Junior Toss Up & Bonus Questions Flashcards
This was the spokesperson for the 12 apostles.
Who is St. Peter?
These relations of Lazarus called Jesus to his side.
Who are Mary and Martha?
On this first day of Holy week, Jesus came into Jerusalem on a donkey.
What is Palm Sunday?
A religious order that manifests Vatican Radio.
Who are the Jesuits?
The feast of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday came after this miracle.
What is the Blood dripped from the consecrated Host?
This name in the old testament was used to refer to Jacob.
What is Israel?
These are the two kinds of mental prayer.
What are meditation and contemplation?
The failure of the body of a saint to decay.
What is incorruptibility?
Pity, pride, prudence, piety. One is a gift of the Holy Spirit.
What is piety?
Bishops and priests are traditionally buried in this clothing.
What are the liturgical vestments?
Joseph was given a coat of many colours by this man.
Who was Jacob?
Working among the Hurons, he was tortured by the Iroquois.
Who is St. Isaac Jogues?
Since the fifth century, Trinity Sunday is observed one week after this feast day.
What is Pentecost?
An action a priest does during Mass?
What is dropping a piece of the host into the chalice?
A person who does not believe God can exist or not.
What is an agnostic?
Many of the great cathedrals in Europe of medieval times were taken after this event.
What was the Protestant Revolution?
Our Lady appeared here in Mexico.
What is Mexico city?
Matthew tells of these flowers of the field and compares them to Solomon in all his glory.
What are lilies?
These men, including St. Augustine and St. Jerome?
What are doctors of the church?
This is Constantine’ mother who went to Jerusalem to find the true cross.
Who is St. Helen?
Before David fought Goliath, he came to camp to do this.
What is to bring food to his brothers?
In order to show the sacrificial side of Christ, this saint is shown with an ox.
Who is St. Mark?
He is exemplified by lamps, flames, descending doves?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
He was robbed of his rights as the first born by his brother Jacob.
Who was Esau?
One of the most important debates in the early church was whether both Jew and these could be Jesus’ disciples.
Who are the Gentiles?
The Angelus has this substitute prayer during the Easter season.
What is the Regina Caeli?
This is the last and the greatest prophet.
Who is St. John the Baptist?
In Latin, this means, “On the way with you.”
What is Viaticum?
Seraphim means this.
What is to bum?
Early in history, gingerbread men wore bishops clothes and candy canes were symbols of this.
What is the crosier?
At the Passover, Jews eat unleavened bread for this many days.
What is seven?
He counselled to divide the living child in two.
Who is Solomon?
He was the king of Judea at Jesus’ birth.
Who was Herod?
This apostle is shown with the eagle beside him.
Who is St. John?
Before His active ministry, Jesus did this for forty days.
What is fast?
This was the weather on Mt Sinai when God gave the ten commandments.
What is thunder, lightning and stormy?
Before Vatican II, the prayers of high and low Mass had this difference.
What is high mass was chanted and low Mass was read?
She found the baby Moses in the river.
Who was the Pharaoh’s daughter?
This age group is required by the precepts of the church to fast on Ash Wednesday.
What is between 18 and 59?
Of all the animals God told Noah not to be destroyed, these were not included on the ark.
What is sea life?
This is the reason why we call pride, lust, envy, anger, gluttony, covetousness and sloth capital sins
What is: Because they are they are the main reasons why people commit sin?
This is a devotion in honour of the 40 hours that the body of Christ is believed to have rested in the tomb.
What is the forty hours devotion?
The Gospel at Mass should always be read by one of these two people.
Who are the priest or the deacon?
According to the book of Revelation or the Acopolypse, this number will be used to mark the antichrist.
What is 666?
Luke is credited with writting a gospel and this book.
What is the acts of the apostles?
Zachariah, the father of St. John the Baptist was unable to keep doing this.
What is talk?
This New Testament term from latin means “blessedness and happiness”
What is beatitude?
Vestment coulour no longer in use?
What is black?
The Latin names for the fourth Sunday in Lent and the third Sunday in Advent.
What are Latare Sunday in Lent and Gaudete Sunday in Advent?
This parable which Jesus spoke demonstrates the need for repetition of our prayers.
What is the parable of the woman before the judge?
This New Testament writer said, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord.”
Who is St. Paul?
This is the apparition of Mary to 2 children in 1856.
What is Our Lady of La Sallette?
One who lives in solitude especially for religious reasons.
