LEVEL: 2 - Junior [CATEGORY Saints & Angels] Flashcards
He is the patron saint of India.
Who is St. Thomas the Apostle.
This Indian convert had a vision of Our Lady in Mexico.
Who is Blessed Juan Diego?
She is usually shown at an organ because early composers were inspired to write elaborate music for the antiphon used on her feast day.
Who is Saint Cecilia?
She is symbolized by a dagger and eyes on a dish?
Who is Saint Lucy?
This saint had a vision of the beauty of the soul in the state of grace.
Who is Saint Catherine of Siena?
This saint was struck on the forehead with a thorn from a Crucifix. She is the patroness of impossible causes.
Who is Saint Rita?
He is the patron saint of students.
Who is St. Thomas Aquinas?
These are the patron saints of writers.
Who are St. Lucy, and St. Francis de Sales?
This famous French saint was not canonized until almost 5 centuries after her death.
Who is Saint Joan of Arc?
This is the patron saint of the elderly.
Who is Saint Anthony?
Tradition says this saint found the true cross.
Who is Saint Helena?
These are the three female doctors of the Church.
Who are Saints Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena and Therese of Lisieux?
This great leader was St. Helena’s son.
Who is Constantine?
This saint was once Queen of Germany (895-968).
Who is Saint Matilda?
This king and queen set up the Spanish Inquisition in 1478 and sponsored Columbus in 1492.
Who are King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella?
This famous saint was a deacon in the Church. He founded the Friars Minor.
Who is Saint Francis of Assisi?
This famous philosopher said: “Sin is disease, deformity, weakness.”
Who is Plato?
It is recorded in Luke 2:30-32 that this man said: “My eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the sight of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and glory for your people Israel.”
Who is Simeon?
She is the patron saint of emigrants.
Who is Saint Frances (Mother) Cabrini?.
The name of this virgin-martyr comes from the Latin word for lamb-like (and denotes modesty and innocence).
Who is Saint Agnes?
The Blessed Mother appeared to her and identified herself as the Immaculate Conception.
Who is Saint Bernadette?
This is the patron saint of housewives.
Who is Saint Anne?
This saint was named protector of Vatican II.
Who is Saint Joseph?
She was known as the Maid of Orleans.
Who is St. Joan of Arc?
Traditionally, these are the angels of wisdom.
Who are the Cherubim?
This is the title of a male saint who is not a martyr.
What is a confessor?
This is the patron saint of TV.
Who is Saint Clare of Assisi?
St. Teresa of Avila, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Gertrude and St. Catherine of Genoa all have this in common.
What is: They were all mystics?
Christ commissioned the 12 promises of His Sacred Heart to this saint.
Who is St. Margaret Mary Alacoque?
This saint was St. Benedict’s twin sister.
Who is Saint Scholastica?
According to legend this was the profession of Saint Blaise.
What is physician?
This saint wrote the book “Utopia.”
Who is Saint Thomas More?
This saint founded the religious order of Salesians.
Who is Saint John Bosco?
According to common belief, this is the first person to experience a stigmata.
Who is St. Francis of Assisi?
This saint was held prisoner in the Tower of London. He was married and had a daughter.
Who is St. Thomas More?
This Old Testament Book was named for a census.
What is the Book of Numbers?
After Solomon’s death, ten of the tribes of Israel revolted under the leadership of this man.
Who is Jeroboam?
When the tribes of Israel revolted, only this tribe and a portion of Benjamin’s remained faithful to the line of David.
What is the tribe of Juda?
God originally called Abraham out of this city.
What is Ur of the Chaldees?
This newest American saint was canonized in 1989.
Who is St. Rose Philippine Duchesne?
This holy martyr, who lived around 303, is the patron saint of England and one of the 14 Holy Helpers.
Who is St. George?
The saw is the symbol of this apostle, with reference to the manner of his martyrdom?
Who is St. Simon?
He is the patron of persons condemned to death?
Who is The Good Thief, tradition~ly known as St. Dismas?
This founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart came to the U.S. and opened numerous orphanages, schools, free clinics, and hospitals.
Who is St. Frances Cabrini?
This saint and Archbishop of Canterbury, who clashed with Henry II over Church-state relations, was murdered in his cathedral in 1170.
Who is St. Thomas Becket?
Martyred during the Christian persecution in.Rome (100-165), this ecclesiastical writer wrote: “Apologies for the Christian Religion,” and “Dialogue with the Jew Tryphon.”
Who is Saint Justin?
