LEVEL: 1 - Novice [CATEGORY Holy Scripture] Flashcards
He is the father of the Jewish people.
Who is Abraham?
This book in the New Testament follows in sequence the four Gospels.
What is the Acts of the Apostles?
These are the four Evangelists.
Who are
1. Matthew
2. Mark
3. Luke
4. John?
This word in Hebrew means ‘man’.
What is Adam?
These are the two main parts of the Bible.
What are the Old Testament and the New Testament?
These are some other names for the Bible.
What are: Sacred Scripture, the Scriptures. or the Word of God?
This is the name for the place of happiness of the first man as recorded in the first two chapters of Genesis.
What is the Garden of Eden?
Also known as Holy Scripture or the Scriptures, it is the collection of the sacred books of the Jews and Christians.
What is the Bible?
This term describes the territory, ecclesiastical province of jurisdiction, governed by an archbishop.
What is an archdiocese?
He was the one who slew Abel.
Who is Cain?
This is the type of wood used to construct the ark.
What is gopherwood?
These small pitchers contain the wine and water which will be used during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
What are cruets?
This is a cup with a matching lid, used to hold the Body of Christ which will be given to communicants.
What is the ciborium?
This a piece of linen cloth on which rest the vessels holding the Sacred Species during Mass.
What is the corporal?
This is the dish upon which the Body of Jesus is placed.
What is the paten?
This is a small linen towel the priest uses to cleanse the sacred vessels.
What is the purificator?
This is the sacred cup in which the wine becomes the true Blood of Christ during the consecration.
What is the chalice?
This is a linen card about six inches square used to cover the chalice containing the Precious Blood.
What is the pall?
This was Abraham’s name before God changed it to Abraham.
Who is Abram?
This was his name before God changed it to Israel.
Who is Jacob?
This apostle kept the purse for the Apostles.
Who is Judas?
This king was the one who executed John the Baptist.
Who is King Herod (son of Herod the Great)?
This is the term used to describe the children murdered by King Herod the Great.
Who are the Holy Innocents?
This is the country to which Jesus, Mary and Joseph fled to avoid Herod.
What is Egypt?
These are the names customarily given to the three Wise Men.
Who are Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar?
These are the gifts of the three Wise Men.
What are gold, frankincense and myrrh.
This was the title given to the ancient kings of Egypt.
What is a Pharaoh?
This man knew he would live until he saw the Messiah.
Who is Simeon?
The gift of the Holy Spirit that enables one to be understood by others in whatever language one speaks.
What is the gift of tongues?
In the gospel by Matthew, Jesus says that we should forgive our brothers this many times.
What is seventy times seven?
Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, was stricken with this affliction prior to the birth of his son.
What is muteness?
This is another name for the Book of Revelation.
What is Apocalypse?
He was the husband of Salome, and father of James the Greater and John the Evangelist (Mt. 4).
Who is Zebedee?
This king of the Hebrew nation is considered the most important composer of the Psalms.
Who is David?
King Solomon, during his reign, built a grand temple for worship on the slope of this mountain.
What is Mount Moriah?
While in prison. Joseph interpreted the dreams of these two servants of the Pharaoh.
Who are the chief butler and baker?
This was the tenth and most devastating plague sent upon Egypt by God.
What is the death of the first born.
He was the greatest and last of the judges.
Who is Samuel?
This Moabite woman was admitted to the Davidic line.
Who is Ruth?
Samuel appointed this man the first king of Israel.
Who is Saul?
Pope John XXIII, in opening the Second Vatican Council, pleaded for renewed fervor rather than for definitions of new doctrine, and referred to the rosary by this term as an instrument of faith capable of withstanding the Goliath’s of modern problems.
What is David’s sling?
He was the brother of Moses and high priest of the old Law.
Who is Aaron?
The wife of Abraham gave birth to Isaac in her old age.
Who is Sara? (Gn. 21:2)
On this day of creation God made man.
What is the sixth day? (Gn. 2:24-31) or What is Friday?
She is known as the mother of Cain, Abel, and Seth.
Who is Eve? (Gn. 3:20, 4:1)
This high priest and king of Salem prefigured the Eternal High Priest, Jesus Christ, by his sacrifice of bread and wine.
Who is Melchisedech? (Gn. 14:18-20)
Abraham was commanded by God to sacrifice this son.
Who is Isaac? (Gn. 22:2)
This man gave his son Joseph a coat of many colors.
Who is Jacob? (Gen.37:3)
It was she who found Moses in the river. (Ex 2:5-6)
Who is the daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt?
After killing an Egyptian who had struck an Israelite, this Old Testament figure fled to the land of Midian.
Who is Moses? (Ex. 2:11-15)
Jesus commisioned Peter as the chief shepherd of His Church with these words.
What are: “Feed my lambs, feed my sheep.” (Jn. 21: 15-17)
This king danced before the Lord.
Who is King David?
This was the son who came to his senses, after leaving home and squandering his inheritance.
Who is the Prodigal Son?
When the ark containing the tablets of stone was placed inside the tabernacle, God marked His presence with these.
