LEVEL: 1 - Novice [CATEGORY Morals & Commandments] Flashcards
This classification of sin refers to the personal act of sin.
What is actual sin?
This is deciding for oneself what one shall believe and practice instead of accepting the Truth taught by Christ.
What is heresy?
These are called the seven spiritual works of mercy.
What are:
1. Admonish the sinner.
2. Instruct the ignorant.
3. Counsel the doubtful.
4. Comfort the sorrowful.
5. Bear wrongs patiently.
6. Forgive all injuries.
7. Pray for the living and the dead?
These are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
What are:
1. Wisdom
2. Understanding
3. Counsel (Right Judgement
4. Fortitude (Courage)
5. Knowledge
6. Piety
7. Fear of the Lord?
This is the First Commandment.
What is: I am the Lord your God. You shall not have other gods besides me?
This is the Second Commandment.
What is: You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God, in vain?
This is the Third Commandment.
What is: Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day?
This is the Fourth Commandment.
What is: Honour your father and your mother?
This is the Fifth Commandment.
What is: You shall not kill?
This is the Sixth Commandment.
What is: You shall not commit adultery?
This is the Seventh Commandment.
What is: You shall not steal?
This is the Eighth Commandment.
What is: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour?
This is the Ninth Commandment.
What is: You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife?
This is the Tenth Commandment.
What is: You shall not covet your neighbour’s goods?
This is the virtue by which we truly know ourselves and see that whatever is good in us comes from God.
What is humility?
This is the special gift that the Holy Spirit gives us.
What is grace?
This word means “loving favour”, and it is a special gift allowing us to share in God’s happiness.(life)
What is grace?
When we are in this state we are sharing in God’s own life - a state of friendship with Him.
What is the state of grace?
This will drive sanctifying grace from our souls.
What is mortal sin?
This is the place of eternal fire.
What is hell?
This is a power to do good or a habit of doing good.
What is a virtue?
These are known as the seven capital sins.
What are:
1. pride
2. covetousness
3. lust
4. anger
5. gluttony
6. envy
7. sloth?
This sin is inordinate or uncontrolled self-esteem.
What is pride?
This sin is an excessive desire for worldly goods.
What is covetousness?
This is the sin of impure desires.
What is lust?
This sin is the strong, uncontrolled passion of displeasure.
What is anger?
This sin is excessive indulgence in food and/or drink.
What is gluttony?
This sin is sadness at another’s good fortune.
What is envy?
This sin is spiritual, mental or physical laziness which causes a person to neglect his duties.
What is sloth?
This is the chief capital sin.
What is pride?
This is any willful thought, desire, word, action or omission forbidden by the law of God.
What is (actual) sin?
These are called the Cardinal Virtues or Four Chief Moral Virtues.
What are:
1. prudence
2. justice
3. fortitude
4. temperance?
This is the official body of Ecclesiastical Law for the Latin Church gathered in a single volume known as the Code.
What is canon law?
This commandment forbids lying on the witness stand in court.
What is the Eighth Commandment?
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and the reign of God is theirs.
Who are the poor in spirit, or those persecuted for holiness’ sake?
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and shall be consoled.
Who are the sorrowing? (those who mourn).
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and shall inherit the land.
Who are the lowly? (meek).
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and shall have their fill.
Who are they who hunger and thirst for holiness?
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and mercy shall be theirs.
Who are they who show mercy?
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and shall see God.
Who are the single-hearted? (pure of heart).
According to the beatitudes, they are blest and shall be called the sons of God.
Who are the peacemakers?
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and should be glad and rejoice, for their reward is great in heaven.
Who are those who are insulted, persecuted, and slandered because of their love of Christ?
This commandment forbids cheating in exams.
What is the Seventh Commandment?
This commandment obliges us to be truthful in taking oaths and faithful in fulfilling vows.
What is the Second Commandment.
This is a theological virtue, a supernatural gift of God by which we love God above all things, and our neighbor as ourselves for God’s sake.
What is charity (or love)?
A sin against the Second Commandment, it is any thought, word, or action showing contempt for God, the Blessed Virgin, angels, saints, or religion.
What is blasphemy?
