LEVEL: 1 - Novice [CATEGORY Church] Flashcards
This is the process by which the Church, through the assistance of the Holy Spirit, teaches all that .
she is and all that she believes.
What is Divine or Sacred Tradition?
This is a mixture of pure olive oil and balm, blessed by the bishop on Holy Thursday, and used in the administration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders and at the consecration of bishops.
What is Chrism?
He is known as The Bishop of Rome, with the Eternal City as his diocese.
Who is the pope?
This is the bishop’s staff, symbolic of his pastoral office, used at liturgical functions.
What is a crosier?
These are followers of the rule established by St. Benedict shortly before his death in 547.
Who are Benedictines?
This is the declaration made by the pope that one of the faithful, because of a life of virtue or the heroic death of martyrdom, is entitled blessed, i.e. is living in the happiness of Heaven.
What is beatification?
This religion denies the goodness of creation and believes in reincarnation.
What is Hinduism?
This one word means the same as pope.
What is pontiff?
These are the followers of Mohammedanism.
Who are Moslems?
The members of this church are referred to as Mormons
What is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?
At the death of a pope, the College of Cardinals gather in this chapel to elect a new pope.
What is the Sistine Chapel?
Before Pope John Paul II. he was the last non-Italian pope to reign.
Who is Adrian VI? (from Holland).
Christ appointed him to be the first shepherd of the Church.
Who is St. Peter?
This is the official teaching office, or authority in the Church, exercised by the pope and the bishops united with him. By Christ’s command, all Christians are solemnly obliged to obey the teachings of this authority.
What is the magisterium?
This first “ex cathedra” pronouncement in church history was made by St. Peter at the Council of Jerusalem in 51 AD.
What is the decision to release Gentile Christians from the ceremonial observances of Mosaic law i.e. circumcision?
Taken from the Greek word meaning “overseer,” he is a divinely instituted member of the Church hierarchy, having full and complete authority over his appointed territory and under the supreme authority of the pope.
What is a BISHOP?
This is a declaration made by the pope that one of the faithful, because of a life of virtue or the heroic death of a martyrdom, is living in the happiness of heaven and may be honored locally or in a religious community by the title “Blessed”.
This is the written history of God’s saving actions in the lives to the ‘chosen people’…(the Hebrew or Jewish people)…preparing them and the world for the coming of the Savior.
What is the Old Testament?
A non-baptized person who is taking instruction to enter the Catholic Church.
Who is a catechumen?
The colors of the papal flag.
What are white and gold?
10 BonusPoints
The symbols of the bishop.
What are:
1. miter
2. crosier
10 Bonus Points
This person is the head of the Ecumenical Council.
Who is the pope.
These are the four marks of the Church.
What are:
1. One
2. Holy
3. Catholic
4. Apostolic?
This is the feast celebrated 40 days after Easter.
What is the Ascension?
This solemnity honors the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.
What is Corpus Christi?