LEVEL: 2 - Junior [CATEGORY Liturgy & Sacraments] Flashcards
These are, in the Mass, the act of washing as well the (wine and) water used in the washing.
What are ablutions?
This is the short prayer over the body of the deceased imploring eternal rest, said after a Requiem Mass.
What is absolution for the dead, or Final Commendation?
This is the state of perfect happiness that exists in no restricted place.
What is Heaven?
The name given to a Mass said according to the intention or desire of the celebrant rather than according to the feast of the calendar.
What is a votive Mass?
This is a thin wafer of unleavened bread - the consecrated species of bread used in the Mass, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, and Holy Communion.
What is a host?
This consists of words and actions by which a thing or person is placed under the care of God.
What is a blessing?
On this date we celebrate the solemnity of Saint Joseph.
What is March 19th?
This is a vessel in which the Sacred Host is either preserved or carried.
What is the pyx?
This is the English meaning of this word, coming from the Greek Biblium, for Bible.
What is “THE BOOK?”
In the Bible, this gift of the Holy Spirit is believed to be the beginning of wisdom.
What is Holy Fear or Fear of the Lord?
This is a vessel for the preservation and exposition of a relic; sometimes made like a small monstrance.
What is a reliquary?
This is what the canopy over an altar is called.
What is a baldachino? Or What is a tester?
The Sacrifice of Calvary and the Sacrifice of the Mass differ in these three ways.
What are
1. Bloody vs. unbloody
2. Offering of Himself by Himself vs. offering Himself through the priest.
3. Cross merited graces vs. Mass applies graces
These are the 2 purposes of the sacrament of Matrimony.
What are:
1. Procreation - cooperation with God to bring souls into the world
2. Sanctification - help one another and the children to attain Heaven?
The Epistle reading is usually taken from one of these 4 parts of the Bible.
What are:
1. Acts of the Apostles
2. Apocalypse (Revelation)
3. Old Testament
4. Letters in the New Testament?
The Latin “Deo Gratias” means this.
What is “Thanks be to God?”
The Latin phrase for “Roman Missal.”
What is ‘‘Missale Romanum”?
The incense of the Cross and the incense in a circle over the Bread and thE Wine expresses these two truths about Christ’s mission on earth.
What is:
1. The Sign of the Cross represents the Sacrifice on Calvary?
2. The circle represents the Sacrifice of the Mass?
In the Tridentine Rite, this was the MAIN difference between the HIGH and LOW MASS.
What is:
1. The High Mass was CHANTED or
2. The Low Mass was read throughout?
These 3 renunciations are required by an adult catechumen or infant sponsor before the sacrament of Baptism may be administered.
What are:
1. Satan
2. his pomps
3. his works?
10 Bonus Points
A book containing the scripture passages that are read aloud in the Mass.
What is the Lectionary?
A cord used to belt the alb.
What is a cincture?
This is the possibility of salvation for those who, through no fault of their own, do not know about the necessity of the sacrament of Baptism in order to enter heaven and live faithfully according to the truth they do know.
What is the Baptism of Desire?
Liturgical law requires the presence of this article in the sanctuary when the Eucharistic Sacrifice is being offered to remind us of the suffering Christ.
What is a crucifix?
This person is in charge of the sacristy, the altar, the sacred vessels and the vestments.
Who is the sacristan?
Ordinarily consecrated by a bishop, this stone of natural rock contains the relic of a martyr.
What is an altar stone?
This is the canopy over an altar
What is the baldchino or ambo?
The part of the Mass which reminds us of the angels’ song at Christ’s birth.
What is the Gloria? (Gloria in Excelsis Deo)
This liturgical celebration is called the “Feast of Feasts.” or “Solemnity of Solemnities.”
What is Easter?
In this ceremony the Easter water is blessed.
What is the Easter Vigil?
The container in which the Sacred Host is carried in, outside the church to give Communion to the sick.
What is a pyx?
Offered to a dying Christian, this is the Eucharist as “food for the passage” through death to eternal life.
What is viaticum?
This word is removed from the Liturgy during Lent.
What is “Alleluia?”
These are altar servers who are usually young men en route to priesthood.
Who are the acolytes?
This person is the witness to a man and woman administering the sacrament of Matrimony to each other.
Who is the priest or deacon?
A square white linen cloth on which the Host and Chalice are placed during Mass.
What is the corporal?
This is how Original Sin is removed.
What is Baptism?
This is the outer vestment of a priest celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
What is the chasuble?