BUPERINST 1610.01C (W/CH 2), Ch. 4-12 Flashcards
What type of report provides a record of significant performance that was not directly observable by the
regular reporting senior?
If ADDU or TEMADD requires absence from the permanent duty command for more than how many
months, except for duty under instruction or duty in which the individual was accountable only to the
permanent duty commander, than a Concurrent report should be submitted?
What may be used as an alternative to a non-mandatory Concurrent report?
Performance Information Memorandum
A period up to how many months may be covered by a Concurrent report (but not a Concurrent/Regular
For what purposes are Concurrent/Regular reports considered to be Concurrent reports?
Summary Group
By what means can a concurrent reporting senior extend a Concurrent report?
Provided the resulting total reporting period does not exceed how many months than a regular reporting
senior may extend a Concurrent/Regular report with a copy to the concurrent reporting senior?
Who does the report require an endorsement from when the concurrent reporting senior is a captain (or below) in the same competitive category as a captain who is being reported on?
Flag officer
What block will the regular reporting senior mark to endorse on all Concurrent/Regular printed copies?
Block 17
What type of reports provide a supplemental record of performance for active duty COs or OICs as
observed by their operational commanders?
Operational Commander
In what block (FITREP/CHIEFEVAL) will the operational commander reporting senior fill in the Member’s Trait Average and the Summary Group Average next to the line identifier?
An NOB report is identified by an “X” in what block of the performance report?
What type of reports are used to fulfill reporting requirements when graded reports are inappropriate?
NOB reports may be submitted for short periods of duty or TEMDU (not to exceed how many months)
that is purely for administrative or training purposes, academic duty under instruction, duties that require a member’s complete independence from any appearance of command influence, and Regular report periods
that have been fully evaluated in a Concurrent or Operational Commander report?
In some cases, it may sometimes be appropriate to evaluate a limited number of traits (no more than how many traits) without making a promotion recommendation. In these cases, submit an Observed report (leaving block 16 blank)?
An Observed report with a “NOB” promotion recommendation cannot be submitted if the member
received a 1.0 in any trait, a 2.0 or below in Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity or Character, how many 2.0 trait grades, or contains adverse information in the comments?
What will the applications software produce for all NOB reports having the same reporting senior and
ending date?
Summary letter
Briefly give the reason for submitting a NOB report and provide necessary administrative information in block 43 for all reports, other than reports for Annual Training that are greater than 10 days and less than how many days?
When a member is ordered for duty to a civilian (other than what) or foreign activity, the orders will normally designate an assigned reporting senior?
U.S. Federal government
How long before a Periodic report is due are Letter reports desired?
1 month
What format must be used for Letter reports?
What manual has a list of UIC’s?
What color ink should be used for signing reports?
Black or blue-black
What are defined as recruit training; veteran, Navy Veteran/Other Service Veteran (NAVET/OSVET)
indoctrination; and schools following in direct sequence prior to reporting to first permanent duty station?
If training is expected to exceed what time frame than Regular EVAL continuity should begin as of the date of detachment from the final phase of IET or at the end of the second regular reporting period during IET?
1 year
A detachment of individual concurrent report should be submitted or a Performance Information
Memorandum should be furnished to the regular reporting senior in preparing the next Regular report for what regardless of length?
Who is the Inactive Duty Training regular reporting senior for all subordinate personnel assigned to the
reserve unit?
Navy Reserve Unit CO
Inactive Duty Training Detachment of Individual reports are required on all members who are detached from the unit as a result of what?
Navy Reserve Unit CO will be assigned in an ADDU status to their respective supporting Navy Reserve
Echelon what level Commander?
Which member of the Navy Reserve will assume authority for the affected reports if a mobilized CO
cannot submit reports in a timely manner?
Inactive Duty Training reports should be mailed no later than how long after the ending date of the
30 days
NOB/Detachment of Individual reports should be prepared with comments for every period of Active Duty greater than how many days and less than 90 days for reservists?
Successive periods of training at the same command that are separated by gaps of how many days or less may be covered in a single FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, EVAL, or a Performance Information Memorandum
for reservists?
Periodic reports may be omitted if reservist members have been on active duty for less than how many months?
What format will be used for Flag officer endorsements?
What should personnel consider using before using a Performance Information Memorandum in lieu of a Regular report?
NOB report
In place of a Regular FITREP, CHIEFEVAL or EVAL report a Performance Information Memorandum may be prepared for Duty, DUINS, TEMDU, or TEMDUINS for a period of how many months or less?
How may a Performance Information Memorandum that only contains administrative or academic
information be signed?
“By direction”
Within how many days must Performance Information Memorandum’s be forwarded to the command
preparing the Regular FITREP or EVAL report for the covered period?