Novice Questions From Oregon 2000 Flashcards
Upon entering the sanctuary, the priest does this.
What is, kiss the altar?
Remember man that thou art this and that you shall return to this.
What is dust?
A book published by the Holy See for Sacraments and/
What is the Ordo?
A declaration made before God.
What is an oath?
Belief in the word of a person or God.
What is Faith?
Referring to this man, he was the disciple who Jesus loved.
Who is St. John?
The island visited by John in the Acts of the Apostles.
what is the island of Patmos?
Many secular people wish to use BCE and CE, instead of these.
What are BC and AD?
This famous saint who said that he was not good enough to become a priest; became a deacon instead.
Who is St. Francis of Assisi?
The power of the pope to make decisions on faith and morals.
What is infallibility?
St. Francis was from this city in Italy.
What is Assisi?
Name one sacrament which uses holy oil.
What is Extreme Unction? (Or Baptism or Confirmation)
The 23rd psalm uses this image to describe God.
What is the Good Shepherd?
He sent a message to Jesus, “Art thou He who is to come, or should we look for another?”
Who is St. John the Baptist?
A child does not reach this until about the age of seven.
What is the age of reason.
According to Genesis, this is the substance from which God created man.
What is dust?
These were given in the sermon on the Mount.
What are the eight beatitudes?
On this day, Jesus commanded the apostles to teach all nations.
What is the Ascension?
The last phrase uttered by Christ to the good thief.
What is, “I say to you, this day you shall be in Paradise.”?
The two kinds of Divine Revelation.
What are public and private revelation?
The stories told by Christ.
What are parables?
This was the emperor when Peter and Paul were martyred.
Who was Nero?
These are the number of articles in the Apostle’s Creed.
What is 12?
The symbolic light placed over the head of saints.
What is a halo?
The author of the words, “Father, where is the sacrifice?”
Who is Isaac?
In the Old Testament, a golden calf is given this divine honour.
What is an idol?
The day we celebrate the Immaculate Conception.
What is December 8th?
And there appeared to them parted tongues of fire over each of the apostles and Our Lady.
What is the descent of the Holy Spirit?
Of Adam’ s first 2 sons, this one was the oldest.
Who is Cain?
The reception of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist in Holy Mass.
What is Holy Communion?
That power of soul which enables one to make moral decisions.
What is a free will?
The woman who arrived first at Jesus’ tomb saw this.
Who is Jesus?
Beaches were created on this day when God separated land and water.
What is the third day?
The soldiers guarding the tomb of Jesus were told to say this about the empty tomb.
What is, “There was an earthquake and someone rolled the stone.”
Finish this quotation: “If anyone wishes to come to me ….. “
What is: “Let him come and deny himself’?
Isaiah spoke of a time to come when these would be joined together.
What is: lion and lamb?
Picture (of three certain popes): Name the place from which they all reign.
What is Avignon?
Picture: The name of the saint in the picture.
Who is St. Thomas Aquinas?
Speaking a falsehood is this, and swearing a falsehood is this.
What is lying and perjury?
This Catholic poet who died in WWI wrote a poem about ??? and trees.
Who is Joyce Kilmer?
Elizabeth II is directly related to these two saintly monarchs.
Who is LouisIX and ___?
Of: Dulia, !atria and hyperdulia, this was Mary’s special relation to God.
What is hyperdulia?
The three sacraments given when a person is in danger of death.
What are Confession, Extreme Unction and Holy Communion?
These were: the first King of Israel, the first pope, and the first three words of the bible.
Who were Saul, St. Peter, and “In the beginning … “?
Signifying the union of Christ in two natures, this is done before the Consecration.
What is the mixing of the wine and the water?
This is the first Joyful Mystery
What is The Annunciation of the Lord to Mary?
This is the second Joyful Mystery
What is The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth?
This is the third Joyful Mystery
What is The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ
This is the fourth Joyful Mystery
What is The Presentation of our Lord?
This is the fifth Joyful Mystery
What is Finding Jesus in the Temple at age 12?
This is the first Sorrowful Mystery
What is The Agony of Jesus in the Garden?
This is the second Sorrowful Mystery
What is The Scourging at the Pillar?
This is the third Sorrowful Mystery
What is Jesus is Crowned with Thorns?
This is the fourth Sorrowful Mystery
What is Jesus Carried the Cross?
This is the fifth Sorrowful Mystery
What is The Crucifixion of our Lord?
This is the first Glorious Mystery
What is The Resurrection of Jesus Christ?
This is the second Glorious Mystery
What is The Ascension of Jesus to Heaven?
This is the third Glorious Mystery
What is The Descent of the Holy Ghost?
This is the fourth Glorious Mystery
What is The Assumption of Mary into Heaven?
This is the fifth Glorious Mystery
What is Mary is Crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth?
This is the first Luminous Mystery
What is The Baptism in the Jordan?
This is the second Luminous Mystery
What is The Wedding at Cana?
This is the third Luminous Mystery
What is The Proclamation of the Kingdom?
This is the fourth Luminous Mystery
What is The Transfiguration?
This is the fifth Luminous Mystery
What is The Institution of the Eucharist?