LEVEL: 2 - Junior [CATEGORY Morals & Commandments] Flashcards
This supernatural gift from God both operative and cooperative, acts upon the human will or intellect, perfecting both the will and intellect, making it possible for us to avoid sinful actions.
What is actual grace?
This is a doctrine fonnally stated and authoritatively proclaimed to all Catholics by the Church.
What is a dogma of Faith? (“de fide”).
The two Great Commandments that encompass the Ten Commandments.
What is “You shall love the Lord your God with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all your strength” and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself?”
This is the symbol of Hope.
What is an anchor?
This is the sin one commits by trusting too much in his own strength, or, in order to attain salvation, expects God to do something that He would not do.
What is the sin of presumption?
This is that acquired or infused quality or disposition which influences a person’s action.
What is a habit? (or virtue).
This is the supernatural gift of God infused into the very essence of the soul as a habit.
What is habitual grace?
This is one of the four cardinal virtues, which prompts moderation and self-control in actions and thoughts, and particularly the pleasures of the senses.
What is temperance?
This is a more serious form of detraction, in that it is lying as well as an injustice against another.
What is calumny? (slander).
This is the judgement of our reason with regard to the morality, goodness, or badness of an act.
What is conscience?
This is the supernatural virtue whereby one is enabled to make a true and just estimate of himself and is inclined to hold himself and his accomplishments in contempt in recognition that all good arises from God alone.
What is humility?
This is a baptized person who completely rejects the Catholic Faith.
What is an apostate?
This is the irreverent use of the Name of God, Jesus, or the saints, through impatience, jest, surprise or habit.
What is profanity? (blasphemy).
This is a declaration before God that what we say is true.
What is an oath?
This is the calling down of evil on some person, place or thing.
What is cursing?
This is punishment due to our sins which we are obliged to endure for a time, either in this life or in purgatory, for sins already forgiven.
What is temporal punishment.
This virtue is called the queen of virtues.
What is prudence?
These are known as the Decalogue.
What are the Ten Commandments?
This is the driving out of evil spirits.
What is exorcism?
By this Beatitude and this Commandment, the virtue of purity is honored.
What is “Blessed are the clean of Heart” and “Thou shall not commit adultery?”
This is excessive interest charged on loans and use of money
What is usury?
In order to achieve perfection in the service of God and one’s neighbor, these three voluntary vows known as Evangelical Counsels are taken by most men and women in religious life.
What are:
1. Poverty
2. Chastity- Obedience?
This is a baptized and professed person who denies a truth revealed by God or proposed for belief by the Catholic Church.
What is a heretic?
This is that acquired, or infused quality or disposition which influences a person’s action.
What is a habit or a virtue?
This is a letter on some important matter of faith or morals sent by the pope through the bishops to all the faithful.
What is an ENCYCLICAL?
Inordinate desire for temporal goods and material wealth.
What is avarice?
For those who commit suicide, this was forbidden by the 1917 Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church, but was dropped from the new Code promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1983.
What is a public funeral with Catholic burial?
These people are bound by the Code of Canon Law.
Who are adult baptized Catholics having sufficient reason?
This is the queen of cardinal virtues, since it controls all the others.
What is prudence?
This is the Eighth Commandment.
What is “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour?”
This commandment prohibits flattery: complimenting someone insincerely.
What is the Eighth Commandment, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour?”
This cardinal virtue is the strength of soul that enables one to act rightly and resist temptation.
What is fortitude?
The Divine gift which enables a person to believe firmly all that God has revealed.
What is faith?