NAVPERS 15560, Part 8, NAV MIL PERS MAN Flashcards
What establishes casualty reporting procedures for Service members categorized as “DUSTWUN” and
“Missing” and are two separate and distinct casualty categories?
DoD Instruction 1300.18
- What is a transitory casualty status that is used when the responsible commander suspects the Sailor may be a casualty and whose absence is involuntary, but sufficient evidence does not exist to make a definite determination of missing or deceased?
Only who has the authority to place a Sailor in a “Missing” status?
Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV)
No later than how long following receipt of information that a Sailor is absent from their place of duty and the status of that Sailor meets the definition of DUSTWUN, the responsible commander shall submit a PCR per MILPERSMAN 1770-030?
4 hours
DUSTWUN affords the commander up to how long to conduct search and rescue efforts, investigate the circumstances of the loss incident, and make preliminary assessments and recommendations regarding the Sailor’s disappearance?
10 days
Commanders shall submit a recommendation for a casualty status of “Missing” via what?
No later than how many days after SECNAV makes determination of the Missing status, SECNAV will provide PNOK and other members of the immediate family an unclassified summary of the Unit Commanders’ and the Initial Board of Inquiry reports?
Travel and transportation may be provided for the dependents, household goods (HHG), and personal
effects of Sailors on active duty that are officially reported in a “Missing” status for a period of how many or more days?
What shall be submitted for a members death?
Of outcome, all suicide related behaviors must be reported via what reporting system per NAVADMIN
All suicide and suicide attempts by active and reserve Sailors require the completion of what?
A PCR is only required for suicides and suicide related behaviors which result in VSI, SI, or what else?
An initial PCR must be submitted within how long of a command learning of casualty?
4 hours
If E-mail or FAX capability does not exist, PCR may be submitted by what precedence message?
What casualty type defines a Sailor who is wounded or killed “in action” or due to terrorist action?
A naval disaster or accident is defined as a loss of life or injury to more than how many persons at a specific location?
After submitting the initial status and follow up messages, submit individual Personnel Casualty Report (PCR), per what?
The Navy Personnel Command Crisis Action Organization (NPC CAO), consisting of a Crisis Action
Team (CAT) and what else, should be activated when a major naval disaster or accident occurs?
Emergency Coordination Center (ECC)
What provides guidance to commands for the handling and shipping of personal effects to the person
eligible to receive effects, as defined per DoD Instruction 1300.18?
PL 111-84 and section 411h of what reference authorize transportation of eligible travelers to the bedside of a Sailor; incident to hospitalization for treatment of wounds, illness, or injury for the period of his or her
in-patient treatment?
37 U.S.C
An individual designated by the Sailor to travel to bedside during the period of his or her in-patient
treatment. A Sailor may make designation verbally at the time of hospitalization or annotate designation on what form, Record of Emergency Data?
DD 93
- Parents or persons in loco parentis (including fathers and mothers through adoption) and persons who stood in loco parentis to the Sailor for a period of not less than how long immediately before the Sailor entered the United States (U.S.) Navy may be declared as a family member?
1 year
The person most closely related to the deceased Sailor is considered what for casualty notification and
assistance purposes?
Commands are required to submit a Personnel Casualty Report (PCR) within how long of learning of the incident?
4 hours
If a Sailor becomes a casualty while away from his or her command, the local Navy activity apprised of the circumstances shall verify the casualty and notify the Sailor’s command and what else?
VSI is the casualty status of a Sailor whose illness or injury is such that medical authority declares it
more likely than not, that death will occur within how long?
72 hours
What is the casualty status of a Sailor whose illness or injury requires medical attention, medical authority declares that death is possible, but not likely, within 72 hours and or the severity is such that it is
permanent and life-altering?
Whether the Sailor is hospitalized within the continental United States (CONUS), outside the continental United States (OCONUS), or aboard ship, it is the primary responsibility of the Sailor’s what to ensure
notification is made to the PNOK?
Commanding Officer (CO)
Travel and transportation may be provided for not more than how many of the Sailor’s designated
Each designated individual may be provided one round-trip between the designated individual’s home and the medical treatment facility (MTF) in any how many-day period?
If a non-medical attendant has been designated for a Sailor during the 60-day period, no more than a
total of how many round-trips may be provided in a 60-day period at Government expense?
What must be submitted as soon as possible once the command is notified of a dependent death?
Personnel Casualty Report (PCR)
2.What form must be completed to Claim for Family Coverage Death Benefits?
In the case of infant death where the child is less than how many days old, an official State-issued birth
certificate is required?
What provides coverage in the event of the stillborn death of dependent children?
A member’s stillborn child is defined as a member’s natural child whose death occurs before expulsion,
extraction, or delivery, and whose Fetal weight is 350 grams or more; or if fetal weigh is unknown, whose
duration in utero was how many or more completed weeks in gestation?
Approval of a request for transfer to the Fleet Reserve will normally be withheld until the member has completed 24 months time in grade for pay grades what and above (may be waived up to 12 months)?
Requests for PRD adjustments must be received by NAVPERSCOM how many months in advance of
the requested Fleet Reserve date?
Members in what capacity are not considered to be in the disability evaluation process and will be
processed as a regular Fleet Reserve request?
Limited duty (LIMDU)
Local approval of LIMDU is not authorized when it will retain a member beyond how many years of
active service?
Member undergoing non-elective medical treatment (not involving physical evaluation board (PEB)
proceedings, or appearance before a medical board requiring departmental action) may be retained up to
how long after fleet reserve transfer date with authorization from NAVPERSCOM, (PERS-8354)?
60 days
Member who is involved in PEB proceedings or appearance before a medical board requiring
departmental action, shall not be transferred to the Fleet Reserve until final action is completed and
instructions are received from what?
The law requires that a member complete at least 20 years of service to be eligible for retirement benefits by reason of physical disability when the disability is ratable at less than what percent by the Veterans Administration Schedule for Rating Disabilities?
COs may request to defer transfer to Fleet Reserve up to how long beyond date authorized only when
urgent operational commitments demand member’s service?
30 days
Pay grades E-6 and below should submit request how many months prior to requested Fleet Reserve
transfer date?
6 to 18
Pay grades E-7 – E-9 should submit the request how many months prior to the requested Fleet Reserve transfer date?
6 to 24
What is the preferred method for submission of fleet reserve request to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-8354)?
Under certain circumstances, a member may request determination of entitlement to an additional what percentage increase of retainer pay due to the performance of extraordinary heroism?
A member requesting determination of extraordinary heroism must also include copies of citation, write-up, and what else (if available) as enclosures to the request?
OPNAV 1650/3
Once request for transfer to the Fleet Reserve has been approved by detailer, rating assignment officer,
and enlisted community manager, NAVPERSCOM (PERS-8354) will transmit what?
NAVPERSCOM (PERS-8354) will issue the Final Authorization/Statement of Service message no later
than how long prior to the Fleet Reserve transfer date?
120 days
Endorsement is to be issued with accounting data no earlier than how long prior to the Fleet Reserve date without approval from NAVPERSCOM (PERS-835) per MILPERSMAN 1800-020?
6 months
Prepare DD 214 and Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, then forward with transfer authorization and First Endorsement to appropriate disbursing office no later than how long prior to member’s departure from command?
30 days
In time of peace, Fleet Reservists may be required to perform not more than what amount of active service in each 4-year period?
2 months
Fleet Reservists may wear their uniform from place of release to home within how long after date of
release and subsequently on occasions of ceremony?
3 months