NAVEDTRA 14325, Ch. 15-16, BMR Flashcards
How many yards should personnel abandoning ship be away from the ship before they rest?
150 to 200
How many days on regular rations can the survival kits in large life boats sustain 15 to 20 people?
How many days can personnel go without water before they die?
8 to 12
How many ounces of water per day can personnel survive on in a lifeboat?
How many weeks, or longer, can a person survive without food as long as they have water?
What water temperature, or lower, puts personnel at risk for hypothermia?
75° F
Which condition is characterized by swelling of the foot accompanied by numbness and pallor (lack of color) or discoloration?
Immersion foot
How many basic devices for recovering a person in the water do helicopters use?
Which mneumonic device can aid personnel to reduce or even avoid the shock of being isolated behind the enemy lines, in a desolate area, or in enemy hands?
How many varieties of plants are edible?
How long should scavenger birds be boiled before they are cooked in order to kill any parasites?
20 minutes
What is the process of traveling through enemy-held territory without being captured?
What directs personnel to begin planning their escape the minute they are taken prisoner?
Code of Conduct
Which instruction contains Naval advancement system information?
What are the two categories that ratings are divided into?
Service and General
What are the military requirements for a paygrade?
What contains the minimum occupational requirements of a particular rate?
Which skills and abilities can best be demonstrated (shown) by actual performance?
What are developed by exam writers to help Sailors study for advancement-in-rate examinations?
How many years are performance marks averaged to arrive at the merit rating?
What is the maximum number of days that members serving on code 1 shore duty are required to be absent from the corporate limits of their duty stations?
Personnel serving at code 2 sea duty stations can expect to be away from their home port/home base in excess of how many days per year?
School assignments of less than how many months are classified as code 5 neutral duty?
Duty performed in commissioned vessels or activities in an active status that operate away from their home port/home base in excess of how many days per year are credited as double sea credited because of
the nature of the mission?
Who is the senior enlisted person who matches personnel within a particular rate or specialty with the available Navy wide billets?
Enlisted detailer
How long after being stationed at their first duty station should personnel submit a duty preference
6 months
What is the most significant personnel management tool in the service record?
Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
Which eval trait is not required unless abilities are clearly demonstrated for personnel in paygrades E-1 through E-3?
How often is the Evaluation Report and Counseling Record for E-3 and below submitted?
What form is used to document the official history of a person’s Naval career?
NAVPERS 1070/600
What form is used to document dependents and emergency data in the service record?
NAVPERS 1070/602W
Which service record form documents the Enlisted Qualifications History?
NAVPERS 1070/604
What words are used to show that the CO has authorized a person to sign the document?
By direction
What systems are used to improve fleet material readiness?
Fundamentals, Systems, along with what else are the three sections that PQS standards are divided into?
Watch Stations
Which PQS section deals with the major working parts of the installation, organization, or equipment
that the PQS is concerned with?
What is it called when personnel are taught skills that are directed toward specific tasks?
What is it called when personnel are taught broad, general, or specific knowledge?
Who is the point of contact for all Navy training and education programs?
Educational Services Officer (ESO)
What type of training teaches personnel how to perform a duty or task by actually doing it?
What type of non-occupational training are all naval personnel required to take on a periodic basis?
General Military Training (GMT)
Which type of schools provide general indoctrination and teach basic military skills and knowledge?
Class “R”
Which type of schools provide the basic technical knowledge and skills required to prepare personnel for a Navy rating as well as further specialized training?
Class “A”
Which type of schools provide personnel with the advanced knowledge, skills, and techniques required
to perform a particular job in a billet?
Class “C”
Which type of schools provide team training to officer and enlisted fleet personnel who are normally
ship company members?
Class “F”
Which type of schools provide training in the skills that lead to the designation of naval aviator or naval
flight officer?
Class “V”
Which command publishes TRAMANs?
What name is given to the in-service voluntary educational programs and the supporting services
provided by the Navy to help you with your education?
Navy Campus
Which program provides undergraduate courses from accredited colleges or universities to shipboard
Program for Afloat College Education (PACE)
What provides a wide range of examination and certification programs, operates an independent study support system, and provides other support and developmental activities?
Up to how many months does the Enlisted Education Advancement Program (EEAP) allow career-
motivated individuals to earn an associate of arts/sciences degree?
How many enlisted men and women from the Regular Navy or Regular Marine Corps may be
appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland?
Which program is intended to help people who have been educationally deprived but have
demonstrated they have the basic qualities and desires needed to earn a commission?
How many years do personnel have to complete a baccalaureate degree when they are enrolled in the ECP?
- How many programs are there for enlisted personnel who possess a baccalaureate degree or higher that lead to U.S. Naval Reserve commissions?
Which commissioning program selects senior enlisted personnel to become commissioned officers without requiring a degree?
Who convenes the Seaman to Admiral board to select eligible applicants?
Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP)
If personnel separate from the Navy at their EAOS but have not completed at least how many years of service they will not receive a discharge but will be “separated” from active naval service?
How many types of discharges from Naval Service are there?
Which type of discharge indicates satisfactory service by personnel but not to the standards established by the Navy?
Commanding Officers can recommend personnel for a Navy Good Conduct Medal as a reward for how
many years of good conduct?