LEVEL: 1 - Novice [CATEGORY Practice, Prayer, Custom & Culture] Flashcards
This term refers to the refraining from eating meat, soups and gravies made from meat.
What is abstinence?
This word describes a priest brother or sister who belongs to a religious congregation.
What is a religious?
This is God’s calling of a person to a particular way of life, especially the priesthood or religious life.
What is a vocation?
This is the prayer before meals.
What is: “Bless us, 0 Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen”?
These are the four major prayers that constitute the rosary.
What are: The Apostles’ Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, The Hail Mary, and the Glory be to the Father?
This number constitutes the total number of mysteries in the entire rosary.
What is 15?
These are three vows taken commonly by religious men and women.
What are: poverty, chastity, and obedience?
This prayer is also called the Angelical Salutation.
What is the Hail Mary?
This term describes the calling of one to a religious life, particularly the calling to the priesthood.
What is vocation?
It is made from the hardened resins of various plants or trees that give off an aromatic smoke when burned.
What is incense?
This is the bending of the knee in adoration when one enters a church or passes before the tabernacle, which contains the Body and Blood of Christ.
What is genuflection?
These are the number of Hail Marys said during a complete 15-decade rosary.
What are 153?
These are the number of Our Fathers said during a complete 15-decade rosary.
What are 16?
This is normally the last prayer said during the recitation of the rosary.
What is the Hail Holy Queen?
This is what members of a religious corrununity do in a refectory.
What is eat?
This is the decade of the rosary that remembers Christ’s intense spiritual suffering where HE sweat blood.
What is the Agony in the Garden? (or lst Sorrowful Mystery)
This article, made of wool, was given to St. Simon Stock.
What is the Brown Scapular?
This admonishment God gave to Adam and Eve is repeated on Ash Wednesday when our foreheads are blessed with ashes.
What is, “Dust you are, and unto dust you shall return?”
This is what we call days on which we are not allowed to eat meat.
What are days of abstinence?
These can be gained for the remission, in whole or part, of sin.
What is an indulgence?
This is a term applied to representations of the dead Christ in art.
What is the Pieta?
Before the bishop gives a book his imprimatur, it is examined by this cleric for error.
What is a censor?
These are the words which define imprimatur.
What are Let it be printed?
The pope is elected by this body of men.
What is the College of Cardinals?
This is the religious garb of a monk, nun or priest.
What is a habit?
The power to expel demons is given in this Person’s name.
What is Jesus’ name?
Necromancy, which is the evoking of the dead in the quest for knowledge of future or hidden things, was condemned by the Church during the Middle Ages and is now known by this term.
What is spiritism?
These days are never days of fasting or abstinence.
What are:
1. Sundays
2. Holy days of obligation
3. Feast days?
20 Bonus Points
This “cloth medal”. having Mary’s Immaculate Heart on one side and a prayer on the other is especially efficacious in bringing those fallen away Catholics back to practice of the faith.
What is the green scapular?
20 Bonus Points
This is another name for the Order of Friars minor.
What are the Franciscans?
Raymond’s father told him that he was going to punish him. So, Raymond went to his mother saying that he was sorry for what he had done, and asked her to speak to his father for him. She did and Raymond was not punished. This reminds us of our reason for praying to Our Blessed Mother and the saints.
What is to speak for us? (to intercede).
We must do this if we want to receive the graces we need.
What is ask? (ask and you shall receive).
The words in the Act of Faith by which we tell God the reason why we believe in Him.
What is, “You have revealed them. Who can neither deceive, nor be deceived?”
When you say, or hear this Holy Name, it is a sign of reverence to bow your head.
What is the Name of Jesus?
This is the type of prayer in which we ask God to grant our needs.
What is petition?
This prayer contains the chief doctrines of the Catholic faith.
What is the Apostles’ Creed?
These are burned into ashes on Ash Wednesday.
What are last year’s blessed palms?
This is a band or circle of green foliage with three purple candles and one rose candle.
What is an Advent wreath?
This is the Joyful Mystery and the Feast Day on which we celebrate Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth.
What is the Visitation (second Joyful Mystery)?
Amen means this in Hebrew.
What is So be it?
On the first Friday and Saturday of the month we venerate these aspects of Jesus and Mary.
What are: His Sacred Heart and Her Immaculate Heart?
This is the black ankle length gown worn by clergy.
What is a cassock?