LEVEL: 3 - Senior [CATEGORY: Church] Flashcards
He is an envoy of the pope who serves as his special representative.
What is a delegate?
This is an effort promoting the restoration of unity among all Christians.
What is ecumenism?
These are referred to as the chosen ones who by favour of God’s grace merit heaven and are eternally united with Christ.
Who are the elect?
This is the composite of authority, jurisdiction, and sovereignty vested in and exercised by the pope and his governing groups in the spiritual and temporal governance and guidance of the universal Church.
What is the Holy See?
This is the general term used for all the members of the Mystical Body who are not professed members of a religious order, society or congregation, or are not ordained deacons, priests, or bishops.
Who are the laity?
The grant of a special faculty, made by the Holy See to bishops or others in authority, to do something not otherwise permitted by the general law of the Church.
What is an indult?
This is a weekday of the Church calendar on which no feast or vigil is observed.
What is a feria or ferial day?
This term is Latin and it means “from the chair” of St. Peter. It is used when referring to the pope’s infallible statements regarding what Catholics must believe and live.
What is “ex-cathedra”?
This signifies a bishop’s permission to print a book regarding faith.
What is imprimatur?
This is a territorial division or district of a diocese.
What is a deanery?
This is the state religion of Liechtenstein.
What is Catholicism?
This is the chair which was used to carry the pope during public appearances.
What is the sedia gestatoria?
This council solemnly declared the infallibility of the pope.
What is Vatican I?
This is the title of the chief representative of the bishop.
What is chancellor?
These clergy are addressed as Your Excellency.
What are bishops, archbishops, and patriarchs?
This is the total number of doctors of the church.
What are 32?
These are the three requirements to be a doctor of the Church.
What are:
- great sanctity
- eminent learning
- proclamation as a doctor by a pope?
Used to refer to a Bishop’s obligatory visit to Rome every five years.
What is Ad Limina?
A devotional book of practical spirituality based on the life of Christ. Authorship is attributed to Thomas a Kempis.
It is this person’s duty to notify all the cardinals of the vacancy of the Holy See and to call them to the election of the new Pontiff.
Who is the dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals?