NAVEDTRA 14325, Ch. 9-12, BMR Flashcards
What are practices called that have been established for so long that they now have the force of law?
What are acts or verbal expressions of consideration or respect for others referred to as?
What are the salutes that are rendered to individuals of merit called?
Within how many yards from the ship must boats pass to be considered “close aboard”?
Which day of the week are Side boys not paraded?
How many gun salutes are warranted for the President of the United States?
Military officers below what rank are not entitled to gun salutes?
What are the formal acts that are performed on public occasions called?
What is the largest national ensign in the ship or station’s allowance referred to as that is flown on Sundays, authorized holidays, or other days the President proclaims?
Holiday colors
Which part of the ship contains officers staterooms and wardrooms?
Officers’ country
Which publication provides basic Naval uniform policy?
What is the size of the neckerchief square?
What are the fields of work or occupations called in the enlisted branch of the Navy?
What are the various levels within ratings called?
What are rating specialty marks worn by E-1, E-2, or E-3 personnel who have qualified to wear them
Striker mark
How many years of service are indicated by one service stripe?
How many years of good conduct are required for personnel to wear gold rating badges and service
Who is the most senior enlisted person in the U.S. Navy?
Which type of officers are specifically designated for engineering, communications, naval intelligence, photography, or other types of technical fields?
Restricted line
What type of officers are specialists in certain areas such as supply or medicine?
Staff corps
What type of officers fill the gaps between enlisted and commissioned personnel?
Chief warrant
What paygrade are all warrant officers commissioned as?
What is given to individuals for specific personal acts of gallantry or meritorious service?
Military decoration
What year was the Purple Heart founded by George Washington?
How many people were awarded the original Purple Heart?
Up to how many medals can be worn side by side?
What is the maximum length permitted for mens hair?
What is the approximate diameter size that braids should be when females have hairstyles consisting of multiple braids?
How many inches below the top of the white jumper uniform collar may females hair extend?
No more than how many inches should be exceeded by any portion of the bulk of the hair on females as measured from the scalp?
What length measured from the tip of the finger must fingernails not exceed?
1/4 inch
What color earrings must E-6 and below wear?
What is the basic military position?
What is any .60-caliber, 15-mm, or smaller bore firearm referred to as?
Small arm
What is the M-14’s maximum range?
4,075 yards
What is the maximum effective range of the M-16A1/A2?
460 meters
What is the maximum effective range of the .45-caliber service pistol?
50 yards
What is the magazine capacity of the 9mm pistol?
What are the weapons of choice for short-range work?
What makes the opening (peep) of the rear sight appear larger or smaller, depending on the firing
Eye relief
What is the point on the target where weapon sights are brought to bear?
Aiming point
What is the single most important factor in marksmanship?
Trigger control
Who does the Administrative organization need help from in order to establish and maintain material readiness conditions?
All hands
Who is responsible for maintaining compartment checkoff lists?
Who is responsible for maintaining properly trained DCPOs, repair parties, and repair locker personnel?
Engineer officer
Who is responsible for keeping the command informed on the ship’s survivability readiness?
Executive Officer (XO)
Which team is responsible for conducting all shipboard drills and exercises in the area of damage control?
Who is designated as the ship’s damage control officer?
Engineer officer
Who is responsible for the overall administration and training of the ship’s DC organization?
How many months do DCPOs normally serve for?
What, generally, is the minimum paygrade that Gas Free Engineers will hold?
What is the DCA’s battle station?
What is the nerve center and directing force of the entire damage control organization?
What is the ships highest state of readiness?
General Quarters
What is the emergency damage control communication system employed in the event of primary, auxiliary, and supplementary communications circuit failure?
Which signal is sounded by the OOD to notify the crew of a battle condition (GQ)?
General alarm
If all methods of communications have failed, what are used to relay orders and information?
XRAY, YOKE, along with what else are the three material conditions of readiness?
Which material condition is set during working hours when the ship is in port, when there is no danger
of attack, and when there is no threat from bad weather?
What are used by repair party personnel to find damage control fittings and closures in each
Which fittings are vital sea suctions, ventilation fittings valves serving vital equipment, and valves that
must be open to maintain mobility and fire protection?
How many minutes of breathable air does the EEBD provide the wearer with?
Approximately how many minutes will the SCBA last after it is activated?
Fuel, Heat, along with what else comprise the fire triangle?
What is the lowest temperature called that flammable materials give off vapors that will burn when a flame or spark is applied?
Flash point
What is the temperature called that fuel will continue to burn after it has been ignited?
Fire point
What is the lowest temperature called that material must be heated to give off vapors that will burn without the aid of a spark or flame?
Self-ignition point
Conduction, Convection, or what other method can transfer heat from fires?
Which heat transfer method transfers heat through a body or from one body to another by direct
physical contact?
Which heat transfer method transfers heat through the motion of circulating gases or liquids?
Which heat transfer method transfers heat from a source across an intervening space?
How many classifications are fires divided into?
What protect firefighters from short duration flame (flash) exposure, heat, and falling debris?
Firefighter’s ensemble
What protect personnel from high temperatures resulting from the use of explosive weapons and from burns caused by fire?
Anti-flash clothing
What size are the fireplugs in fire hose stations aboard ships larger than frigates?
2 1/2-inch