What is a hermit?
The two training stages when becoming a nun or a
What are novice and postulate?
In latin this means, “ Let it be printed.”
What is imprimatur?
She is the mother of Rebecca.
Who is Betuel? (No answer in reviewer. Please ask Miss Son if correct)
This is the purpose of the annual collection of the Congregation of the Propegation of the Faith.
What is to preach the gospel throughout the world?
The popes visited this world event in August 1993.
What is World Youth Day?
This saint is often pictured before Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament.
Who is St. Margaret Mary Alacoque?
The book from which the lector and the celebrant read the Epistles and Gospels for Mass.
What is the Lectionary?
This vestment colour is used only twice per year.
What is pink or rose?
In Latin it means Godly and devote. It has been used by twelve popes.
What is “pius”?
The patron of athletes and soldiers.
Who is St. Sebastian?
This title shows Jesus’ divinity and is mentioned by St. Paul 380 times. It means anointed one.
What is: Christ?
This is the meaning of Messiah.
What is Christ?
Originally a disciple of St. John the Baptist, he brought his brother to Jesus.
Who is St. Andrew?
The time in history when the protestant religions began.
What is the Protestant Reformation?
The date for this feast was set to allow pilgrims to have moonlight to travel by.
What is Easter?
This Brazilian city was founded by the Jesuits in 1664.
What is Rio de Janeiro?
The official state church permitted in Russia which broke away in the 11th century.
What is Russian orthodox?
At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit appeared to the apostles in the upper room in this form.
What are tongues of fire?
In this apparition, Mary called herself the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God, and Queen of heaven?
What is Bouron?
Michelangelo toiled for years to create this for
What is the ceiling in the Cystine Chapel?
The oil of catechumens is blessed on this day.
What is Holy Thursday?
The Blessed Virgin is frequently shown by this symbol?
What is the moon?
The birth place of Saul, later known as Paul.
What is Tarsus?
In the second apparition of Fatima, Lucia was told to add a prayer after each decade of the rosary. It begins with these seven words.
What are: Oh my Jesus forgive us our sins?
The order of priests formed after the army discipline known so well by its founder, St. Ignatius Loyola.
Who are the Jesuits?
Lucia was this age when she first saw Our Lady.
What is ten?
Those who did not recognize Mary as the mother of God were called heretics as proclaimed by the council in 431, 680, or 800 AD.
What is 431 AD?
The pastoral letter on the Blessed Mother.
What is “Behold your Mother.”
Of the two versions of the Our Father, this gospel writer’s is closest to what we recite.
Who is Saint Matthew?
The Blessed Mother told Juan Diego to pick this kind of flower.
What are roses?
He was the first to be called “apostle”.
Who is St. Andrew?
He was presented a brown piece of wo_ol cloth to wear o,:ver the sho’l!lders, now known as the scapular.
Who was St. Simon Stock?
Although there has never bee issued an infallible declaration regarding this, 90% of reported stigmatists have been of this sex.
What is male?
Jesus was before this highest Jewish court.
What is San Catril?
This is a place of rest for the souls of the just.
What is limbo?
James and John were partners with this man.
Who is Zebedee?
These two apostles were sent to prepare the room for the Passover.
Who are Peter and John?
These are the two symbols that witness to the eternal Divinity and are also the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.
What are alpha and omega?
Speak for Thy servant (does this).
What is: listens?
There are 1 million, 3 million or 6 million books in the Vatican library.
What is 1 million?
The “X” on the Scottish flag shows the type of martyrdom suffered by this saint.
Who is Saint Andrew?
This is the meaning of “Gua”.
What is “I am, who am.”
This is the meaning of “Amen” and the oil and balm in chrism.
What is “truly”, healing and the odour of holy life?
The chasuble had to be made of this at one time.
What is silk?
St. Thomas Aquinas was a member of this order.
What are the Dominicans?
He first translated the bible to Latin.
Who is St. Jerome?
The month of June is dedicated by the church to this object.
What is the Sacred Heart?
In Scripture, a pact is called this.
What is a covenant?
In Latin, this means Anno Domini or AD.
What is: the Year of the Lord?
This is unjustly revealing a secret sin or crime.
What is detraction?
List from the greatest to the least: feasts, solemnities and memorials.
What are 1. Solemnities 2. Feasts and 3. Memorials?
Jesus often prayed these ways.
What are: fell on His knees, went off by Himself and ?
