LEVEL: 2 - Junior [CATEGORY Holy Scripture] Flashcards
This is the name the Bible gives one who deliberately chooses to deny the existence of God.
What is a fool? (The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” -Ps. 14:l)
This is the number of books in the Old Testament.
What is 46?
This is the number of books in the New Testament?
What is 27?
This is what the Old Testament is about.
What is the history of God’s saving actions in the lives of the “chosen people”,” the Hebrew or Jewish people, preparing them and the world for the coming of the Saviour?
This is what the New Testament is about.
What is the history of the birth, life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as well as the life and growth of the early Church He founded?
This is the place where the beast and the false prophet are expected to meet in final combat with Christ.
What is Armageddon?
This is considered the one prophetical book of the New Testament.
What is the Book of Revelation?
This work is divided into the Pentateuch, the Historical Books, the Wisdom Books, and the Prophetic Books.
What is the Old Testament?
These are the three angels of a high order, specifically named in the Bible.
Who are Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel?
This word, taken from the Old English, means literally, “good tidings,” or “good news.”
What is the word, Gospel?
They were the three sons of Noah.
Who were Shem, Ham, and Japheth?
Jacob was tricked into marrying this woman before he married Rachel.
Who is Leah?
This is a common name for the flood, when it rained for 40 days upon the earth by an act of God, as narrated in Genesis.
What is the deluge?
This prophetess in the temple recognized that the Child Jesus is the Messiah. (Lk. 2:38)
Who is Anna?
This was Nathanael’s other name.
What is Bartholomew?
This is the number of disciples sent out by Jesus
What is 72?
He is the one elected to replace Judas.
Who is St. Matthias?
This refers to the 70 years - 606- 536BC - of the inhabitants of Judea in Babylon.
What is the Babylonian Captivity? or What is the Exile?
The pronouncement of Jesus that one cannot serve two masters refers to these two masters.
Who are God and mammon? (Mt. 6:24)
This is the number of people in Noah’s Ark.
What is eight? (Gn. 7:13)
This son of Jacob talked his brothers into sparing Joseph’s life and suggested that they cast him into a pit (so that he could later come and free him).
Who is Reuben? (Gn. 37:21-22)
These are called the “Seven Last Words of Christ.”
What are:
- “Father forgive them for they know not what they do,”
- “I assure you today you will be with me in Paradise,”
- “Woman behold your son. Son behold your mother,”
- “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
- “I am thirsty,”
- “It is finished,”
- “Father into your hands I commend my spirit?”
These are the ten plagues inflicted upon Egypt prior to Exodus.
What are:
- water turned to blood
- frogs
- mosquitoes
- gnats
- cattle plague
- boils
- hail
- locusts
- darkness
- death of firstborn?
Jesus spoke of these divisions concerning the Scriptures.
What are: The law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms?
When Christ offered to go to his home and cure his servant, the centurion showed his faith with these words.
What is: “ … Lord, I am not worthy that thou should enter under my roof; but only say the word and my servant shall be healed?”
This is what Christ said about studying Scripture.
What is “Search the Scriptures”?
Martin Luther removed these two Old Testament books from the Bible because they deal with the idea of Purgatory.
What are the two books of the Maccabees?
This giant was the one that David slew in the Old Testament.
Who is Goliath?
The expression, “to see the handwriting on the wall” (meaning some future event is clearly inevitable), comes from this Old Testament incident involving the prophet Daniel and King Belshazzar.
What is: Daniel interpreted the words written on the wall of Belshazzar’s palace, foretelling the end of his reign due to misconduct? 20 Bonus Points
When Jesus said, “My temple will be called a house of prayer,” He was quoting from this Old Testament prophet.
Who is Isaiah?
20 Bonus Points
God appointed this tribe of Israel to act as priests.
Who are the Levites or the tribe of Levi?
Jesus drove out the devil named “Legion” (many evil spirits), out of a mad man and into a herd of these animals, which rushed over a cliff and drowned in the water below.
What is a herd of swine?
They are the descendants of Israel from Abraham.
Who are the Israelites? (Hebrews, Jews).
You can find the two Great Commandments in these Gospels.
What are the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke)?
Only this sacrament of Initiations is received more than one time by the same person.
What is the Holy Eucharist?