LEVEL: 3 - Senior [CATEGORY: Liturgy & Sacraments] Flashcards
This act removes the penalties imposed by the Church and reconciles the penitent with the Church.
What is absolution from censures?
This is a small, close-fitting skull-cap worn by bishops. abbots, and other prelates.
What is a Zucchetto?
This is a stiff square cap having three or four projecting “leaves” or prominences rising from the ridges of its top, and usually having a pompom at its center, worn by cardinals, bishops. and other clerics.
What is a biretta?
This is the rite performed by a priest whereby evil spirits ar~ driven out of a person’s body in the name of Christ.
What is exorcism?
These are holy things or actions with which the Church asks God to grant us favors, especially spiritual ones.
What are sacramentals?
This Augustinian monk, on All Saints Day, 1517, nailed 95 theses on the door of a chapel, expressing his disbelief in indulgences, among other things.
Who is Martin Luther?
This is the Great Saint of the Council of Trent (i545-1563), Bishop of Milan.
Who is Charles Borromeo?
He acts “in persona Christi.”
A: Who is the priest?
These words in Latin mean “Behold the man.”
What are “Ecce Homo?”
This is the clasp that fastens and holds a cope about the shoulders.
What is a morse?
This is the reception of Holy Communion when it is given in a public or private manner to someone in danger of death, during an illness;-or to soldiers going into battle.
What is viaticum?
This is the public announcement of an impending marriage.
What are the banns of matrimony?
These are the names of 6 Saints (or group of Saints), which appear in the first part of the canon of the Mass.
Who are: 1. Blessed Virgin Mary - 2. The twelve apostles - 3. Five early popes - 4 Bishop Cyprian -5, Deacon Lawrence-6. Five other saints who are laymen? (all are martyrs except theBlessed Mother and the Apostle: St. John the Evangelist).
These are the three times the bells are rung in the Tridentine Mass.
What is: 1. When the priest spreads his hands over the offering chalice (wine) and host (bread) … to alert the people of the approaching consecration - 2. When the priest raises the Host - 3. When the priest raises the chalice?
The 3 chief effects of grace received in the sacrament of Matrimony.
What are: 1. LOVE faithfully - 2. BEAR FAULTS patiently - 3 BRING UP CHILDREN properly?
A sign of priestly office, worn in administration of the sacraments, it is a narrow strip of cloth of a liturgical color worn over the shoulders.
What is the stole?
Wide band of cloth worn over the shoulders for carrying the sacred vessels or Blessed Sacrament.
What is the humeral veil?
In the Byzantine Rite, this is the name of the screen that separates the congregation from the altar.
What is an lconostasis?
This part of the Mass includes the writings of the prophets that is, the Old Testament,” and “the memoirs of the Apostles” (their Letters and Gospels), the homily and the intercessions.
What is the Liturgy of the Word?