Some of them were: “Father Forgive them for they know not what they do”, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
What are the seven last words of Jesus?
Some people did not think Jesus was God, but one of these three men.
Who are St. John the Baptist, Solomon and Elijah?
She went to Rome to beg the Holy Father to allow her to enter a convent.
Who is St. Theresa of Liseux?
When Herod heard of the fame of Jesus, Herod said that it must be the work of this person.
Who is St. John the Baptist?
Romans 8: 17 says that we are heirs of God or Joint heirs of Christ if we do this with Him.
What is to suffer?
Peter, James and John saw Jesus in this form when they climbed the mount with Him.
What is glorified body? (transfigured also accepted)
Fourteen years after Jesus’ death, Mary Magdalen, Martha and Lazareth were put in a boat with no oars to retrieve Ann.
What is the destruction of the temple of Jerusalem? (Not sure of the answer in reviewer. Please ask Miss Son)
He who is mighty has done great thing for me, was said by this person.
Who was Mary?
They were called “black robes” by the Indians.
Who are the Jesuit missionaries?
Jesus said, “I am He” this many times
What is two?
Many are called but few are chosen, is in this parable.
What is the parable of the wedding banquet?
Don Juan of Austria ………. while rosary was recited on shore.
What is the Battle of Lesponto?
The half sister of Herod.
Who is Herodeus?
Churches of this type have an altar specifically for the pope’s use.
What is a basilica?
This saint (apostle) went to the coast of the Black Sea.
Who is St. Andrew?
This four-way medal in the shape of the cross contains the scapular medal, St. Joseph.
What is the cruciform?
The final word in the book of Genesis is the name of this country.
What is Egypt?
They are members of the Sacred Congregation.
What are cardinals?
Cardinals are banned from the papal vote after this age.
What is 80?
This is a symbol of Christmas with a six pointed star at the base.
What is a Jesse tree?
The doctrines of this church are the closest to ours.
What is the Greek Orthodox Church? (This was said to be ok, is there a better answer?)
The possibility of a baptized person to see God face to face.
What is the beatific vision?
This is the encyclical by Pope Pius IV regarding birth control.
What is Humani Vitae?
This is Liechtenstein’s state religion.
What is Catholicism?
This number represents the church militant.
What is 40?
Because of this the Israelites were taken into captivity.
What are their sins?
In Latin, “Dominus Vobiscum” means this.
What is, “The Lord be with you”?
This is the response to, “Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord”.
What is, “Let perpetual life shine upon them”?
This Catholic scientist proved that disease is caused by bacteria.
Who was Louis Pasteur?
These are special duties and laws for the members of the”Church, instituted by the Church.
What are the Precepts of the Church?
This is the miracle of the bread and wine changing into the Body and Blood of Christ.
What is transubstantiation?
On November 2nd we celebrate this feast.
What is All Souls’ Day?
They are the three theological virtues.
What are Faith, Hope, and Charity?
This is the proclamation of the intent to marry to see if there are any impedients to the marriage.
What are the banns of marriage?
This is a flat painting or sacred picture in the Eastern Church often adorned with jewels and silver.
What is an icon?
This council in the 1800’s gave the dogma on papal infallibility.
What is the first Vatican Council?
This Saint converted the tribes of Europe.
Who is Saint Boniface?
In this allegorical series, Aslan the Lion is portrayed as Christ.
What are the Chronicles of Narnia?
Contracting debts against one’s means is this kind of capital sin and against this commandment.
What is covetousness and what is the seventh commandment: thou shalt not steal?
Moses did not ask Pharaoh for the Israelite freedom but for this instead.
What is: to go for three days in the desert to sacrifice to the Lord?
This term describes the union of Jesus’s human nature and divine nature in one divine person.
What is the hypostatic union?
Before a bishop gives his imprimatur, it is examined by this person for error.
Who is a censor?
Name this location and man: Divide his household & trumpet, lamp &
Who is Gideon at Jericho?
St. Steven lent a hand to St. Steven’s cathedral in this capital city.
What is Budapest?
A sling was to David as this was to Samson.
What was his hair?
This biblical writer helped St. Peter & St. Barnabas with their missionary work
Who was St. Mark?
An enclosure into which outsiders are not allowed to enter?
What is a cloister? (No answer in reviewer. Please ask Miss Son if this is correct.)
They have the highest official teaching authority in the church.
Who are the pope and the bishops?