This angel guided Tobias.
Who is the Archangel Raphael? (Tb. 3:25)
Killed during Diocletia’s persecution in Palestine, circa 300, this man reputedly slew a dragon.
Who is St. George?
This French priest founded the sisters of Divine Wisdom and the Missionaries of the Company of Mary, and wrote the book “True Devotion to Mary.”
Who is St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort (1673-1761)?
St. Gemma Galgani had these markings.
What are stigmata?
Founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, she originally came to the United States to help Italian immigrants. She was the first naturalized American saint.
Who is St. Francis Cabrini (Mother)?
These are the total number of doctors of the Church.
What are 33?
This apostle is symbolized by the following: 1. Crossed keys; one of gold and one of silver, 2. A cock, calling to mind his denial of Christ, and 3. An inverted cross, recalling his death.
Who is St. Peter?
Desiring to give her life to God, she was nevertheless married by her parents to a good man and bore three children. She was aware of the presence of her guardian angel and sometimes received slaps from him.
Who is St. Frances of Rome?
Dying at the age of 22, he is the patron of altar boys.
Who is St. John Berchmans?
King of France, his mother told him as a boy that she would rather see him dead than commit one mortal sin.
Who is St. Louis of France?
This Italian saint was founder of the Ursulines, who went all over the world teaching girls and women.
Who is St. Angel de Merici?
This saint saved Rome from the Barbarian invasions of Attila the Hun by facing them without fear.
Who is St. Leo the Great?
Queen of Scotland and mother of eight children, this saint told her children she should rather they die than commit one mortal sin.
Who is St. Margaret of Scotland?
St. Gerard of Majelia. patron saint of expectant mothers, had this supernatural gift of being able to be in different places at the same time.
What is bilocation?
These two saints are called the Apostles of the Slavs.
Who are St. Cyril and St. Methodius?
This American saint was booked to make the voyage on the Titanic.
Who is St. Francis Xavier Cabrini?
They are the sisters of Lazurus who often had Jesus visit at their home.
Who are Mary and Martha?
This is the Polish sister to whom our Lord Jesus appeared in 1930’s to give us the Divine Mercy devotion.
Who is :Blessed Sister Faustina?
This saint is represented by an eagle.
Who is St. John the Apostle?
Christ revealed the twelve promises of His Sacred Heart to this saint.
Who is Margaret Mary Alacocque?
He never reached China but this Jesuit missionary saint is well loved by the Chinese.
Who is St. Francis Xavier?
This saint worked on behalf of the Negro galley slaves of the West Indies.
Who is St. Peter Claver?
This saint first translated the Bible into Latin, which was then the common language of the people.
Who is St. Jerome?
This is a title given to servants of God after the state of their heroic virtue or martyrdom has been proved and a solemn decree to that effect has been signed by the pope.
What is venerable?
This saint, Dominican Angelic Doctor, and patron of Catholic schools was dubbed “dumb ox” by his university classmates.
Who is St. Thomas Aquinas?
This Apostle said, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth.”
Who is Nathanael (Bartholomew)?
She was born a daughter of a royal prince of Sweden. Her mother died soon after her birth, and at the age of ten, began having mysterious dreams about our suffering Lord that left a deep impression on her. At age 15, she married a pious prince and had eight children. She also founded the Brigittines.
Who is St. Bridget of Sweden?
This saint is said to have “stolen Heaven.”
Who is The Good Thief? (St. Dismas).
This Dominican saint called himself, “Brother Broom”.
Who is St. Martin de Porres?
He is the brother of Simon Peter.
Who is St. Andrew?
It is legend that this saint defeated a dragon that was holding a kingdom hostage.
Who is St. George?
This Roman soldier saint’s feast day is the same as Veteran’s Day or Remembrance Day on November 11th.
Who is St. Martin of Tours?
This person told Simon Peter, “We have found the Messiah.”
Who is his brother, St. Andrew?
He was a Polish Franciscan priest. Because of his love for Mary, he started the group Knights of Mary lmmaculata. During World War II, he was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp where he volunteered himself for execution in place of another prisoner.
Who is St. Maximillian Kolbe?
St. John Vianney is associated with this sacrament.
What is the sacrament of Reconciliation? He heard confession 16 to 18 hours a day.
This French priest of Ars, nearly failed becoming a priest because of his inability to learn Latin but is now the patron saint of all pastors.
Who is St. John Vianney or the Cure of Ars?
Stephen saw this Person standing at the right hand of God.
Who is Jesus?