This is a judgement of the intellect, dictating what is to be done as morally right, or what is to be
avoided as morally wrong according to the Law of God.
What is conscience?
This prayer, said at the beginning of the rosary, encompasses the major beliefs of the Catholic Faith.
What is the Apostles’ Creed?
This is a sin against the First Commandment, in which persons or things are worshiped in the place of God.
What is idolatry?
One of the seven Capital Sins, it is a sin against justice and charity that consists of an outburst of emotion followed by a great desire for revenge.
What is anger?
This is a penalty inflicted by the Church for a grave and unrepented crime.
What is excommunication?
When he came down from Mt. Horeb, Moses found the Israelites practicing this form of worship.
What is idolatry?
He is the head of the Body, the Church.
Who is Christ?
This is the sin one commits by receiving a sacrament unworthily.
What is a sacrilege?
A sin against the virtue of charity whereby a person furnishes the occasion of sin to another.
What is scandal?
This is the study of God and His attributes
The state of never-ending torments.
What is hell?
Because they indicate the lowest standard of Catholicism, transgression against these laws are grievous matter.
What are the precepts of the Church?
If a person deliberately does something they know to be seriously wrong, he has committed this kind of sin.
What is a mortal sin?
Deliberate refusal to hope in God.
What is despair?
This is temporary help from the Holy Spirit which tells us what God expects at a certain moment.
What is actual grace?
Agnes says: “I hate to tell lies because I know they offend God.· But just the same I do tell lies
because I am weak that way. I do not know what to do.” Give two ways Agnes could get help.
What are:
1. Pray
2. Receive Sacraments
3. Penance
4. Good works
( any of this) 20 Bonus Points
Question # 890
The theological virtues of faith, hope and charity will no longer be necessary to these souls.
Who are the souls in hell?
Believing in superstitions breaks this Commandment.
What is the First Commandment?
10 Bonus Points
When Albert’s mother was sick, he never went to see her or ask how she was. He is guilty of disobedience, disrespect, or unkindness?
What is unkindness?
This virtue obliges us to love God and our neighbour.
What is charity?
This cardinal virtue enables one to be moderate and controlled in actions and thoughts.
What is temperance?
This is how we should bear wrongs.
What is patiently?
Hatred of God or neighbour, sloth, envy, and scandal, are all sins against this theological virtue.
What is charity (love)?
This is the name given to the virtues of faith, hope and charity.
What are the theological virtues?
This sin destroys Sanctifying Grace and causes the death of the supernatural life of the soul.
What is mortal sin?
This sin is the lying about another person and injuring his good name.
What is calumny? (slander)
This is the Seventh Commandment.
What is You shall not steal?
This is the symbol of Hope.
What is an anchor?
This commandment prohibits usury.
What is the Seventh Commandment: “You shall not steal”?
Because Adam and Eve sinned against God, they lost this gift.
What is sanctifying grace or the right to Heaven?
This sin is irreverence to consecrated persons, places or things.
What is sacrilege?
This is the Third Commandment.
What is, Keep Holy the Lord’s Day?
This sin was passed down to the whole human race by Adam and Eve.
What is original sin?
Question # 906
An offence against God which does not deprive the sinner of sanctifying grace.
What is venial sin?
These sins are the source of all other human failings.
What are capital sins?
This is Whom we should love with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind and with all our strength.
Who is the One Lord?
These sacraments are known as the sacraments of the dead.
What are Baptism, Reconciliation, and Anointing of the Sick?
This is the belief in God which we must have in order to save our soul.
What is faith?
This virtue obliges us to trust in God.
What is hope?
They are prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude.
What are the cardinal virtues?
We should go to confession regularly, especially if we commit this.
What is a mortal sin?
This sin is so named because it came down to us through our origin, or descent, from Adam and Eve.
What is original sin?
This is insulting language which expresses contempt for God either directly, or through His Saints and Holy objects.
What is blasphemy?
This is a bad habit that leads us away from Christian happiness.
What is a vice or sin?
This cardinal virtue is the constant and permanent determination to give everyone his or her rightful due.
What is justice?
They are faith, hope and charity.
What are the theological virtues?