The word inferno means this in English.
What is: at the bottom?
Jesus was baptized early in His ministry. This is the place, the one who administered the baptism and the words from heaven
What are the Jordan River, St John the Baptist and, “This is my Son in Whom I am well pleased.”?
Some people think that the last temptation of Christ commits this sin.
What is blasphemy?
This is the patron of altar boys.
Who is St. John Berchmans?
A box containing holy oils.
What is an ambry?
The national movement that believes that the church should change her doctrine for a changing world. It was condemned by Pope Leo XIII.
What is Americanism?
She had her first vision when she was twelve.
Who is St. Joan of Arc?
This is done in the sacristy.
What is: prepare for Mass?
This sacramental was ordered to be used as a reminder of Christ’s presence
What is a sanctuary lamp?
This minor order given at time of_ to combat devils, but is riow only given at the request of bishops.
What is Exorcist?
The encyclical Pacem in terres. Give: the English title, author and the year written.
What are: Peace on earth, John XXIII and 1963?
The official Vatican newspaper.
What is Observatory Romano?
This (pius) St. said, “All children should learn the catechism.” and” Restore all thing in Christ.”
Who is St. Pius X?
He is known as the comedian saint.
Who is St. Vitus?
This is the home of the pope.
What is the Vatican palace?
Failing to study our religion, and superstition, are against this virtue.
What is faith?
Persecuting Christians for 250 years, this emperor was most determined to wipe out Christianity.
Who was Diacletian?
This means “of the monks” in French.
What is “desmoins”?
The Ascension was near this village.
What is Bethany?
In art, she is often seen holding a dove.
Who is St. Scholastica?
These are the two men Jesus said to, “Come ye after me ….. fishers of men.
Who were Andrew and Peter?
A perforated metal ball used for sprinkling Holy water.
What is the aspergillum?
In Romans :28, said this, “All things work together for this” ?
What is good?
This (city) broke with Rome in the eleventh century.
What is Constantinople?
These were the names taken by Giovanni Mantini and Angelo —
What are: Paul VI and John XXIII?
Made popular by the second Vatican council, these are those who belong to the church.
Who are: The people of God?
Of slander, detraction and covetousness, this one does not sin against the eighth commandment.
What is covetousness?
The rock or niche above the grotto at Lourdes is called by this name.
What is “masabielle”?
Soldiers at the tomb were promised two things if they told the chief priest a story.
What are money and protection?
A circular stained glass window characteristic of Gothic architecture.
What is a Rose Window?
Her kindness made this Queen of Scotland loved.
Who is St. Margaret of Scotland?
The day immediately preceding a great feast, often with fasting and abstinence.
What is a vigil?
The three choirs which are the highest group of angels.
What are Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones?
Worn under the chasuble by a priest, it is secured by the cincture.
What is an alb?
These are the three middle choirs of angels.
What are the Dominations, Powers and Principalities?
Judgement is to the intellect as choice is to this.
What is will?
In speech abuse, these are the four ways to verbally offend God.
What are blasphemy, cursing, profanity and_swearing?
This is the name given the appearance of Christ on judgement day as described in the bible.
What is Perusia?
These are the two visual symbols which early Christians used to know of each other.
What are a fish and a cross?
These are the first three days of obligation in the calender year.
What are New Years, The Ascension and the Assumption.
In Holy Communion we receive Christ as Christ Crucified, Christ risen or Christ __
What is Christ risen
These rebelled again God in Heaven
Who are the bad angels.
This contains four candles and green foliage and is lit in the four weeks before Christmas.
What is an Advent wreath.
This means the word was made flesh.
What is the Incarnation.
This is the liturgical preparation for Christmas.
What is Advent.
This is a reaction to a skunks smell or a place to sit in a church.
What is a pew.
These are the two commandments that have to do with marriage.
What are the sixth and ninth commandments.
This is the first Marian apparition to be approved by the church.
What is Fatima.
This is the essential part of the sacrament of reconciliation.
What is the act of contrition.
These people receive the ten commandments.
Who are the Israelites.
loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.” is the divine origin of this sacrament.
What is penance.
He is the vicar of Christ on earth.
Who is the Pope.
This is the most popular non-liturgical Catholic devotion.
What is the rosary.
He is the minister of the sacrament of holy orders.
Who is the bishop.
The angels sang this song to the sheperds.
What is the Gloria.
This is where the church suffering
What is purgatory.
