NAVEDTRA 14145, Ch 5-7 MIL REQ for PO1 Flashcards
Who is the most important person aboard the ship while in port next to the Captain and the Executive
What publication should be used by all watch standers as a general guide for standards that should be
What occurs when watch conditions change within the ship?
Setting the watch
Who supervises the quarterdeck watch, anchor watch, fog look-outs, brow and dock sentries?
What is the term for taking a person into custody?
What is the term for the moral or physical restraint of a person’s liberty?
What is the term for restraining a person by an oral or written order which directs the person to remain within specified limits of an area?
Restriction in lieu of arrest
What is the term for restraining a person by an oral or written order that is not imposed as punishment
and directs the person to remain within the specified limits of an area?
What is the term for depriving a person of his or her freedom pending the disposition of offenses by
means of physical restraint that is imposed by order of competent authority?
What is the official daily record of a ship maintained by watches?
Deck log
How many months are deck log copies retained onboard prior to being destroyed?
Who is responsible for examining the ship’s deck log daily to ensure it is properly kept?
What type of visit refers to visits on board by individuals or specific groups as differentiated from the general public?
Casual visiting
What are the normal shipboard general visiting hours?
What is the maximum visitor group size that departmental personnel should be responsible for when they are detailed to act as shipboard tour guides?
How long before the scheduled commencement of general visiting should the chief master-at-arms
muster sentries and guides for inspection and instruction?
30 minutes
What hours are officers normally permitted to have personal guests come onboard?
After what time and until the expiration of visiting hours on Sundays and during general visiting are
Chief petty officers permitted to entertain guests in their messroom and lounge?
Who is responsible for authorizing classified ship visits?
Who is directly responsible to the commanding officer for the posting of all security watches and
What name is given to the 1600-1800 and the 1800-2000 watches aboard ship?
Dog watch
Prevention, minimization, along with what else make up the three basic objectives of shipboard damage control?
Who is responsible for carrying out command damage control requirements including training?
Executive Officer
Who is the senior member of the underway watch team and is the primary assistant to the commanding officer on the bridge?
Officer Of the Deck (OOD)
How many months do DCPOs normally serve?
Who maintains a list of all the personnel assigned to repair parties?
What material condition is used for maximum protection in battle?
What coordinates setting material condition Zebra for X-ray and Yoke fittings that were previously
logged as open in the damage control closure log?
What provides personnel immediately to fight fires during action?
Repair parties
How many battle dressing stations at a minimum do most ships have that are equipped for emergency
handling of battle casualties?
Who takes charge of damage repair at the immediate scene and is directly in charge of the fire-fighting party?
On-scene leader
Who is responsible for training and organizing the at-sea fire party?
How many principles of investigation should be considered during damage investigation?
What is the nominal distance from the point of impact that damage should spread if the underwater
protective system is initially intact?
Fifty feet
CO2 flooded compartments should not be opened for at least how many minutes after they have been flooded except in case of emergencies?
What temperatures cause the decomposition of Halon 1301?
How many gallons per minute (gpm) of water will a hole in the hull, with an area of only 1 square foot,
15 feet below the surface admit?
What refers to a compartment that is completely filled with water from deck to overhead?
Solid flooding
What are the bulkheads and decks called that restrict the partially flooded area from the flooding
Flooding boundaries
What are used as the primary means of communications during battle or while combating damage?
Sound-powered telephones
Which circuit is the main damage control circuit that is common to the damage control station and all
repair parties?
Which circuit connects the conn, pilot house, interior communications (IC) room, combat information
center (CIC), and damage control central (DCC)?
JA (Captain’s battle circuit)
Which circuit connects the pilot house, bridge wings, main engine control, forecastle, fantail, steering
gear room, IC room, and DCC?
JV (Maneuvering circuit)
Which circuit connects all the machinery spaces, engineer log room, IC room, emergency diesel
generator space, main distribution switchboards, smoke watch, fueling station, and DCC?
2JV (Engineer’s circuit)
Which circuit provides a means of rigging communication lines between vital stations during an emergency condition?
X-40J (Casualty communication circuit)
What is the damage control intercom system circuit?
What is emergency treatment of the sick or injured before regular medical or surgical attention can be
obtained called?
First aid
Up to how many miles from the burst can an air blast from a nuclear detonation can general damage?
What name is given to the pressure pulse created in water as a result of an explosion on or below the
water surface?
Underwater shock
Over how many feet in height can waves from a surface or underwater burst be?
Up to how many minutes can flash blindness from a nuclear attack last?
Over what distance is the casualty range of from the initial radiation of a normal kiloton burst?
1 mile
Alpha, Beta, along with what else are the three types of ionizing nuclear radiation that can be emitted from radioactive contamination?
What type of radiation has a range in the air of only a few feet and has limited penetrating power?
Which type of radiation has an effective range in the air of many hundreds of feet and is highly penetrating?
Which type of warfare intentionally uses living infectious microorganisms (germs) to reduce or destroy the military effectiveness of personnel?
Up to how many hours can it take for results to show from BW agents?
Which agents are intended for use in military operations to kill, injure seriously, or incapacitate people through physiological effects?
Chemical warfare (CW)
Which type of agents produce temporary physiological or mental effects that render individuals incapable of performing their assigned duties?
Which type of agents produce temporary irritating or incapacitating effects when contact is made with the eyes or when inhaled?
Riot control
Which type of agents are considered to be the most dangerous because of their ability, even in small
amounts, to cause casualties?
Unless under the direct supervision of medical personnel, what is the maximum number of 2-PAM chloride injections that can be given?
Which type of agents smell of garlic, fish, or geraniums and may appear as colorless to dark brown oily
liquid or droplets?
How many minutes after exposure to blister agents do personnel have to perform effective treatment?
Which type of agents smell like freshly mown hay or grass?
Which type of agents are colorless but may have a slight odor of bitter almonds?
What is a flexible system of protection against chemical agents that is used in chemical warfare
How many phases are disaster relief operations normally conducted in?
Which instruction encompasses all safety disciplines?
Which instruction provides general shipboard safety precautions?
Which instruction outlines the safety program and the safety organization?
Which instruction provides motor vehicle safety policy and guidance?
How many types of safety observations can be used?
Which type of safety observation occurs when safety hazards are noticed without deliberately taking
time to look for them?
Which type of safety observation do observers intentionally pause in whatever they are doing to see if a person does some part of a job safely?
Which type of safety observation is deliberately scheduled to watch for safety violations by a person performing a specific job?
What makes command safety program recommendations?
Enlisted Safety Committee
What acts as a roving inspector for hazards and risks (unsafe work practices) that could result in injury to personnel or damage to equipment?
MAA/Safety Force
Which program specifically addresses the maintenance of safe and healthful conditions in the work place?
Personnel working in hazardous noise areas must be entered in a hearing test program when they are exposed to sound levels greater than 84 dB or peak sound pressure levels exceeding what level?
140 dB
What type of strain is placed on the body as it attempts to regulate its temperature as a result of any combination of air temperature, thermal radiation, humidity, air flow, and work load?
Heat stress
Heat stress surveys must be conducted in work areas when the watch or work station’s dry-bulb
temperature exceeds what temperature?
Any person found to have vision in one eye of what level or worse to be visually impaired by Naval
How often should tag-out system audits be performed?
Every 2 weeks
Navy Regulations along with which Code of Conduct article give the senior person in a survival
situation the authority to take charge?
Article IV
What permits personnel to see without being seen?
How many yards can enemy observers see under favorable conditions in open woods?
Who made the defiant reply “I have not yet begun to fight”?
John Paul Jones