NAVPERS 15560, Part 3 NAV MIL PERS MAN Flashcards
Enlisted members may volunteer to be held beyond expiration of their enlistment or active duty
obligation, or other period of OBLISERV. Refer to what?
The normal date of expiration of enlistment or extension of enlistment of a member serving aboard a ship in foreign waters may be extended until return of the ship to a continental port of the United States (U.S.)
or until transfer of member concerned to the separation activity nearest port of debarkation. So retained shall be separated not later than how many days after arrival in the U.S.?
Enlistments are extended automatically in the case of members whose normal date of expiration of
enlistment occurs while they are serving in what temporary capacity?
Officer appointment
Members in the Regular Navy, Navy Reserve, and Fleet Reserve on active duty other than training duty of less than how many days, who are in need of medical care or hospitalization as a result of disease or injury incident to service and not due to their own misconduct, may be retained with their consent beyond the date of their normal expiration of active OBLISERV?
Enlistments are extended automatically in the case of members whose normal date of expiration of
enlistment occurs while they are serving in what temporary capacity?
Officer appointment
Members in the Regular Navy, Navy Reserve, and Fleet Reserve on active duty other than training duty of less than how many days, who are in need of medical care or hospitalization as a result of disease or injury incident to service and not due to their own misconduct, may be retained with their consent beyond the date of their normal expiration of active OBLISERV?
Members for whom tacit consent to retention is assumed ordinarily will not be retained in excess of how long beyond the date of their normal expiration of active obligated service (EAOS)?
6 months
Members being processed before a what shall not be released from active duty or discharged until the
Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) has completed the final action on their cases and instructions received from NAVPERSCOM, Retirements Branch, (PERS-482)?
Members of Naval Service awaiting disposition of criminal proceedings by a foreign jurisdiction are
afforded statutory and regulatory protection and benefits attendant to their status as members of the Armed Forces. At least how long before EAOS, member will be offered opportunity to extend member’s enlistment voluntarily for the duration of legal proceedings and any subsequent punishment?
1 month
What is a vital and effective force shaping tool to properly size and shape the active and Reserve Navy?
High Year Tenure (HYT) Program
HYT dates for ACDU and FTS personnel are computed using what?
What is the HYT for E1 and E2 personnel?
4 years
What is the HYT for E3 personnel?
5 Years
What is the HYT for E4 personnel?
8 Years
What is the HYT for E5 personnel?
14 Years
What is the HYT for E6 personnel?
20 Years
What is the HYT for E7 personnel?
24 years
What is the HYT for E8 personnel?
26 years
What is the HYT for E9 personnel?
30 years
Who may exceed 30 years service provided they meet certain requirements?
Command Master Chiefs (CMC’s)
What is the HYT for SELRES E1 and E2 personnel?
6 years
What is the HYT for SELRES E3 personnel?
10 years
What is the HYT for SELRES E4 personnel?
12 years
What is the HYT for SELRES E5 personnel?
20 years
What is the HYT for SELRES E6 personnel?
22 years
What is the HYT for SELRES E7 personnel?
24 years
What is the HYT for SELRES E8 personnel?
26 years
What is the HYT for SELRES E9 personnel?
30 years
E-4 personnel approved for what program are authorized to exceed HYT dates?
Requests for ACDU and FTS HYT waivers shall normally be submitted using what?
NAVPERS 1306/7
Nuclear-trained Sailors will submit HYT waiver requests to what?
OPNAV (N133)
Requests for SELRES personnel HYT waivers shall be submitted to NAVPERSCOM, Reserve Enlisted Status Branch/FTS Recall and Conversions (PERS-913) using NAVPERS 1306/7, and should arrive how
long prior to established HYT date?
10 months
What is the final disposition authority for cancelling HYT waivers?
If the previously approved HYT waiver is cancelled, ACDU and FTS Sailors will be separated within
how long of cancellation, unless they have sufficient time to transfer to the Fleet Reserve or retire?
120 days
ACDU and FTS personnel who are separated due to HYT gates, and are advancement eligible at the
time of separation, may be eligible for full what?
In order to be eligible for any amount of ISP, ACDU and FTS members must have completed at least 6,
but less than 20 years of active service, and must enter into an agreement to serve in the Ready Reserve for a period of not less than how long?
3 years
To preclude unwarranted ISP recoupment action by Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), commands separating Sailors in pay grades E-5 and below for HYT, who are otherwise fully retainable, shall enter a reentry code of what in Block 27 of member’s DD-214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty?
SELRES E-3 through E-9 personnel may extend or reenlist for any period of time per MILPERSMAN
1160-030 or what else?
ACDU and FTS E-9 personnel receiving an HYT waiver will forfeit what eligibility?
Twilight tour
What defines and discusses twilight tour eligibility?
When the soft expiration of active obligated service (i.e., EAOS plus any extensions) exceeds the HYT LOS gate of the reduced pay grade, separation must occur within how many days from the date of reduction in rate, unless granted an HYT waiver, reinstated, or subsequently advanced?
ACDU and FTS Sailors who have completed how many years, but less than 20 years of service and are
subsequently reduced in rate, shall be retained on ACDU until they are eligible to transfer to the Fleet Reserve unless they are discharged under other provisions of law?
HYT gates for OSVETs in pay grades what and below are computed based on total active Navy service
ACDU, FTS, and SELRES personnel shall appear before a career development board how long prior to reaching HYT?
24 months
Qualifications for Naval Aircrew Warfare Specialist (NAWS) designation require personnel be qualified as a crewmember per what reference, and maintain a consistent record of above average performance per
MILPERSMAN 1220-010 in addition to other requirements?
Qualifications for Naval Aircrew Warfare Specialist (NAWS) designation require personnel to
successfully complete positional qualification requirements for the respective aircraft within how many months of reporting to the permanent duty station (PDS)in addition to other requirements?
Commanding officers (COs) shall certify in writing the member’s qualifications in aircraft positions per NAVPERS 15560 and what reference?
A NAWS designation letter should be prepared per what reference and presented to the member when the Aircrew Warfare Breast Insignia is awarded?
Only active aircrew, on and after what date, are eligible for certificates of designation for NAWS?
1 July 1997
Whenever a member qualifies as a Naval Aircrewman, an entry shall be made on the what in the service record?
NAVPERS 1070/613
Whenever a member is disqualified from aircrew duty, an entry shall be made on NAVPERS 1070/613 showing the reason for disqualification and rescinding of authorization to wear the
NAWS Breast Insignia (except in the case of what)?
Physical disqualification
The assignment or removal of aircrew NECs shall be per BUPERSINST 1326.4D and what else?
The NAWS Insignia consists of a Breast Insignia as prescribed by what reference?
Servicemembers designated as Naval Aircrewmen on or before what date are grandfathered and
considered designated as NAWSs?
30 September 2009