of Catholics in the world: 2 billion, 1 billion, 500 million.
What is 1 billion?
This missionary priest, sent to Peru in the late 1500s, is called the “Wonder Worker of the New World.”
Who is Fr. Francis Solano?
He was the apostle of the Indies and of Japan.
Who is St. Francis Xavier?
He was the founder of the Franciscan Order.
Who is St. Francis of Assisi?
He alone of the apostles remained faithful to Christ during his Passion, and Christ entrusted to him the care of His Mother.
Who is St. John the Evangelist?
This patron saint of South America was the first American saint to be canonized.
Who is St. Rose of Lima?
This Spanish priest established the first California mission in 1769.
Who is Blessed Junipero Serra?
According to tradition, this is the way Peter died.
What is: he was crucified upside down?
The Blessed Virgin appeared to this woman in Paris in 1830
Who is St. Catherine Laboure?
She founded the Second Order of Franciscans in 1212.
Who is St. Clare?
This modern Carmelite saint, who died of tuberculosis, is known for her humility, simplicity, piety and patience.
Who is St. Teresa of Lisieux, or the Little Flower?
This is the meaning of the name Michael.
What is “Who is like God?”
This is how old Abraham was when Isaac was born.
What is 100 years?
Believed to have the privilege of bilocation, this 20th century Italian priest also had Christ’s stigmata.
Who is Saint Padre Pio?
Angels came to him and gave him Holy Communion when no priest was available.
Who is St. Stanislaus?
She was the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Who is St. Anne?
This name meaning “Who is like God?” refers to a battle between the fallen angels, Satan and his followers, and the angels who were faithful.
Who is Michael?
In 258 A.D. this boy saint, while carrying the Eucharist to condemned Christians was stoned because he would not reveal the Eucharist to some boys who were taunting him.
Who is St. Tarcisius?
When four soldiers tried to carry this young girl saint away, their combined strength could not move her. She is known as the “shining light.”
Who is St. Lucy?
15 Bonus Points
This gospel writer was known to be a companion of St. Paul.
Who is St. Luke?
15 Bonus Points
Legend says he preached to the fish to convince heretics. He is pictured holding the baby Jesus as Jesus is believed to have appeared to him.
Who is St. Anthony of Padua?
15 Bonus Points
Kinsman of Jesus, he was one of the 12 apostles and a martyr. He is patron of the impossible.
Who is St. Jude?
Deacon of the Church of Rome, the Romans believed him to be church treasurer. After his capture and roasting on their fire, he jokingly said, “Turn me over, for I think I’m done on that side.”
Who is St. Lawrence?
Captured by pirates as a boy and sold, he escaped and returned later to convert the country. He became the apostle of Ireland.
Who is St. Patrick?
He was crucified on an X-shaped cross and was one of the apostles.
Who is St. Andrew?
Imprisoned in a tower by her father, she was converted by a singing priest. While being martyred, tradition says the soldiers saw angels coming to carry her soul to Heaven.
Who is St. Barbara?
Son of a nobleman, he is now the patron of youth. He entered the Jesuits shortly after their establishment by St. Ignatius of Loyola and died while attending the sick during the plague.
Who is St. Clotilde?
She was married to the first Catholic king of France, named Clovis.
Who is St. Alyosius Gonzaga?
A Society which today helps the poor is named after this saint who spent his life helping the poor.
Who is St. Vincent de Paul?
This saint gathered an army of peace to fight the Albigensian heresy. His order was called the J …. Order of Preachers and dressed in white.
Who is St. Dominic?
“Pray and work” is the motto of an order of monks founded by this saint.
Who is St. Benedict?
This Hungarian saint was loved by the poor. One day according to tradition, while taking food to the poor, she was stopped and flowers fell out of her cloak.
Who is St. Elizabeth of Hungary?
This saint worked among the galley slaves of the West Indies.
Who is St. Peter Claver?
Patron of the cancer-stricken he physically attacked a visiting priest before his conversion. He is said to have been cured of a cancerous sore by Jesus Himself.
Who is St. Peregrine?
The sisters of Lazarus who often had Jesus visit at their home.
Who were: 1. Martha - 2. Mary?
20 Bonus Points
A victim soul for God’s divine justice, this young Italian woman suffered the agonies of Christ’s passion and when she died, became a jewel in Christ’s crown.
Who is St. Gemma Galgani?
This Bishop of Antioch was also a disciple of St. John the Apostle.
Who is St. Ignatius of Antioch?
In the sixth century this Italian monk wrote a Holy Rule for the monastic way of life.
Who is St. Benedict?
This saint made the first manger scene for Christmas.
Who is St. Francis of Assisi?
As brother and sister who died as children, they were both declared venerable on May 1990. Along with their cousin, they witnessed six apparitions of our Blessed Mother in Fatima.
Who are Venerable Francisco and Venerable Jacinta?
This saint was a Roman soldier who was put into prison for refusing to fight. To prove he was not a coward he stood in the front line of a battle field with a cross. He also shared his cloak with a beggar.
Who is St. Martin of Tours?
These saints are the grandparents of Jesus.
Who are St. Ann and St. Joachim?
This saint claimed that he was married to “Lady Poverty”.
Who is St. Francis of Assisi?
This saint and Archangel is represented by the Scales of Justice.
Who is St. Michael?
This is how we refer to the differences between the two apostles named James.
Who are St. James the Greater and St. James the Less?
This saint was declared patron of the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX.
Who is St. Joseph?
This group is traditionally known as God’s Army?
What are angels?
This Archangel is the Prince of Angels because he led the fight against Lucifer and the fallen angels.
Who is St. Michael?
This saint denied three times that he knew Jesus.
Who is St. Peter?
At the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped and sold into slavery. Legend says that he drove serpents out of Ireland.
Who is St. Patrick?
This is a symbol of both Christ as well as of St. Agnes.
What is a lamb?
This is the term given to person who dies for his faith.
What is a martyr?