LEVEL: 3 - Senior [CATEGORY: History] Flashcards
This term is used to describe the division of the Christian Churches that came about in the 15th and 16th centuries.
What is the Protestant Reformation? (or Protestant revolt)
This association of Catholic laymen was founded to combat the blasphemies and profanities rampant in the 13th century.
What is the Holy Name Society?
This is a fraternal organization of Catholic men, founded in New Haven, Connecticut in 1882, to develop and promote genuine Catholicity and mutual support among its members.
What is the Knights of Columbus?
This organization was founded in Chicago, by Bishop Bernard J. Sheil, in 1930, to promote leadership, worthwhile occupation, and development in all phases of its young members’ lives.
What is the CYO or Catholic Youth Organization?
This is the name given to members of the Benedictine order because of their black habits.
Who are the Black Monks?
This name is applied to members of the Dominican order, because of the black mantle they wear over their habits.
Who are the Black Friars?
This is what the acronym CCD stands for.
What is Confraternity of Christian Doctrine?
This was the last pope to resign (in 1415).
Who is Pope Gregory XII?
This is the number of years it took to construct and complete the Sistine Chapel.
What is eight years?
Australian Sister Elizabeth Kenny developed a treatment for this disease.
What is polio?
In 1688 these two American states had laws which ordered the death penalty for being a priest.
What are Massachusetts and New York?
This popular modern heresy states that all knowledge of God is through supernatural revelation and that there is no natural knowledge of God. that an act of faith alone is the means by which to attain certitude.
What is Fideism?
This heresy, started around 428 AD by the bishop of Constantinople, stated that Mary was the mother of Jesus Christ, but not the mother of God, saying that this would make Mary a goddess.
What is Nestorianism?
This heresy is a modified form of Nestorianism which states that, although Jesus is God’s Son, He is, by reason of his human nature, God’s adopted Son also.
What is Adoptionism?
Quakers is the popular name for this religious sect.
What is the Society of Friends?
This pope died before his consecration, but his listing as a pope threw into disorder the numbers assigned to the succeeding popes.
Who is Pope Stephen II.
This was the German name given to the political struggle for the rights and self-government of the Catholic Church in Germany in the 1800s.
What is Kulturkampf?
This is a term used to designate the policy of kingly or civil supremacy in Church affairs.
What is Caesaropapism?
In the First Century, this centurion was the first uncircumcised Gentile received into the Church without submitting to the Jewish ceremonial laws.
Who is Cornelius?
The five books of Moses (Pentateuch) were written around this time.
What is 1460-1420 B.C.?
King David reigned during this time period.
What is 1013-973 B.C.?
St. John Ogilvie converted from this religion.
What is Calvinism?
This term refers to the bestowal of special privileges by leaders on their relatives.
What is nepotism?
Century in which the first, complete collection of Sacred Scriptures were compiled.
What is the fourth century?
This Roman-Jewish Historian/Author stated that there was a wise man named Jesus who did marvelous deeds; a teacher of those who receive the truth with joy; and drew to Himself many Jews and many others from the Gentile world … Who we call Christians.
Who is Flavors Joseph’s in his book Jewish Antiquities?
These two kinds of heresy are based on the knowledge and disposition of the person in error.
What is
1. Formal heresy
2. Material Heresy?
The encyclical of Leo Xill on capital and labor, 1891.
What is Rerum Novarum?
The council called in 1545 to counteract the Protestant Reformation. It lasted 18 years under 3 popes.
What is the Council of Trent?
This council answered reformers, such as John Calvin that sacraments were not simply stimulants to our weak faith, but are the means or instruments by which God confers upon the devote recipient His gift of grace and new life.
What is the Council of Trent?
This was the Polish Catholic scientist before Galileo, who taught that the earth revolves around the sun.
Who is Coupemicus?
This is why Vatican officials were concerned with too hasty a publication of Galileo’s theory on heliocentrism.
What is disrupting the faith of ordinary Christians?
This religious order known as the preaching friars, has the initials O.P. after their name.
Who are the Dominicans?
He was the first U.S. bishop; a university in Cleveland is named after him.
Who is John Carroll?