What are:
1. A cloud
2. Fire at night?
This man knew he would live until he saw the Messiah.
Who is St. Simeon?
In the Old Testament, this young son of Jacob was sent to Egypt as a ransom for the food which his brothers purchased from Joseph during the famine.
Who is Benjamin?
It is here that the just in the Old Testament were received by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
What is Abraham’s bosom?
This is what God created on the first day.
What are the heavens, the earth and light ?
This is the meaning of the name Lucifer.
What is Light Bearer ?
The collection of the truths of God recorded under His inspiration.
What is the Bible? (Sacred Scriptures)
if only Old or New Testament it is incorrect. Old and New T it is ok
In the parable of the sower and the seed, Christ identified this as the seed.
What is: The seed is the Word of God?
He is better than a strong man.
What is a wise man?
This is the place where Christ said to Peter: “What? Could you not watch one hour with me?”
Where is the Garden of Gethsemani on Mount Olivet or Mount of Olives?
This saint was originally named Saul of Tarsus.
Who is St. Paul?
He was the son of Abraham and Sarah and the father of Esau and Jacob.
Who is Isaac?
He was solemnly commissioned to succeed Moses.
Who is Joshua or Josue?
This text contains the words: “The Lord is my light and my salvation: Whom shall I fear?”
What is Psalm 26?
In Exodus, these 3 miracles saved the Israelites as they were being pursued by Pharaoh’s army.
What were:
1. Pillar of fire (to light their way)
2. Cloud of smoke (to hide them from view)
3. Parting of the Red Sea (to allow them to cross the waters)?
20 Bonus Points
Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were sentenced to burn to death in a furnace. They came out of the furnace and weren’t harmed at all. This king had sentenced them to die.
Who was Nebuchadnezzar?
20 Bonus Points
Waiting upon the mountaintop after the waters of the great flood had begun to recede, Noah sent out a dove to gauge the condition of the earth. These are the results of each release of the bird.
What is
1. It came back - no dry land
2. It came back carrying a green twig - life was returning
3. It didn’t come back - the land was habitable
20 Bonus Points
This is the Gospel containing the phrase “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”
What is St. John’s Gospel?
This is the special guidance given by the Holy Spirit to the human authors that allowed them to write everything God wanted them to write and only that.
What is Divine Inspiration?
This written history is about the birth, life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Son of God; as well as the life and growth of the early Church He founded.
What is the New Testament?
These are the 3 authors of the synoptic Gospels.
Who are:
1. St. Matthew
2. St. Mark
3. St. Luke?
30 Bonus Points
He is the son of Adam and Eve who murdered his brother out of jealousy.
Who is Cain?
Sacred enclosure which housed the tablets upon which were inscribed the Ten Commandments.
What is the Ark of the Covenant?
When Adam sinned, God did not abandon mankind. He made this promise to our first parents.
What is: He would send a Redeemer?
This woman called Jesus to her home by saying, “The man you love is sick.”
Who is St. Martha?
This apostle was a fisherman; he followed Our Lord up the mountain to the Transfiguration; he was present when Jesus brought the dead girl to life; and was near Jesus when He suffered His agony. He had a fierce temper and was called the son of thunder.
Who is St. James the Greater?
One of the three main religious parties in Palestine - a priestly group who were the “ultraconservatives”
in religious matters.
Who are the Sadducces?
20 Bonus Points
The man who offered his own burial spot for the body of Our Lord.
Who is Joseph of Arimathea?
This book is the written Word of God, committed to His Church for the instruction and sanctification of mankind.
What is the Bible?
Jesus told this person, “Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.”
Who is St. Martha?
Mary Magdalen poured this on Jesus’ head, a few days before He was put to death.
What is expensive perfume? (Mk 14:3-4)
This is how many days the children of Israel walked around Jericho.
What is seven days?
The meal, to this day, that the Israelites celebrate once a year to thank God for leading them out of Egypt.
What is the Passover meal?
This is the upper room in Jerusalem where the Last Supper was celebrated and where the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and Our Lady.
What is the cenacle?
At the first Passover, the Angel of Death passed houses that were marked with this.
What is the lamb’s blood?
This king of Babylon made people worship a golden image.
Who is Nebuchadnezzar?
This word, taken from the Old English, means “good tidings” or “good news.”
What is the word Gospel?
In this sacrament, man and woman are united to bring children into the world and bring them to God.
What is matrimony?
The day on which Jesus rose from the dead.
What is Easter Sunday?
Feast known as “little Christmas.”
What is the Epiphany? (or the feast of the Three Kings)
This is how God created the world.
What is out of nothing?
These are the personal teachings of Jesus, written down by the Evangelists.
What are the Gospels?
He was responsible for sentencing Jesus to crucifixion.
Who is Pontius Pilate?
This brother of Martha and Mary was brought back to life by Jesus.
Who is Lazarus?
After Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, these came to attend to Him.
Who are the angels?
Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see this.
Who is God?
St. Peter, the rock, is the first head of this Church.
What is the Catholic Church?