LEVEL: 3 - Senior [CATEGORY: Moral & Commandments] Flashcards
The intentional expulsion of a fetus from the human womb.
What is abortion?
These have a legal effect in Ecclesiastical Law.
What are canonical acts?
These are called the seven corporal works of mercy.
What are:
1. Feed the hungry
2. Give drink to the thirsty. **
3. Clothe the naked.**
4. **Visit theimprisoned. **
5. **Shelter the homeless. **
6. **Visit the sick. **
7. Bury the dead?
These are the 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
What are:
* Charity,
* Joy,
* Peace,
* Patience,
* Kindness,
* Goodness,
* Humility,
* Long-suffering,
* Fidelity,
* Modesty,
* Continence,
* and Chastity?
A false idea that religion is unimportant or that one religion is as good as another.
What is indifferentism?
This is a person who has not yet received,, or has rejected God’s gift of faith.
What is a non-believer.
This is a person who, having professed the faith of Christ, corrupts its dogmas.
What is a heretic?
This heresy claimed that honoring statues or pictures was wrong.
What is iconoclasm?
This is the breaking away from the authority of the Pope and the unity ( oneness) of the Church.
What is schism?
This is a conscious form of self-denial.
What is a mortification?
These sins are failure to do something one should have done.
What are sins of omission?
This means blood relationship, and a diriment impediment of matrimony if within certain degrees.
What is consanguinity?
This is called a Motu Proprio document.
What is a document issued by a pope on his own initiative (usually dealing with administrative matters)?
This mortal sin is the willful perversion of the natural gifts of God for the engendering of children, whereby conception is prevented.
What is Artificial Birth Control? (Contraception)
This is the encyclical which condemns the following methods of birth control: sterilization, abortion, artificial contraception and invitro fertilization.
What is “HUMANAE VITAE”? (Of Human Life).
Refers to something that has been truly accomplished, but in an unlawful manner.
What is valid but illicit?
Indelibly written into the hearts of rational creatures by God, it urges them to do good and avoid evil.
What is the natural law?
General inclination of human nature to sin as a consequence of the sin of Adam.
What is concupiscence?
With regard to medical treatment, Catholics do not have to do this when they are sick or dying.
What is: They do not have to take extraordinary means?
This is the date that the present Code of Canon Law was published.
What is January 25, 1983?
Special permission for something denied by general law, granted by the pope usually for a period of time.
What is an indult?