This saint has an October feast day and is known for showering roses.
Who is Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus.
He is the saint of the impossible.
Who is Saint Jude.
This prayer begins with “Oh my God, I love thee with my whole heart my whole strength and my whole soul.”
What is the act of love.
The length of time for which it rained.
What is 40 days and 40 nights.
According to the beatitudes they are blessed and shall see God.
Who are the pure of heart.
This is the first miracle performed by Jesus.
What is the miracle of Cana.
This is the patron of the universal Church.
Who is Saint Joseph.
This is the traditional feast day on February 14th
What is Saint Valentine.
This is a flat painting on wood.
What is an Icon.
This is the feast of the body and blood of Christ.
What is the Corpus Christi.
This Saint converted the Germanic tribes.
Who is Saint Boniface.
The infallibility of the Pope was proclaimed at this council.
What is Vatican Council I
Contracting debts beyond one’s ability to pay commits capital sin.
What is covetousness.
He is called the Pope of the rosary.
Who is Pope Leo XIII.
This part of the Cannon must never be changed.
What is the consecration.
This is an offering or sacrifice that is consumed by fire.
What is a Holocaust.
The bible passage “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatever you shall
What’ is advocate of mediator.
Moses saw God in this.
What is a burning bush.
This event marked the beginning of the counter reformation.
What is the Council of Trent.
This is the response to “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.”
What is “ It is right and just.”
This is a modem form of language spoken by Jesus and now spoken in Azub in Russia.
What is Aramaic.
This religious ceremony acknowledges the heart of Jesus in the family.
What is the enthronement of the Sacred Heart.
These were the people responsible for torturing Isaac Jogues.
Who are the Iroquois or Mohawk.
This is a special prayer said nine days in a row.
What is a novena.
Feast of Saint Joseph is celebrated on this day.
What is Mar 19(No answer in reviewer. Please ask Miss Son if correct)
This is an Old Testament hero known for his hair.
Who is Samson.
This is an event taking place outside of nature’ s laws.
What is a miracle.
The virtues of faith, hope, and charity are theological because they have this as their source and object.
What is God.
This dog and saint have the same name.
What is Saint Bernard.
They are the first king of Israel, the first Pope, and the first three words of the Bible.
Who are Saul, Peter and ‘ in the beginning.’
Quote “ I am the bread of life, he who come to me will never hunger. ‘ Finish the quote.
What is “He who believes in me shall never thirst.
These are obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
Who are those between 18 and 59 years of age.
These are the two feasts of Mary in August.
What are August 15: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Solemnity) August 22: The Queenship of Mary.
These two holy people were at the temple during the presentation of Jesus.
Who are Simeon and Aruia
John the Baptist began Ministering when this person was the Governor of Judea.
Who is Pontius Pilate.
This woman saint is often pictured with palms.
Who is Saint Agatha.
This is the taking of Mary into heaven.
What is the assumption.
These are the three effects mortal sin has on our souls.
What are: Taking away of the life of our soul, unable to go to heaven and cannot receive sacraments.
This is the title of Christ when he pleads our cause before God.
What is advocate? (No answer in Reviewer. Please ask Miss Son if this is correct.)
This cardinal virtue is exemplified by doing well.
What is fortitude.
This black garment is worn by alter boys and priests.
What is a cassock.
Of consolation, confessing, and counsel, one is a gift of the Holy Spirit.
What is counsel.
This is the place of eternal punishment.
What is hell.
This is the title of Our Ladies appearance to Juan Diego.
What is our Lady of Guadalupe.
On this occasion Jesus gave the apostles the power to change water into wine.
What is the last supper.
A solemn promise to God freely given.
What is a vow.
Laziness of mind and body.
What is sloth.
A dream told this man to go ahead with the wedding.
Who is Joseph.
This is a sacrament and a sacrifice.
What is the Holy Eucharist.
This phrase in the Apostles creed describes the bodies of the dead uniting with their souls.
What is the resurrection of the body.
This is the grace of the moment.
What is actual grace. (No answer in Reviewer. Please ask Miss Son if this is correct.)
(Re: the first Jewish born saint since the apostles.)
(No Q or A in Reviewer. Please ask Miss Son if this is correct.)
(Re: The golden rule)
(No Q or A in Reviewer. Please ask Miss Son if this is correct.)
(Re Nicodemus )
(No Q or A in Reviewer. Please ask Miss Son if this is correct.)