NAVEDTRA 14325, Ch. 3/4, BMR Flashcards
What is probably the most important log that personnel maintain onboard ships?
Deck log
Who keeps the ship’s deck log while at sea?
Quartermaster Of the Watch (QOOW)
Which bill contains lists of stations that must be manned during battle and at other specified times?
Which bill displays in one place personnel duties for each emergency and watch condition?
Which condition sets general quarters?
Condition I
What special watch is used by gunfire support ships for situations such as extended periods of shore bombardment?
Condition II
What is the normal wartime cruising watch?
Condition III
What provides the capability for reacting to emergency security situations aboard ship and at pierside to protect the ship, its sensitive equipment, and its personnel?
Self-defense force
How many hours in duration are most Navy watches?
How many minutes prior to the start of watches should personnel arrive on station to receive any pertinent information from the person you are relieving?
What is the 0000 to 0400 watch named?
What is the 0400 to 0800 watch named?
Morning watch
What is the 0800 to 1200 watch named?
Forenoon watch
What is the 1200 to 1600 watch named?
Afternoon watch
What is the 1600 to 1800 watch named?
First dog watch
What is the 1800 to 2000 watch named?
Second dog watch
What is the 2000 to 2400 watch named?
Evening watch
How long past reveille are late sleepers normally permitted to sleep?
1 hour
Which type of watches are stood to prevent sabotage, protect property from damage or theft, prevent
access to restricted areas by unauthorized persons, or protect personnel?
Who is eligible for command at sea and is designated and empowered by the captain to advise, supervise, and direct the officer of the deck (OOD) in matters concerning the general operation and safety
of the ship or station?
Who is responsible to the commanding officer (CO) for the safe and proper operation of the ship or
Officer Of the Deck (OOD)
Who maintains the ship’s deck log and assists the OOD in navigational matters while underway?
Who ensures all deck watch stations are manned with qualified personnel and all watch standers in
previous watch sections are relieved?
At least how often should lookouts be rotated?
Who steers the courses prescribed by the conning officer?
Who stands watch at the engine order telegraph on the bridge ringing up the conning officer’s orders to
the engine room ensuring all bells are correctly answered?
Lee helmsman
What are the two types of orders that govern sentries?
General and special
How many general orders are there that sentries must follow?
How many methods are used for relieving armed sentries?
Deadly force may only be authorized by whom?
How many degrees above the horizon is monitored by low sky lookouts?
What is the direction of an object relative to the ship referred to as?
How many types of bearings are there?
Which bearing type uses the ship’s bow as a reference point?
What is the relative bearing of your ship from another ship referred to as?
Target angle
What metric are ranges always reported in?
How many minutes does it take personnel to reach their best night vision called dark adaptation?
How many miles away in good weather can lookouts easily spot planes with the naked eye?
What step-by-step eye search technique do lookouts use?
What are the two basic categories of communications?
Interior and exterior
What was adopted by NATO nations armed forces to overcome language barriers?
Phonetic alphabet
Which type of phones require no batteries or external electrical power source as they operate on the power of your voice?
Sound powered
How far should the sound-powered phone transmitter be held from the mouth when speaking into it?
.5” to 1”
Primary, Auxiliary, along with what else are the three sound powered telephone circuit categories aboard ships?
What word is used to identify your station and acknowledge messages?
How are sound-powered phone system communications phrased?
Declarative (statement)
What combines into one system the features of sound-powered telephones, dial telephones, and
intercommunications units?
What are the two types of terminal devices used with the IVCS?
Network and dial
What is the heart of the IVCS?
What is defined as the protective measures taken to deny unauthorized persons information derived
from telecommunications of the United States government that are related to national security and to ensure the authenticity of each telecommunication?
Communications security
What general announcing system can pass word to every space on the ship?
Who is in charge of the 1MC?
What is the primary means of DCC within the repair locker area?
Which international flag means “I have a diver(s) down; keep well clear at slow speed.”?
Which international flag means “I am taking in, discharging, or carrying dangerous materials.”?
Which international flag means “Personnel working aloft.”?
Which international flag means “Man Overboard.”?
Which international flag means “Preparing to come alongside in-port or at anchor.”?
Which international flag means “I have a semaphore message to transmit.”?
Which international flag means “General recall; all personnel return to the ship.”?
Which international flag means “Boat recall; all boats return to the ship.”?
What time is colors held in the morning while not underway?
What is the Ensign normally flown from while underway?
What is the national ensign along with the union jack referred to as?
Which flag is regarded as an international guarantee of amnesty from attack?
Red Cross
Substitute pennants are flown when certain officers are absent while in port for a period of up to how
many hours?
Which flag is hoisted whenever the ship is taking aboard, transferring, or handling dangerous
commodities, such as ammunition and fuel?
What special device will boat flagstaffs be marked with for any civilian official or flag officer whose official salute is 19 or more guns?
Spread eagle
What special device will boat flagstaffs be marked with for a flag or general officer whose official
salute is less than 19 guns or for a civil official whose salute is 11 or more guns but less than 19?
What special device will boat flagstaffs be marked with for an officer of the grade, or relative grade, of
Captain in the Navy, or for certain diplomatic officials?
What special device will boat flagstaff be marked with for an officer of the grade, or relative grade, of
What are informal courtesy visits that require no special ceremonies known as?